Categories: Meet

Meet 26th March 2023 Written Episode Update : Sarkar announces his wedding with Jashoda

Meet 26th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Jalebi and Imarti rush in. Imarti says Sarkar look I brought Jalebi back, she doesn’t love him, he does come lets get you two married. Sarkar remembers seeing Meet and Manmeet together. Imrati gets in Panditji as well. Sarkar asks Pandit to begin wedding rituals and says with Jashoda.
Imarti and Jalebi in shock.

Manmeet gets excited and says to Jashoda, Maa look he said he wants to marry you. Imarti says but Jalebi is here. Sarkar says I am doing all this for Manmeet, he was away from his parents love and now I don’t want him to see in tears because he can’t get their love and asks everyone to be happy and get Jashoda ready as bride. Gunvanti says today I will help Maaji get ready, she wull be the most beautiful bride.
Manmeet hugs Sarkar and thanks him. Manmeet says to

Meet, I love you a lot Bapu Sarkar, you and Maa are my life. Sarkar says I thought I will be never able to fill the gap between us and now I know I can and no one can take you away from me and go get freshen up and you will get us wedded go.
Sarkar looks at Meet and leaves.
Meet looks at Manmeet and smiles.

Sarkar about to talk to Mahender in his room, Meet walks in and says I am alive and I know you two must be furious after losing, here have some cold butter milk and till God wants no one can kill me, somebody helped me and Sarkar tell your son Mahender to pay more to goons such useless and leaves.

Sarkar says Manmeet saved you and now Manmeet will destroy her.
Manmeet asks Gunvanti to make kheer so that Jashoda can feed Bapu Sarkar as the did. Gunvanti says all are busy we will make tomorrow. Meet walks to Manmeet with Kheer and says even I know Jashoda gives kheer to Sarkar on every occasion. Manmeet thanks Meet, Meet says I am going to make some mehendi, don’t have this and leaves.

Manmeet thinks about Sarkar asking him to ruin Meet’s character.

Sarkar walks to Shagun and asks do you think Manmeet has changed. Shagun says no, why do you ask this. Sarkar says no one kidnapped Manmeet, it was Manmeet and Meet’s plan and he didn’t tell you about this, so I feel they are getting attracted to eachother and Manmeet looks like Meet’s dead husband. Shagun starts crying. Sarkar says to her, who knows you will soon lose Manmeet or else may have lost him already, you have always stood and loved Manmeet and now Meet will steal all this from you, I wish I could help you, go now Manmeet must be waiting.

Jashoda gets ready, Meet walks in and says I got Mehendi for you. Jashoda says Gunvanti I want to ve alone for sometime. Gunvanti leaves. Jashoda calls Meet near her and says you gave me my husband back, only you have right to apply this mehendi on my hand. Meet applies Mehendi on Jashoda’s hand. Meet asks her, have you considered me as daughter now. Jashoda says I don’t understand all this, I have just given birth to boys, I don’t understand what daughter is, you were here to fight build factory, then why didn’t you go.
Meet says to her, when a girl gets married she can fight whole world with her family and that is what I want to do and I guess I have reached your heart atleast. Meet says I just want your blessings and I will fight all the hurdles.

Jashoda asks Meet, what will happen even if I accept you a husband a male is a women’s identity, also Manmeet hates you, he will throw you out from here some day, for sometime lets keep this all aside, tell me will you two ever love eachother, never. I have waited 24yrs for him and want to give him all the happiness and Shagun is Manmeet’s happiness, I want someone for my son who will do anything for my son and you won’t do that for son and so how do I accept you?
Jashoda leaves the room.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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