Categories: Meet

Meet 21st June 2023 Written Episode Update: Shagun challenges Sumeet

Meet 21st June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sumeet lies on her bed, recalling the promise she made to Masum. She wonders why Abhay, who supposedly likes Vani, didn’t respond to her. Sumeet is unsure of what she should do. Shlok, who is Abhay’s brother and also Sumeet’s admirer, waits outside her house, hoping for a chance to talk to her. He wants to discuss convincing Abhay’s mother to accept his relationship with Vani. Shlok prays for Sumeet to come out so he can tell her his plan. When she finally appears, he admires her and writes a message on paper, throwing it into Sumeet’s room.

Raj arrives and scolds Shlok for staring at Sumeet. Shlok lies, saying his bike wouldn’t start. Raj starts the bike and warns Shlok never to come back. Sumeet reads the message from Shlok, informing her about Shagun’s visit

to the temple the next day and her car’s details. Sumeet sees this as an opportunity to convince Shagun. With a smile on her face, she notices the keychain with Shlok’s name. Sumeet goes to the temple with her maids, and when she sees Shagun, she takes a bouquet of flowers and runs towards her.

Sumeet introduces herself as Sumeet Sangwan, and Shagun remembers meeting a younger Sumeet whom she called a copy of Meet. Shagun playfully puts gulaal on her face to hide her identity and prevent Sumeet from recognizing her. She wants to take revenge without being recognized. Sumeet tells Shagun about Vani Alhwat, who works with them, and Abhay’s liking for her. Sumeet requests Shagun to give them permission to be together and find happiness. Shagun reminds Sumeet of the previous day when she wasted their time at the office. Undeterred, Sumeet expresses her desire to spread happiness like her mother, Meet. Sumeet’s bare feet burn in the sunlight.

Shagun challenges Sumeet to ask her staff to leave if she wants to be like her mother, as Meet used to fight alone. She asks Sumeet to sell at least thirteen flowers from the bouquet in one hour. Meanwhile, Raj and Masoom meet Abhay to convince him to marry Vani. Raj fails to notice Shagun’s photo nearby. Shlok meets Sumeet, who is struggling to sell the flowers. She thanks him and returns his keychain, refusing further help. Sumeet faces difficulty under the scorching sun while selling flowers. She borrows a dhol and plays it to attract attention, but eventually faints from exhaustion. Shlok and Abhay come to her aid.

Later, Sumeet regains consciousness in Shagun’s car and asks for a second chance. Shagun informs her that the decision has already been made and tells her to go home. Abhay confesses to Shagun that he genuinely likes Vani. Vani notices Sumeet’s tired and tanned appearance and asks her why she looks unwell. Sumeet breaks down, fearing she won’t be able to keep her promise to Masoom. Vani tries to console her, but Sumeet continues to cry. Shlok visits Sumeet, and she initially lashes out, thinking he has come to make fun of her. To her surprise, Shlok reveals that Shagun has agreed to their relationship, and Sumeet happily hugs him. Raj sees them hugging.


Update Credit to: Tanaya


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