Fan Fiction

next in siya ke ram part 19

Precap-Indrajit kills illusionary siya. Ram is in grief. Vibhishan tells them that it’s jus an illusion created by silly meghnad.

Ram doesn’t believe, he asks Vibhishan to repeat his words. Vibhishan tells him that his sita is alive, that was jus an illusion. Abandon this lamentation and false grief which came to you. Let your worry, which augments the pleasure of your adversaries be therefore abandoned.

Vibhishana suggests Rama to send Lakshmana to kill Indrajit, even before Indrajit completes the sacrificial fire in the sanctuary of Nikumbhila. Rama then asks Lakshmana to proceed with the battle along with armies of Sugreeva, Hanuman, Jambavan and Vibhishana. Lakshmana proceeds to Nikumbhila along with Hanuman, Vibhishana and Jambavan to kill Indrajit. Lakshmana accompanied by Vibhishana, Angada and Hanuman penetrates that heterogeneous army of enemies to the sanctuary. Vibhishana takes Lakshmana to the place where indrajit is performing the sacrificial rite. He advises Lakshmana to destroy Indrajit even before he finishes the sacrificial rite at a banyan tree. Indrajit sees Vibhishana there and starts talking harsh words to him, saying that he has ditched him by bringing Lakshmana to that place. Vibhishana replies that because of Ravana’s vices, he has left him and joined Rama’s side. He further adds that Indrajit and his army will not survive under the range of Lakshmana’s arrows. A fierce battle of archery starts between Indrajit and Lakshmana. Indrajit strikes Lakshmana with seven arrows, Hanuma with ten arrows and Vibhishana with a hundred arrows/almost at the same time. In retaliation, Lakshmana strikes Indrajit with a multiple of arrows and Indrajit’s armour breaks up into pieces. Indrajit, in response, strikes Lakshmana with a thousand arrows and breaks up Lakshmana’s armour. A fierce fight ensues for a long time. Meanwhile, Vibhishana joins the battle-field, to relieve Lakshmana’s fatigue. Lakshman smiles. Vibhishana enters the battle-field and destroys many demons. He speaks encouraging words to the chiefs of monkeys urging them to carry on the combat. The monkeys start a furious attack on the demons. Even Hanuma begins to destroy thousands of demons. Indrajit rushes towards Lakshmana and starts fighting with him. Lakshmana kills Indrajit’s charioteer. Four excellent monkey-chiefs kill Indrajit’s horses and destroys his chariot. Indrajit is shocked,

Indrajit goes back to Lanka and brings another chariot with him. He attacks the monkeys severely. The monkeys seek refuge in Lakshmana. Indrajit and Lakshmana continue a fierce battle with their bow and arrows. Lakshmana destroys Indrajit’s chariot. Indrajit strikes three arrows in Lakshmana’s forehead and Lakshmana strikes five arrows on Indrajit’s face. When Indrajit strikes Vibhishana with arrows, Vibhishana kills Indrajit’s horses. Fitting a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, Lakshmana addressed a prayer on Rama and discharged it towards Indrajit. Indrajit’s head gets chopped off and falls to the ground. Witnessing Indrajit’s death, all the monkey-chiefs, Vibhishana, Hanuma and Jambavan applaud Lakshmana.

Precap-Lakshman tells ram that he’s killed Indrajit. Ravan proceeds to kill siya with a sword.

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I luv mythological shows.I study in class 9th. I luv writing fanfics on myths.I'm fan of Mahabharat n siyakeram.Jai sri Krishna! Instagram-vanshikrishnai,wttpad-Vanshikrishna

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