Fan Fiction

My Life From Another One – SwaSan FF – Episode 6

Link for the previous episode????

Episode 5

Thank you Fariha, Sandhiyaswasaniyan, Sus, Tani, Safa, Hemi dear , Anju, Amala, Milestone, Kumu, Anu, Minnie08, Mannu, Neha_01 and Nabamita for commenting. Thank you everyone who read, liked and disliked my FF.

The episode starts with Sanskar reaching his home. His dad sees him.

Dad:- Where were you son?

Sanskar:- I went to meet Swara. (As he remembered something he says) I mean Miss. Swara. 

Dad:- That’s good. I hope you both will do the project well. I have asked her to complete her previous project too. She said that she would complete it by Monday. If you can you must help her. Because she is doing a lot of work for our company. 

Sanskar thinks “What a brilliant idea!”

Sanskar:- Then dad, I will go and help her. Shall I leave now? 

Dad:- Of course. 

Sanskar says in a loud voice , ” Mom, I won’t come for lunch todayyy” 

Mom:- What? Why is that beta? 

Sanskar:- I’m going to meet Swara . She’ll feed me. 

Dad looks at him surprised. Sanskar sees him. 

Sanskar:- No no I mean I’m going to meet Miss. Swara. I will have lunch from there. 

Dad:- I hope you won’t disturb them too much. 

Sanskar:- Of course not Daddy. 

He hugs Dad , says “I love you so much Daddy” and flies away. His dad looks surprised! ? 

Sanskar quickly opens the door of the car, gets in and starts driving. While driving, he thinks, 

” What should I get for her ? ” ?

He thinks and thinks and thinks. “Nothing comes in mind” He stops the car. 

“There’s no use if I go without anything. What shall I buy?” He looks around. 

He sees a vegetable seller. “Vegetables! A very bad idea. If I give her tomatoes she’ll throw them back to me. ? But wait a second. I can give them to her mom. O really? I’m mad. She’s not Swara but her mom. But what’s the difference? If mom starts liking me, then the daughter will be mine without fail.” ? 

He gets down from the car and goes to buy vegetables. He is unable to decide what to buy. 

“What is this one? Looks exactly like an egg! Which one should I buy?” He thinks. “I’ll buy everything” 

He starts selecting one from each vegetables. Then he put them on a bag, give money and came back to the car. 

“Momma, I’m coming”? 

-The Scene Ends-

Next scene starts with Sanskar reaching Swara’s home. He picks up the bag and gets down from the car . 

Swara sees him through the window.”Why did he come again? I won’t open the door. ” 

Sanskar comes and rings the door bell. Swara’s mom comes and opens the door. 

Swara:- O no. Why did mom open the door? 

Sanskar says ” Aunty I came to help Swara for her previous project. She has to return it by Monday. Dad told me to help her. 

Swara’s mom:- Ok beta. Come inside. I’ll call Swara. Swara….

Sanskar:- Actually aunty, this is for you. 

He gives the vegetable bag. 

Swara’s mom:- ah what’s this beta? Why did you take this much trouble? 

She sees the vegetables on bag and smiles. (?) 

Sanskar:- aunty I hope you’ll like these. 

Swara’s mom:- Of course beta.  She gets happy. 

Swara comes there and sees the vegetable bag on her mom’s hands. 

“Did he bring those? Is he mad to give vegetables to a visiting house?” She controls her smile and asks “Why did you call me mom?” 

Swara’s mom:- Swara, he has come to help you in your previous project. 

Swara:- But I didn’t ask for any help.

Sanskar:- Dad told me to offer you help. 

Swara:- Is that true?

Sanskar:- Why would I lie? 

Swara’s mom:- Ok you both carry on the work. I’ll go and make tea for you. Swara if you want you can do your work in garden.

Swara:- No need mom. We can work here. 

Sanskar:- Thanks aunty. I think it is necessary because I don’t want to trouble your daily routine.

Swara’s mom:- aw such a nice boy. Swara.. go out and work with him

Swara:- but mom..

Swara’s mom:- but but but? Go go . 

She leaves. Sanskar looks at Swara. 

Sanskar:- Shall we go out ? 

Swara:- Wait I will get the files .

She runs inside and comes back with some documents. 

Swara:- Let’s go .

They go out. 

“Let’s go there” They go near a bench and Swara sits. Sanskar too take a seat beside Swara. 

Swara:- Can’t you sit in front of me? Why so you try to come close to me? You are just my  project helper.

Sanskar:- ha but. (He thinks a bit)late Ok Swara I will sit in front.

He sits in front of Swara.

Swara puts the files on the table and opens the first one. She starts describing the projet. Sanskar looks at Swara and doesn’t listen to her words. 

Swara:- Do you understand now? I hope you can fill this grid for me. After all you are here to help me right. 

Sanskar:- I understand you are so beautiful that I’m unable to get my eyes out of you. So how can I get that grid filled? 

Swara hits Sanskar’s hand. “You idiot. Don’t you know how to fill a grid? “

Sanskar fold back. “Aw aw . It’s hurting. Don’t hit me. I’m just a poor innocent boy. Please please.

Swara:- Oho hello poor innocent boy. You have to fill this grid right now . Do you get it? 

Sanskar gets upset . 

Thank you so much for reading ……


Be happy

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