Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 9th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Vinayak’s truth comes out in the open

Mere Sai 9th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vinayak appears from behind. I told you that she must have stolen everything! Vinayak smirks as he notices Radhika’s shocked face. Flashback shows Vinayak checking his Baba’s drawers while he is asleep. His father asks him what he is looking for. Vinayak says I am looking for property papers. We have to show it in Chawdi for tax purpose. He asks Varda if she has seen it. Everyone comes there. Varda declines picking anything from there. I did see Radhika spending too much time around this almirah. She was reading something here. Shripad asks his brother why Radhika will do it. Vinayak says she is smart and too educated. She wants to get everything in her name. Flashback ends. Vinayak says I am sure she would have realised that she wouldn’t have gotten anything in her name without our signatures.

That’s why she stole them. It is a good way to seek revenge. Radhika denies. These papers prove that! Shripad cuts her off mid sentence. It is enough. I am illiterate and a fool as well! I thought you might be good but you are trying to create a rift between us. You think my brother is trying to steal Baba’s money and is giving him wrong medicine? He is not our enemy. Leave now! Don’t come back here ever again if you have any shame left. Find work somewhere else if you want to. Leave Shirdi or I will! Varda asks Radhika if she is dumb or stubborn. Vinayak tells her not to speak to her. I will lodge a report against Radhika if she wont leave Shirdi by tonight. You will rot in jail your entire life. Radhika looks on helplessly. How do I explain things here Sai? Vinayak thinks did she really think she will win by getting those papers. Someone calls out to Vinayak. He steps out and is shocked to see the lawyer standing at their door.

Vinayak’s family steps outside as well. Vinayak’s Baba asks him about the lawyer. Lawyer introduces himself. Your son told me to make the property papers in his name. I came here in the morning with the papers. He met me outside Khandoba temple and told me to give the papers to her (Vinayak). Flashback shows Vinayak meeting lawyer outside the temple. Please get everyone’s signature on it. Vinayak requests him to give them to his SIL. I trust her very much. Plus, she is family. Lawyer agrees. flashback ends.

Lawyer shares that Vinayak got angry when he later met me and found out that I gave the papers to Radhika. It felt as if he dint meet me before at all. I was sure something was not right and I came here. Radhika takes the papers from her FIL and shows to the lawyer. Are these the same papers? Lawyer nods after checking them. Vinayak made me write that his Baba and brother want to give everything to him. Radhika asks everyone if they still don’t believe her. Vinayak nods. How would we believe any random person? I think this lawyer is on Radhika’s side. Lawyer is shocked. You don’t know me now? You came to Kopargaon yesterday and gave me papers yourself. Vinayak’s father says he went to another place yesterday. Lawyer says you can check with my assistants. I feel he does not have right intentions. Rest is on you all. He leaves. Radhika says my duty was to bring out the truth in open. Don’t trust me if you don’t want to but get yourself treated from Sai. Don’t sign any papers without reading them. Vinayak says you started lecturing us when nothing worked. Radhika’s FIL experiences a fit. Shripad and Vinayak help him lie down and rub his feet and hands. Radhika chants Om Sai Ram.

Sai appears just then and calls out to Radhika. I am right here. Radhika requests Sai to help her FIL. His condition is not good. Sai looks at her FIL. Radhika requests everyone to let Sai check her FIL once. You know He can fix anything. Radhika’s MIL asks Sai to help them. He has got fits before but this one is extreme. Sai says Vinayak is giving medicine to him after all. Radhika says Sorab ji told you that that medicine makes one weak and sleepy. That’s what has happened here. Sai denies. Why would Vinayak want something wrong to happen to his father? He tells Radhika’s MIL to bring that medicine. She goes inside. Sai assures Radhika’s FIL that he will be fine. You should be strong for your family where everyone loves you. Radhika is mistaken. No kid can harm his parents in any way. You have looked after your son with love. You used to wear old and tattered clothes when you dint have enough money. Vinayak recalls asking his Baba why he never buys something new for him (when he was a kid). His father dismisses the discussion somehow. Sai says why Vinayak will snatch his brother’s share when Shripad gave up studies for his sake. He asks Vinayak if he remembers what used to happen when they were kids. Flashback shows Vinayak coughing while studying. Shripad gives him water. Flashback ends. Sai says Shripad used to look after his brother all the time and he lagged in studies because of that. That’s why he couldn’t study after 4th class. Shripad loves his brother so much and their Baba trusts Vinayak so much. Why would Vinayak think of harming them? Radhika says I know that you (Vinayak) still have humanity inside you. You wouldn’t have stopped those goons from hurting me otherwise. How can you see your Baba’s healthy deteriorating then? Vinayak’s mother comes back with the medicine. Radhika requests Vinayak to stop his mother. Vinayak is in a fix. Villagers are watching them. Vinayak’s mother is about to give medicine to her husband but Vinayak stops her. Everyone looks at him in shock and confusion.

Vinayak folds his hands in front of Sai. I will admit all my crimes. Please save my Baba. Sai nods. Vinayak breaks down. Sai takes out udi from his bag. Prabhu ji karo sahay plays. He mixes it in water and feeds it to Vinayak’s father. Everyone heaves a sigh of relief as he recovers and sits up. Vinayak apologizes to his father for lying. Radhika was telling the truth. Entire family is stunned to hear it. Vinayak says I have been embezzling money since years. I got those papers made. I gave you a medicine which exhausts you to get everything in my hands. I really dint know it will harm you so much. I tried to snatch the papers from Radhika when I thought she will tell you my truth! I did a drama of the papers being stolen when I failed in that plan. Please forgive me. His father slaps him hard. Why? For what reason? We gave you everything! Why did you cheat your family? Vinayak falls on his knees. Punish me the way you want to but I thought that I was better than you all! I started wondering why I should share my hard earned money amongst you two.

Precap: Vinayak’s mother tells her husband to throw Vinayak out of the house but Radhika tells them against it. I know the pain of getting thrown out of this house. Bhau ji has realized his mistake and is repenting it. Don’t let anything break your family!

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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