Guys I am so overwhelmed by your response…I am so sorry …I am so busy…I am a10 this nd I opted for cbse so ..these exams r killings me….so here is the character sketch

Anika Cahill:an orphan..lives with her brother dan Cahill..they r having guardian named aunt Beatrice….grace Cahill is their nanny..they parents died when they were small…

Dan Cahill:a cute dude ..he is 17 and an extrovert and outgoing

Shivaay: an oberoi who did not know that he was a part of cahills..believes in blood lineage and status….an arrogant and person who can go to any level for his family

Rudr and om are the same

Nillie :she is the Au pair of dan and ani

William : a lawyer of grace Cahill

Natalie and Ian kabra: cousins of dan and ani from china

Johnas wizard and his dad,asliastar…r other cousins

That’s it Guys….
love u loads


nothing much...i believe in the impossible..a part of mendes army...i practically just study a lot...loves swimming and hope i be friends with a lot of people out here

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