Fan Fiction

Naagin- cute lovestory (episode 9)

So sorrrrrry that for long time that I didn’t update the ff for long time because my exams are going on and my exams are also not yet finished so i am free today that’s why i am updating my ff today……so please bare it with me for few more days!!!!!!!!!!!Wishing u all people in advance Gandhi jayanti and all the muslims a happy new year….

Recap-Ritik cuts the cake with his family members…….

Ritik is searching for Shivanya in the party………

Shivanya goes towards Ritik and wishes him happy birthday and gives him a simple watch……

Ritik- thanks
Ritik-njoying the party!!!!!
Ritik-where is ur sister???
Shivanya-njoying with her friends

Naina gets a call and goes without informing Shivanya………..

Shivanya is searching for Naina and calls her but her phone is switched off…….cames to know from her colleages that she left in emergency…………

Shivanya-oh god how will i go home??
Ritik-any problem???
Shivanya-i came with Naina and she left already for an emergency and i want to go to home………….
Ritik-ohh if u want u can stay in my house…
Shivanya-no thanks it’s k i’ll manage……….
Ritik-u stay in my house na today and u can go frm here only to office….
Shivanya-no it’s k i’ll go to my house….

Shivanya goes aside and takes the call…..

Shivanya gets call of shesha…..

Shesha-de i am coming home are u there
Shivanya-na i am at Ritik’s party
Shivanya-nthing like that………do a favour can u pick me up from Ritik’s house
Shesha-kk fine………

Phone disconnects………..

Shivanya tells Ritik that my sister is coming to pick me up……….

Ritik till that much time u an njoy the party……
Ritik-u knw wht more than my secretary i take u as my friend……
Shivanya-me tooo

Shivanya gets a call and goes aside……..

On phone……

Shivanya-ya Shesha tell where u reached
Shesha-i am wating outside come fast
Shivanya-k fine..

Cuts the phone…..

Shivanya tells Ritik that her sis came and she is gng…..

Ritik-k bye…see u 2morrow….

Shivanya leaves the party and goes with Shesha and her friends……..

Ritik also looks tired and decides to windup the party…….

Party gets over…….

Ritik thinks of Shivanya

Precap-Ritik is worried for Shivanya …………


Njoying in my lifeand love to watch tv. Love to be crazy always different from others and in my own world.

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