Categories: Mithai

Mithai 21st April 2022 Written Episode Update: Mithai worries about paying back her loan

Mithai 21st April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dadu asks Sid if he can honor his mother’s promise and marry Mithai? Sid says I am sorry but I can’t do this. Dadu asks if he has given any promise to Apeksha? You know I don’t like these love marriages but if there is something going on between you and Apeksha then I will accept your relationship. Sid says it’s not like that. I just don’t believe in love and marriage, I have always seen my mother suffering in her marriage, she was never happy so I don’t believe in marriage anymore so I can’t do this.

Mithai comes to the family members and says don’t be sad if Sid scolded us. Kirti says we are part of this family so we can do what we want. She plays the music and they all start playing a game. The dare lands on Karishma. Rajeev says I will

give a word to Karishma and she has to enact it. Rohan will guess what it is. He gives the word to Karishma. She tries to give hints to Rohan and the word is ‘I love you’. Karishma blushes and runs from there. Mithai says I will go and get sweets. She runs from there and bumps into Sid. He shouts what’s your problem? Mithai says you always come in front of me out of nowhere. Sid asks her to open her eyes and see where she is going, he leaves. Mithai says this man is so bitter. She goes to get sweets.

Ginesh comes to Dadu and says why are you so unhappy with me? I have given my life to this business but you keep insulting me. That girl is more important than me? Dadu says you are still bitter that she won the competition against you? You are a businessman but you don’t understand how sweets are made. Ginesh says I know you keep trying to make her stay in this house. Dadu says I wish I could make her stay in this house forever. I think Aarti understood it way before that’s why she chose Mithai for Sid and told it to Indu. Ginesh says what are you saying? Dadu says Aarti chose Mithai for Sid but he doesn’t want to marry. Ginesh says stop bringing Aarti into everything, I don’t care what she wanted. I don’t trust this girl and her mother. You can talk about Aarti all you want but I don’t care. He turns to see Sid there. Ginesh leaves from there. Sid turns around to see Mithai cooking in the kitchen. He recalls Ginesh’s harsh words and leaves from there.

Scene 2
Dadu recalls Sid rejecting the marriage proposal and Ginesh’s harsh words. Dadi comes there and asks what happened? Dadu says I couldn’t understand what was going on in Sid’s heart. He didn’t accept the marriage proposal and Otherside Ginesh is bitter and said he doesn’t care about Aarti’s words because she is dead. Sid heard everything. Dadi says why did you talk to Sid about Mithai’s proposal? Dadu says Sid heard everything when Indu talked to us. Dadi says even then you shouldn’t have talked to him. You should understand that Ginesh gave all this time to the business. Ginesh comes there and tells Dadi that Bhura came to the office and asked for 5 lacs as interest on the loan. I know this girl is fooling us but I know Dadu will ask me to give 5 lacs to that goon. Fine, I will pay that goon and then this girl will run away. Mithai comes there and says you don’t have to pay him anything. She tells Dadu that I will work hard and earn money to pay Bhura back. Till then you can keep my 2 lacs with you. She leaves from there. Dadu glares at Ginesh.

Mithai comes to the mandir and says how will I arrange 5 lacs to pay back my loan? Indu comes there and says God will help us. Mithai says don’t worry about anything, she leaves. Indu prays for her.

Geetu comes to Chacha and asks if Dadu is alright? He didn’t come for tea.

Mithai comes to the kitchen and thinks I will find a way to pay off my loan. I will work hard after going back to the village to earn this money.

Precap: Geetu says to Bauji, Bhabhi wants Mithai as her daughter in law, it’s still possible, we understand that Sid is not ready to get married but Shubham is also Bhabhi’s son and I think Shubham is best for Mithai.
Bauji says to Shubham I have chosen a girl for you, she is good and you already know her, she is Mithai. Mithai is standing at door.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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