Categories: Kundali BhagyaNews

Manit Joura’s Departure from ‘Kundali Bhagya’: A Journey of Reflection, Growth, and Fond Farewells

Renowned for his portrayal of Rishabh Luthra in the long-standing Hindi drama “Kundali Bhagya,” Manit Joura recently bid adieu to the show after seven years of dedicated service. In an exclusive interview with Times of India, Manit divulged the heartfelt reasons behind his decision to part ways with the beloved series.

For Manit, the choice to depart from “Kundali Bhagya” was a deeply personal one, rooted in a profound understanding of his journey as an actor. Citing the sage advice of his acting mentor, Manit emphasized the importance of recognizing when one’s contribution to a role has reached its natural conclusion. He expressed gratitude for the enriching experience the show provided, acknowledging the invaluable growth and opportunities it afforded him.

Despite the emotional weight of bidding farewell to a cherished chapter of his career, Manit approached the transition with a blend of nostalgia and anticipation for what lies ahead. Fondly reminiscing on his time spent on set, he acknowledged the familial bonds forged with his co-stars and crew over the years. Manit attributed much of his personal and professional development to his portrayal of Rishabh Luthra, recognizing the character’s role in shaping his identity within the industry.

Looking toward the future, Manit remains optimistic about the prospects awaiting him beyond the confines of “Kundali Bhagya.” While he acknowledges the challenge of transitioning to new roles, he approaches the journey with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Balancing career aspirations with a newfound focus on personal fulfillment, Manit intends to savor moments of respite with his wife and family, cherishing the opportunity to rediscover life’s simple joys.

As Manit embarks on a new chapter, his departure from “Kundali Bhagya” serves as a poignant reminder of the cyclical nature of artistic evolution. With unwavering gratitude for the past and boundless enthusiasm for the future, Manit Joura stands poised to embrace the next phase of his journey with grace, resilience, and an enduring passion for his craft.


Namaste, I am a Blogger and a Voice Artist. Born with a flair to play with words, I invigorate feelings through thoughts, woven with words for the world to imbibe.

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