Categories: Meri Saas Bhoot Hai

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 16th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Gaura Helps An Unsatisfied Ghost

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 16th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gaura tells Rekha that she promised Varun to ward off ghost from his hotel within 24 hours, how will she do that. Rekha says they should search that ghost first and find out her story. Gaura asks how will she when she can’t see the ghost. Rekha says she can see the ghost though and starts searching. Ghost girl attacks Gaura from behind. Rekha catches the ghost girl. Gaura finds ghost’s purse, a 2 lakhs medical bill, and her ID card in it. She asks Rekha to confirm with the ghost’s name is Kiran. Ghost disappears. Gaura says that girl’s name is definitely Kiran.

Gaura questions receptionist if Kiran works there. Receptionist asks who is she. Gaura says she is Kiran’s friend and came to meet her after a long time. Receptionist informs that Kiran committed suicide 6 months ago, she had taken 2 lakh Rs loan from the office for her father’s treatment. Gaura feels something is fishy and seeks Kiran’s house address. She heads towards Kiran’s house with Rekha when Rekha notices Som on a bike and tells Gaura that she has seen that boy before. Som wanders searching for Gaura and misses her. He returns home. Twinkle taunts him that he is searching for Gaura and is having an affair with him. Som gets angry on her.

Gaura reaches Kiran’s house where her father informs that Kiran never used to stay away from him, he is in deep pain due to her suicide. Gaura asks if he knows about the 2 lakhs Kiran took. Father says no. Gaura notices Kiran’s photo with 2 boys and asks who are they. Father informs that they are Kiran’s colleagues and friends Rohith and Prakash. Gaura meets Rohith first who lies that Kiran is just his colleague and gets angry on further questioning. He informs Prakash about Gaura’s questioning and alerts him. Gaura then disguised as Kiran’s ghost frightens Prakash and makes him confess in front of poli/ce that he and Rohit murdered Kiran. Drama continues…

Precap: Varun taunts Gaura that she failed to free his hotel from ghost invasion. Gaura takes him in and says she fulfilled her promise.

Update Credit to: MA

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