Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 7th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Shastri and Sai’s Clash

Mere Sai 7th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai goes to Uma and Balchandra’s house to get charity and checks walls. Uma brings charity and asks what is he doing. He says he is checking how strong walls are, then picks soil from tulsi plant and applies it on wall. Uma asks what is he doing, walls are strong. Sai says she does tulsi pooja each morning and evening, her devotion made the soil powerful which strengthened walls more and god’s blessings are on her house now. He thanks her and he walks away blessing her.

Dattu shatters reminiscing grandma’s revelation that Balchandra and Uma adopted him, so he doesn’t c carry their good upbringing, etc. On the other side, Shastri sees Balchandra’s tensed face and asks him to go out and get fresh as it is difficult for him to digest truth. Balchandra walks out.

Uma reaches there and seeing his tensed face asks reason. He informs what Shastri told. Uma says Shastri may be wrong. Balchandra says Shastri’s prediction never fails. Uma says they believe Sai who always does good to people, Sai will change Shastri’s prediction. Shastri hears that and walks out fuming, shouts at Balchandra that his wife is illiterate and who is Sai, his words are his guru’s words and never fail. Kulkarni walks in and asks if the couple did anything wrong, he should forgive them. Shastri says someone named Sai is misleading them and thinks he can change his prediction, he wants to meet Sai right now and prove him wrong. Kulkarni thinks what he couldn’t do, Shastri will do. He provokes Shastri that Sai is a lier and not to bother about him. Shastri says then he will meet Sai at any cost and will prove him wrong. Kulkarni with his followers takes Shastri along.

Dattu walks towards home thinking that grandma thinks she will spoil her biological grandson. Hari asks why is he walking so fast, where are laddoos. Dattu angrily pushes him away. Shastri reaches Dwarkamayi and calls Sai. Champa warns him to behave with Sai. Kulkarni interferes, and Champa warns even him. Santa warns if she knows whom she is speaking to. Govinda asks if he knows who is Sai, dare not misbehave with him. Shastri yells that Sai has brainwashes even small kids. Sai asks him to take a seat and asks Govinda to bring bananas from inside, offers raw bananas to Shastri. Shastri yells if will offer raw bananas to guests, when will they ripe. Sai says when they need to wait till bananas ripe, why can’t they wait till future comes on its way. Shastri yells he cannot escape and has to show his palm, he will predict his future now. Sai smiles.

Precap: Uma asks Dattu why did he push Hari. Dattu saysy he didn’t want to play with him and asks why he is considered responsible always, is it because he is….

Update Credit to: MA

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