Categories: Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 11th April 2024 Written Episode Update: Adit arrives to help Mangal at Nitin’s house

Mangal Lakshmi 11th April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Nitin says Mangal that he would have enjoyed seeing Laxmi after her Roka was broken and mocks her. Mangal responds, saying Laxmi isn’t weak and questioning why Nitin’s mother supports his wrong actions. Nitin then declares his wish to marry Laxmi. Mangal firmly refuses Nitin’s request to marry Laxmi.

Laxmi tries to meet Mangal but her auto breaks down. Nitin warns Mangal he’ll marry Laxmi or stop her from marrying anyone else. This leads Mangal to confront his mother, who believes they’ve hurt Nitin’s pride and must face his anger.

Nitin threatens Mangal, saying he’ll ruin Laxmi’s reputation. Mangal threatens to file a police complaint against him. Nitin threatens to post edited photos of Laxmi online unless Mangal apologizes. Mangal reluctantly agrees, remembering her promise to Laxmi’s mother. Nitin demands she apologize.

As Mangal is about to comply, Adit steps in, questioning her actions. Nitin demands they both bow, but Mangal makes him drop his phone. Adit scolds Nitin and fights with him.
Mangal takes Nitin’s phone, and Adit warns them of legal consequences if they cause trouble. Nitin threatens Adit’s job, but Adit remains firm. Nitin and his mother claim influence over the police, but Adit reveals he recorded their confession.

Nitin’s mother advises him to follow Adit’s instructions, and Adit makes sure Nitin deletes all Laxmi videos. He warns Nitin to stay away from Laxmi and leaves with Mangal.
Mangal thanks Adit, who questions why she went to Nitin’s house instead of the cybercrime department. Despite not knowing about the cybercrime department, Mangal appreciates Adit’s help. Adit reminds her he can’t always be there. Mangal asks him not to say such things. Adit says to her that she has to be very careful and be updated she just can’t be a general mother and make sure she makes her children strong for the world.  Laxmi arrives and embraces Mangal, worrying about her. Adit scolds Laxmi for getting Mangal in trouble.

Precap: Lakshmi asks Mangal not to search anymore matches for her marriage.  Kusum says to Gayatri that she wants Karthik to marry Lakshmi

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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