Categories: Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 12th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Adit and Somiya meet an accident

Mangal Lakshmi 12th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Adit gives the bouquet to Mangal. Somiya doesn’t like it. Karthik says such a perfect couple. Adit says do we need to do more drama or can we have dinner?

Mangal serves the dinner. Adit says to Mangal ask your sister to stop acting like uneducated kids. Who does this on pooja day? Is this a movie day? See your face and think if I’d bring flowers for you. See how you look and dress. These are flowers from the office from yesterday. Lakshmi says they look fresh. They are from today. He says wow. Are you spying on us? Let us talk. Have some manners. No guy does this drama. And not every guy is unlucky like me. He leaves. Mangal says don’t mind. He gets angry. You shouldn’t have spoken either.

Somiya is leaving. Adit says to leave after dinner. She says

I shouldn’t have come. He says I am so sorry. I feel so bad. The kids were forced to give her flowers. He says I am only yours. She says I have no comparison with Mangal. I am much better than her. You gave her my used flowers. Mangal says sorry to Lakshmi. She says Adit keeps getting angry. He was lying. I saw him buying those flowers. He got angry when I called that out. Mangal says don’t be a spy. Somiya says I know you love me. He says you’re so understanding. She says I am not petty like them. But I did everything for the house but your family is giving all the credit for it. He says I am sorry. I don’t know what to say. She said I wanted to keep that card. I deserve it. Not Mangal. Mangal says it might be a misunderstanding. Adit never lies. Stop overthinking. Lakshmi says I have a video. Mangal says enough. If you say one more thing about Adit I will forget you’re my sister. Lakshmi cries and hugs her. She says I will always be your sister. mangal hugs her. She says sorry. She says I got stressed. Don’t say such things. Lakshmi says I am worried about you. I am your sister. Your happiness matters to me. Is everything okay between you and Adit? Mangal recalls everything. She says everything is fine. Nothing is wrong. He just gets angry but I also make mistakes. We forget oourseveles. He has a lot of stress in the office. Lakshmi says but that doesn’t mean you had to say sorry to Somiya. Mangal says I had to stop escalating the situation. It was my family’s pooja.

Somiya says to Adiit I didn’t like you giving flowers to Mangal. He says let’s go for a long drive tomorrow. She says would you be able to leave? He says no one here can stop me from meeting you.

Scene 2
Lakshmi and Mangal prepare for the pooja the next morning. Adit is leaving. Mangal asks are you going somewhere? He lashes out why do you always have to question? Am I a child who needs to answer you everything? I have work. She says I was just saying we have pooja starting. He says am I the Pandit? I can’t stay. Kusum says you should have said no to work today. If husband and wife pray together they stay blessed for life. Mangal says they shouldn’t have kept a meeting at night. He says I should resign from this job then. I should tell them I will only do pooja from now on. He throws his bag. Mangal says sorry that’s not what I meant. I was just asking. He says you only like to spoil my mood. Lakshmi says but she just asked you to stay for pooja. Adit says I am talking to Mangal. You stay out of it. Kusum says it’s Mahashivratri pooja that’s the only reason why she asked you. He says you know I don’t like being questioned or stopped like that. She says okay you go, come fast. He says I’ve to go. Somya calls him. He says I am getting calls from the office.

Scene 3
Aidt comes to meet Somiya. He says I told everyone I am going to meet Sobu for work. They question so much. Mangal is questioning a lot these days. She says she has no right to do that. You’ve no compatibility with her. She has no quality to be your wife. She’s lucky to have a classy husband like you. He says when I think about her I get angry. But we shouldn’t think about her. She says I will drive today. I have a surprise for you.

Mangal does pooja with her family. She says the kids are asleep. Mangal wonders if she should call Adit or not. She says he’d get angry. Mangal starts the pooja. Adit and Somiya are on the highway. Adit asks where are we going? She says to see Taj Mehal. He says agra? She says yes. Adit says but it’s too far. She says it’s just a 2 hours drive. Audit says it’s too late. We can go some other day. She says how boring. We should go today. He says okay if you want that. Their car meets an accident. It hits a truck. Mangal feels a shock in the pooja. Lakshmi asks what happened. She says I don’t know something doesn’t feel right. Papa says we can start the pooja after Adit comes.

Papa gets a call. He shouts in shock. He says what? Adit.. everyone is shocked. Mangal asks what happened.

Scene 4
Mangal and their family rush to the hospital. Mangal asks which room is Adit in. Karthik also comes there. Lakshmi says they’re not informing which room he’s in. Thye cry. Kusum cries and says I am so worried for him Karthik. Mangal says I stopped him from going to the meeting. Karthik says where was he going? Lakshmi says out of Dehli? He was going towards Agra. That’s where they found the car. They’re all shocked.

Episode ends
Precap: The nurse says you guys can’t go in like that. Who is this woman going in? Lakshmi says that’s Adit’s wife. She says if she’s the wife then who is the one with him? Lakshmi asks Somiya what were you doing with Adit on the highway? She said we were going for a meeting. Lakshmi says his office isn’t on the highway. Were you going to Agra? Mangal is shocked. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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