Categories: Namak Issk Ka

Namak Issk Ka 19th March 2021 Written Episode: Yug saves Kahani in time Update

Namak Issk Ka 19th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Yug gives his keys to Munna. They drive away to search for Kahani. Yug gets a call from Gunjan, she asks if he is in the office? He says yes, why? Gunjan says I was missing you so I thought if you are not busy then can we video call? Yug says why you want to prove that I am not lying? He thinks that I am sorry I have to lie to you. He tells Gunjan that I have a meeting, he ends the call. Gunjan says what if he is not saying the truth? Saroj comes there and says trust him. Gunjan says I do but it shakes when I see him with Kahani. If I see him in the office then I will be at peace. Saroj says I am telling you to not go there, you will be embarrassed to know that he is there. Iravati comes there and says she can keep a check on her husband. Saroj says you know Yug is a truthful person.

Iravati says but he is young so we can’t be sure. She asks Gunjan to go to the office, if you find Yug there then we will be wrong but if he is not there then we will know that he has changed. Gunjan leaves. Saroj says I was taunted by everyone for years but why are you taunting me at this age? This house is sitting on our shoulders. We have seen so many troubles and have fought against it together so why are you separating yourself now? Why are you taunting me all the time? You can talk to me directly. Iravati says I can’t because you are talking to me as Yug’s mother so you can’t see Gunjan’s pain. She leaves from there. Saroj says I wish she could see that all kids of the house are equal for me.

Rupa is with Ravi. She gives him food. He thinks I have to tell truth to Kahani but I have to reach to her. He acts like coughing and gets jittery. Rupa brings him to the garden and says I will bring water. She leaves from there. Ravi drives away his wheelchair. Rupa comes back and doesn’t find him.

Ronak says to himself that nobody can doubt me about this kidnapping as I wouldn’t ask for the money, the second benefit is that Yug won’t be able to give 20 lacs for her. So anyone who has kidnapped her can do anything with her, they can kill her or do anything they want with her. He says I wanted to marry her and give her love but she destroyed everything so the hell with the marriage now, I will break her ego and defeat her. There will be no marriage.

Kahani is in the car with the goons. Ronak calls his goons and says do whatever you want to do with Chamcham rain, whatever you want to. Just don’t get caught. The goon says nobody will be able to catch us.

Yug and Munna arrive at the warehouse. They look around and don’t find Kahani. Yug says she is not here. Munna calls his man and says she is not here. Yug finds Kahani’s anklet there. He recalls making her wear that before. Yug says I want to find her, he grabs Munna and says I can misbehave with you, I am so angry so find the kidnappers soon. Munna puts the gun on him and says you are an innocent man so I am helping you. Yug says I will drive the car as you drive slowly.

The goons bring Kahani to a site. There is a pimp standing there. Kahani is tensed to see her. The pimp asks to show her face. Kahani is scared. The pimp says she is a pretty girl, you guys could have got any money for her. She gives the money bag to the goons to buy her. The goon says you can have her now, we will send the first guest for her soon. Kahani says leave me alone. She tries to fight but the goons drag to her the pimp’s car. They are about to put her in the car but Yug’s car arrives there. Kahani cries seeing him there. Yug rushes to Kahani but goons put a gun on him. Munna asks the goons to get lost. Yug hits the goon and throws his gun away. Kahani frees herself and starts beating the pimp with a stick. Yug’s hand gets cut by a goon, Kahani sees blood on his hand and tries to rush to him but the pimp catches her. Kahani slaps her and says you want to get beaten? Yug is beating goons, they all run away. Kahani tells the pimp that runs away from here, the pimp runs from there. Kahani looks at Yug and runs to him. She hugs him tightly. Sajanwa plays. Yug is reluctant but hugs her back. Yug pulls back from the hug and looks at her, he asks if she is fine? Kahani says you are here so I am totally fine now, I knew you would come. She sees blood in his hand and says you fought the goons like a hero? You don’t take care of yourself. She cuts her saree and ties it around his hand. Kahani says you could have been careful, sometimes you are an idiot. Munna tells Yug that you are a lover even if you don’t accept. Yug says this is not my love but helplessness. Munna says it doesn’t look like that, it’s good to see you both. He greets them and leaves. Kahani says if someone saves a life then that person becomes God but my God is Bhole Nath so you are next to him now for me. I thought that no one will do anything for me as I am a dancer so no one would care about me but you proved me wrong. Thank you, you have increased my respect in my eyes and you are my hero now. She comes near him so he gets awkward. She says you are awkward again? you won’t say anything? Yug says you don’t listen to me so.. Kahani sees Munna taking away the car and says our car.. Yug says it’s my car and now his. Kahani says why? Yug says it was a price to pay to reach you. Now let’s go. Kahani says I was kidnapped so you can be nice to me. Yug says just be silent and come with me. Gunjan calls Yug and says where are you? I am in the office. Kahani takes the phone from Yug and says Gunjan? Gunjan says you were kidnapped? Kahani says Yug is with me at the kidnapper site, we are coming with sweets. She ends the call. Gunjan says what nonsense. Kahani gives the phone to Yug. Kahani says I will bring back your car, don’t worry.

Rupa is looking around for Ravi in the market. She is worried about him.

Yug gives Kahani her phone. Kahani gets a call from a man. The man says someone in the wheelchair asked me to dial your number. Kahani is stunned and says Ravi baba. The man says you should come here. He tells her the address. Kahani tells Yug to come with her, I will tell you everything.

Rupa calls Iravati and tells her that Ravi is missing. Iravati says how can you be this responsible? I am coming. She drives away with Saroj, Ronak, and Juhi.

Kahani and Yug stop an auto. Yug says tell me where we are going? Kahani says to Ravi baba so just sit inside. Yug sits in the rickshaw with her.

Iravati asks the driver to drive fast. Ronak says what if someone kidnapped him as well? Iravati says don’t say stupid things.

Ravi is waiting for Kahani to come. He thinks I will get flowers for her today, I will promise her that she is not alone anymore and I am her father. He comes to a flower seller and gets a bouquet for her. Kahani and Yug arrive there. Ravi is elated to see them. Ravi starts going to them and is crossing the street in his wheelchair but a car hits him. Iravati arrives there too with family. They are shocked to see Ravi lying on the road. Rupa comes there too. Iravati gets dizzy seeing him.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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