Fan Fiction

Naagin os competition

Hi guys Siddhi here.I have came back with a competition and not a Ff.

Yes you read it right that there is a naagin os competition.

There are many Ff on Rivanya and even me too writing a Ff on Rivanya.

So the fans of Rivanya and nagging be ready for a os competition.

I am also taking part in this competition.Whoever wants to participate in his competition please tell in comment box and in private messages tell me the name of your os.and remember only os no Ff.

There are some rules of this Ff

• You can write a os on Rivanya but please don’t forget to add naagin in your os’s name.

•You have to tell me if you have to participate till tomorrow.

• And after you participate in competition then you have to post your Ff till 2nd November.No os will be accepted in the competition after 2nd November and whoever gives there day after tomorrow then it will be not accepted.

• The os should not be matured.18+ os will be not accepted in competition.You can add romance but not very much.

And guys there is no theme for the competition.You can write any type of os.

So hope whoever reads it will take part.


Heart beats are rhythm and our words are the lyrics

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