Fan Fiction

After marriage life is colourful episode-35

Hope all will be fine…. I had replied all of you please check it in previous episode…. Thank you for your lovely comments…. I think yours interest about this story gets increased that’s why I got less comment only…. if you all feel so please forgive me and make me understand…. I try my best to give a good episode…. Ok now get into the story…. Happy reading…
The episode starts with Gowri’s room,
Anika: can I ask you something Gowri….
Gowri: sure didi you have all the rights….

Anika: what happened between you and Om…. I know you also love’s Om because I had seen many times in your eyes….
Gowri: nothing like that didi….
Anika: don’t lie to me Gowri…. In morning I had hear what you speaks to Om…. If you don’t want to share this with me then I will not ask anything…. Saying this Anika tries to leave but Gowri stops her by holding her hand….
Gowri: sorry didi I think to hide this from you from for not making you all too sad…
Anika: I didn’t get that Gowri…

Gowri smiles and says, I also had a cute family like ours…. My dad had died during my ten years old after his dead my brother Ranveer and my mom Kamini only tack care of me like princess…..they are my world…. my ambition is to become a doctor I also succeed in this…. after my studies I had joined in city hospital as a Gynecologist….. Then she explained everything happened between them like how they meet each other at first and how they starts to love each other and about those children’s and how they proposed each other…. On the day of our proposal itself our life gets started…. Did you know didi after that day we can’t live even a second without seeing each other…. My day will start after speaks to him and my day will end after speaks to him…. Same as for Om also…. If I didn’t his call he will come to hospital to scold me…. Every day he will scold me for behaving like a child…. At the time his scolds also shows how much he loves me…. Like this our love story continuous one and half year…. FB starts,

One day, Om calls Gowri continuously but see didn’t attend his calls…. Om says, always she will like this only…. what I said to her she will come on 5’o clock now time is 6’o clock but till now she didn’t reached… also she didn’t attend my phone call also if I went there she will fight with me like not treating me as a child…. Gowri hears all this and smiles…. Om says this is last time if she didn’t attend the call sure I will be there be ready Ms. Gowri…. This time Gowri attends the call…. Om starts to scold her by not giving any space to Gowri….. Om: did you know how much I get afraid, I had called you more than 25 times but you didn’t attend even my one call…. That much busy you are…. You only said na you will be free after 5’o clock then only I had fixed this time…. Now time is 6 but you didn’t reach….

Where are you… why you didn’t answered of my any question idiot…. If you give any time for me to speak then how can I speak idiot’s lover… Om smiles and says in fake anger don’t show your over smartness idiot…. Gowri: I have so I showed if you also have show to me who stops you idiot’s lover…. Om: where are you idiot…. Gowri: at hospital idiot’s lover… Om: oh continue your work Ms. Idiot I am leaving… Gowri: ok idiot’s lover saying this she cuts the phone…. Om gets shock and asks how she says ok…. And also she cuts the phone also what she think about herself…. Gowri laughs by seeing his state… then she sees Om but she didn’t find him and thinks if he really went… how dare he is without seeing me how he can leave…. Then she calls Om…. Gowri: where are you Om… with me says by one girl…. Gowri gets shock and asks in anger who are you, why you attend my Om’s call… that girl: excuse me he is not your Om, he is mine only mine…. Gowri: how dare you called my Om as yours…. If you give this phone to Om or not….

That girl no now only he comes after a long time so I can’t allow him… because of that Gowri he didn’t come to me now she leaves so Om comes to me…. Gowri eyes filled with tears…. she hears Om’s voice such as come on darling I am so tired…. Hearing this Gowri cuts the phone and kneels down then starts to cry…. at the time one hand touches her…. Gowri looks at that person….. after seeing that person she starts to beat him and says who called you go to your so called darling…. Om laughs and asks sure you don’t have any problem… Gowri turns her face…. Om says come darling we will go…. Gowri hurriedly turns and looks there but she didn’t find anyone… Om laughs and speaks in girl voice I am always free baby….

Then only Gowri understand it’s all Om’s prank…. After that she starts to beat him but Om runs Gowri also chased him….. at last Om falls on graze Gowri also falls over him…. They share on eye lock…. Gowri said did you know how much I get afraid after hearing girl voice on your mobile…. Om: you believe me this much only idiot…. Gowri puts her head down…. Om: you also know na I can’t manage even one evil then how can I….. first Gowri smiles after understand what Om says….. Gowri says how dare you called me as evil….. saying this she starts to beat….. in park other members seeing their fights starts to laugh…. After hearing their laughter Gowri get’s up from Om…. Omri gets embarrassed and leaves from that place….. in night, Omri walks on road in hand in hand….. Gowri puts her head on Om’s chest…. Om’s left hand around Gowri’s shoulder…. Om asks Gowri….. Gowri: hmmmm…. Om: our love story had passed one and half year….. Gowri: hmmm…. Om: oye why you’re saying hmm only…. Gowri: hmmm…..

Om stops her and makes her looks at him…. Gowri: what happened Om…. Om: I have to talk to you… Gowri: hmm…. Om: oh god, please stop this hmmm…. Gowri: hmmm…. Om: didn’t speaks anything…. Without speaking anything Om leaves to his car and he sits inside the car…. Gowri smiles and sits beside Om by hugging him…. Om pushed her… Gowri: ok sorry by holding her ears…. Om smiles and hugs her and says, I am serious please don’t play in this Gowri…. Gowri: ok baba now say…. Om: I want you always be with me…. Gowri: now also I am with you only na… Om: not like that Gowri… Gowri: then what…. Om: actually I want to change your name…. Gowri breaks the hug and says Gowri is nice name only why you want to change this name…. Om oye idiot that means by changing Ms. Gowri Mehra into Mrs. Gowri Omkara…. Gowri blushes and hides her face in his chest…. Om smiles and asks, will you marry me Gowri… Gowri nods…. Om asks when and where… Gowri: first we have to ask permission from both families then they will decide… Om: ok tomorrow I will come to your home…. Gowri: why so hurry Om… Om: because I can’t wait I want you…. Gowri: ok tomorrow first I speak to my brother and mom then you can speak to them…. Om hugs her more tightly….

Next day in Gowri’s house,
Gowri asks bhai I have to talk to you…. Kamini comes and says what secrete you will say to your bhai… Gowri stammers and says actually mom…. Ranveer: oye choty come and sit then say…. Gowri also did the same…. Kamini now say beta… Gowri: Do you believe me bhai…. Ranveer why you are ask like that Gowri…. Kamini: we are completely believes you… Gowri: till that time I didn’t hide anything from you two… Ranveer: we also know that choty… Kamini: come on Gowri say na why you are afraid to speak to us…. Gowri: mom I am in love with one person…. Kamini and Ranveer stand’s…. Gowri gets shock and she also stands…. But believe me he is also nice guy…. He will take care of me like you two…. Ranveer is that so… Gowri nods by putting her head down…. Ranveer and Kamini laughs…. Gowri gets happy and sees them…. Kamini: are you afraid to say this… Ranveer: how we can deny our choty’s wish…. Gowri hugs them with tears…. Kamini: but first we have to see him then only we said about our decision…

Gowri: you will like mom…. Ranveer: see mom your daughter’s confidence…. Gowri blushes…. Raveer ok call and invite him for dinner…. Gowri: thank you saying this she runs to her room… in her room she called Om…. In first ring itself Om attends the phone… Om asks first did you speaks to your bhai and mom… Gowri smiles and says yes in a sad voice… Om asks why your voice is so dull….Gowri: Om actually…. Om: say na Gowri if they didn’t accept it… Gowri: actually… Om shouts say fast idiot don’t pull my legs…. Gowri: now itself you have to ready to manage this idiot till her lifelong…. Hearing this Om shouts yeah they accept me….. he jumps in joy…. Gowri: first you have to get ready bhai says to me to invite you for dinner….

After that only they will decide…. Om: they will like me… Gowri: sure they will like you so don’t worry… Om: but I get so nervous… Gowri: I am there with you and also its not any interview…. Om: ok guruji I don’t have a time to speak to you because now I have get ready to see my future sasurma’s house…. Gowri smiles…..

I will stop here guys…. After knowing your opinion only I will post another episode…. If you didn’t like it then I will stop this story…. Please make me understand if you liked it or not…. Waiting for your replies… till then bye this is from your maha… love you all… tack care of you all….



I am very proud to be a Tamil an....

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