Categories: Meet

Meet 5th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet and Cheeku runs away from Sarker

Meet 5th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manmeet threatening to harm himself if anyone approaches Meet and Cheeku. Mahendra tries to intervene, but Manmeet remains resolute. He stops the goons from advancing further. Manmeet instructs Meet to escape with Cheeku while stating that any bullet would have to go through him before reaching Meet. Meet drives a jeep and manages to escape with Cheeku. Meanwhile, Shagun waits at the Ahlawat mansion, anticipating Meet’s arrival. However, Meet and Cheeku spot a police van outside and quietly leave the premises. Shagun confidently asserts that Meet will surely come there because Sumeet is present.

Sumeet notices Meet and Cheeku entering the Ahlawat house and realizes she must stop Meet. Sumeet intentionally drops a vase to alert Meet. Shagun berates Sumeet harshly, and Meet becomes aware of Shagun’s

presence. Meet decides to leave with Cheeku and find another hiding place. Sarkar and Manmeet also arrive at the Ahlawat mansion, and Manmeet senses that Meet and Cheeku are nearby. Sarkar accuses Manmeet of causing Meet and Cheeku to run away. Manmeet realizes he must do something to help Meet hide properly. He taunts Shagun, ridiculing her for always losing to Meet. Shagun approaches Sumeet and urges her to reveal Meet’s whereabouts.

Shagun attempts to manipulate Sumeet by claiming that Meet will love Cheeku more because he is her first child, and parents typically have a stronger bond with their firstborn. Manmeet advises Sumeet not to believe Shagun’s words. Shagun persistently tries to manipulate Sumeet into divulging Meet’s location. Sumeet mentions that her mother loves her dearly and has taken Cheeku to Guruji’s ashram. Manmeet winks at Sumeet, knowing they have successfully fooled Shagun. Shagun directs the police to go to the ashram with Manmeet, and she herself heads there as well. She instructs Sarkar to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Before leaving, Manmeet drops the car keys and signals Meet to take them. Meet realizes they are Sarkar’s car keys and, with Cheeku, hides inside the car. Shagun and Manmeet arrive near the designated location, but Manmeet claims it is further away. Shagun notices Manmeet’s phone’s reflection in the mirror and realizes they are tricking her. She recalls Sumeet’s statement about overhearing Manmeet on a call, despite his phone being switched off. Shagun realizes that Manmeet and Sumeet have deceived her. She angrily throws Manmeet’s phone away and orders them to take Manmeet to the Ahlawat house. Manmeet fights off everyone, points a gun at Shagun’s head, and instructs Badri to tie up the police and constables.

Manmeet then turns the gun on Shagun and forces her to tie up Badri. He makes everyone sit on the floor and ties up Shagun’s hands as she continues to shout that she will take Cheeku regardless. Manmeet leaves them all tied up and departs. Sarkar opens the door and encounters individuals from a pest control company who inform him about poisonous gas and advise closing all windows and doors. Meanwhile, Manmeet approaches the police commissioner and requests him to sign the stay order. Although initially reluctant, Manmeet attempts to persuade him. Meet tries to shield Cheeku from inhaling the gas but ends up fainting herself. Cheeku stepping out of the car to seek help in saving Meet.

Precap None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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