Categories: Meet

Meet 24th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Sumeet learns about Shlok’s lie

Meet 24th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shlok sweetly saying romantic lines to Sumeet. However, he feels unsure about telling her the truth about Wonderboy. Suddenly, Sumeet hears footsteps approaching her room, so she quickly hides Shlok. Raj enters and looks around, surprised to see Sumeet dressed in a beautiful lehenga. He compliments her and warns her about a cockroach since she’s allergic to them. He tells her she can’t enter the room until pest control is done. Shlok worries that he couldn’t reveal the truth to Sumeet.

Feeling nervous, Shlok tries calling Sumeet to talk before the concert. But Raj accidentally answers the call on speakerphone. He tells them they’re coming to the concert and wishes Shlok good luck. Shlok decides to write the truth in a letter and asks Sarthak to give it to Sumeet. However, someone

interrupts him while he’s about to hand over the letter. The concert starts, and the host announces that Wonderboy will appear live on stage. Sumeet gets excited and cheers for him. Shlok sees her from backstage and realizes it’s too late to tell her the truth. Sarthak tries to comfort him.

Sumeet expresses her excitement to see Wonderboy. The lights go off, and Wonderboy performs on stage. Sumeet tells Raj that Shlok will surely be smiling when he sees them. Raj wonders why Shlok isn’t wearing the jacket Sumeet gave him, but she thinks he must be wearing an outfit chosen by his designer. When Wonderboy turns around, Sumeet is shocked to see it’s not Shlok. In a flashback, it’s revealed that Raunak blackmailed Shlok into keeping quiet because Raunak signed a contract to use Shlok’s voice for Wonderboy for a large amount of money. Raunak admits that Shlok’s voice is behind Wonderboy, but Raunak is the one on stage.

Shlok feels emotional as he thinks about Sumeet, and Sumeet feels heartbroken, thinking Shlok lied to her and he’s not Wonderboy. Shlok sees Sumeet leaving and tries to talk to her, but she refuses and leaves crying. Shlok feels emotional as he remembers their time together. Raj gets angry at Shlok for lying to Sumeet and hurting her. Sumeet stops Raj and reminds him that Shlok is also Vani’s brother-in-law. Shlok keeps getting beaten up, and Sumeet tells him she will keep the jacket he signed as a reminder not to trust anyone blindly. She tells him she hates him and walks away with Raj.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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