Naamkaran is about more than JUHI character…

Hello everyone, all of Naamkaran fan’s are irritated about Juhi character, some of you even hate her we all agree about that. But the show is not just about her, it a great story with many inspiring characters. I will start with Neela maa, she’s is the most wonderful stepmother (I used the word stepmum instead of mother in purpose) we witnessed from the beginning whow special her relation with Avni is the ideal bond it is…

Then there is one of my favourite character Neel’s father, he is not just the greatest father and father in law, but his relation with his own mother is to be set as exemple, he married against his mother’s wishes but steal manage to keep their relationship as good as it can be, he never get between Bebe an Shweeta when they both have an argument, and I think everyone remembers the advice he gave Neel at the hospital…
The main story is obviously about illegitime kids and theirs struggling. We all think we have a solid opinion about the subject, do we really know how hard it is in reality, it’s not a light topic like our comments shows it..

I kept for last the main raison we all watch this show, AVNEEL, we just love them, they are great together, as characters they are well crafted, their psychological makeup is well done and that’s what makes their story compelling and credible.

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