Fan Fiction

Naksh or gayu ff (Intro)

guys my exams are postponed to December so I think to write an ff as I promise but there are two person on which I think I can write an ff, naksh and Gayu because these two character are mostly sidelined in the serial. So I think to write an ff about them but I can make lead couple only one of them because it is very hard to give equal importance to two couple so I think to make only one couple in my ff.

and in this ff I will previously warn you there will be no Kartik character and so is naira leaving home. The story is that she was about to climb on train but naman sees him and stop him from doing so and makes her talk to akshara and their my are cleared because I don’t want anyone to be negative in my ff. So where will my ff start will be told in the 1 episode so decide this and I will do research and bring you the ff as fast as I can and in this ff there will be all character except Kartik not like my previous ff where I can’t be able to show 80% character. So I am sorry for that. 2 days later the result will be a announced so please vote

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