Hello people….a very happy new year to all (subha nava barsha for Bengalis)…first of all m sooooooo sorry for being away from TU for so many days. But trust me I was really very busy… in fact m still busy..but but but the fact is I cannot stay away from u all nd TU for long..so m back!!

So what do u think is today’s topic?? Well what else is there other than “DEVIKA KHANNA”? It is the ‘hottest’ news of TEI…!! so let’s begin…

Honestly after twinj love confession…the mahi death drama had made me sick..for many days i didn’t watch tei nor did i read WU. But devika khanna’s entry made me mad!! I mean look at her..she looks stunning….western outfits perfectly suit her. He beauty which has been faded by the character of mahi now outbursts with elegant luminescence!! this is what shritama is..this is what Vinnie (from bffs channel v) was…nd i just loved her.
Her attitude is just awesome, her confidence level s mind-blowing….on a whole she looks perfect!! Mahi was someone whose existence can be doubted as i don’t think people staying in London have such personalities. Devika is surely not the same..but a more polished character.

I somewhere liked the twist..as now yuvi will get it!! But a question which was disturbing me is…..what would follow next??
What i mean is….after the truth comes out..will mahi forgive yuvi..will she accept her?? Or cvs had planned something else?? According to me yuvi should actually repent..he should understand values..nd then he may be forgiven ….. but all these seems nearly impossible…so m actually worried..

Anyways lets enjoy the current tract and hope for the best…..nd i really want to knw what u ppl feel…so plzz comment as m missing them..love u all ..stay blessed..


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