Fan Fiction

Naagin – Love forever Episode 17

Sukanya stabs the knife on Shivanya’s stomach and she falls down.

Sukanya:Now Ritik will be my.

Sukanya laughs evily.

Ritik is working in office when a image comes in front of his eyes that Shivanya is unconscious and he gets worried and thinks

Ritik:Why this images are coming.If Shivanya would be in danger then.I have to go to forest which is coming in my dreams.He goes to forest.He reaches forest and starts finding Shivanya and he see her unconscious and goes towards her.

Ritik:Shivanya open your eyes please.

Ritik have tears in his eyes.Ritik tries to wake her up but she is still unconscious when he sees yogi Raj about to hit the car and he pushes him aside.

Ritik:Are you okay?

Yogiraj:I am okay but why you sound sad?

Ritik tells everything and Yogiraj says

Yogiraj:You can save your wife.

Ritik:How can I save her?

Yogiraj:You have to sit in a yagna with Mr for 2 hours.And remember you can’t leave the yagna.

Ritik:Okay Yogiraj I will do this.

Yogiraj:Then come with me and take Shivanya to temple.

Ritik takes Shivanya in his arms and goes towards Shiv temple.They reach Shiv temple.

Ritik keeps Shivanya on floor and sees her and gets emotional and Yogiraj consoles him.

Yogiraj:Control yourself she will get fine.

Ritik and Yogiraj sit in yagna.

Sukanya comes to know that Ritik is doing yagna for saving Shivanya’s life.She decides to stop the yagna and goes to Shiv temple.Sukanya reaches Shiv temple.She takes big snake’s form and tries to attack on yogiraj and Ritik but fails as yogiraj kept a surakhsha kavach for them and Shivanya.

Sukanya tries to attack on Shivanya who is unconscious.But fails.She goes from there.After two hours yagna gets complete and Shivanya gets conscious.But she is very week and when she tries to stand up she is about fall when Ritik catches her and says

Ritik:Shivanya you are week.

Shivanya:Ritik thank you for saving my life.

Ritik smiles.Ritik thankses yogiraj and goes from there with Shivanya at Raheja house.

Precap:A man to say

Man:I will kill Ritik and Shivanya at any cost.


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