Manik is some wat relaxed now spending time with Fab 4, but he cant take Abi and Nandhini out of his mind and going on thinking the scene, its going on flashing in his head.
Here Mukthi is going on messaging and smiling.
Alya : What Mukthi? today u r hooked up into ur phone and smiling what is the matter?
Mukthi : Nothing Alya, just like that.
Alya : Just like that, seriously Mukthi look at u i ever seen u like this, have u got someone spl like Cabir.
Mukthi : What? Alya come on, if that ever happen i would said that to u all na.
Alya : I hope so. Come on Mukthi say it who’s on the line?
Mukthi : Wo..just got a frnd, his name is Abimanyu and he doing his business and thats it.
Alya : Thats it, Mukthi this not fair yaar u made a frndship that too with a boy, but never said me bad yaar and come out where u went?
Mukthi : Oh just now we made frndship Alya and ah he took to a beautiful place full of flowers, greeny greeny i liked it.
Alya : Its good.
Mukthi : What good?
Alya : First time u are talking out of bex, means talking good abt some other guy than our frnds. So its good start.
Mukthi : Alya, its just that he is ready to make frndship with me as iam, thats important he dont want me to change. Infact he approached me in that way. Dont know, lets c.
Alya : Nice. Ok Mukthi i have to go becoz bhai is here for sometime so i want to spend some quality time with him, so c u and leaves.
Nandhini’s house
Abi is going on messaging and smiling.
Nandhini : Abi, u got me here to say something na, but u going on chatting tell me what is the matter?
Abi : Arey Nandhu, just chill, be patience. Come on smile.
Nandhini : Listen Abi iam not in a mood to smile, by the way whats there in my smile come on tell me.
Abi : Okay and explains everything to her.
Nandhini : Wow Abi, u made frndship with Mukthi kaise matlab she is very strong headed how did u managed and u got her out, seriously.
Abi : Ah Nandhu, and she is not that bad.
Nandhini : Support and all hmmm.. anyways iam for u. And r u sure that u want to have only frndship with her?
Abi : Wo.. I like her Nandhu, but u just said na that she is strong headed so i have to work hard. May be..
Nandhini : But Abi, whatever it is u have to taake care becoz she is a girl u like, make sure that u will make her happy forever, and then decide. “Trust and Understanding”, is very important in any relationship so make sure both will make it possible.
Abi : Sure nandhu once she say ok to me so i will take care of her like a princess. And now u tell me what is ur scene?
Nandhini : My scene…what r u saying…there is nothing Abi.
Abi : Really nandhu, dont lie u r not good at it come on.
Nandhini : Wo…Abi and explains everything abt Manik and her except that kissing scene.
Abi : So what r u going to do now.
Nandhini : I dont know Abi, i dont want to break the trust of chacha, chachi and amms. They gave me freedom, i dont want to use it in wrong way.
Abi : But what abt love?
Nandhini : Love! Abi r u mad…there..is no.. love and all.
Abi : Am i looking like a joker who is having flower in my ears, this is love nandhu.
Nandhini : No Abi, there is no love nor he said neither me, so please dont confuse me iam already confused pls Abi.
Abi : Okay baba i wont confuse u, but just think abt it once before u say anything to him thats all. Okay i have to go now, my meeting were lined up so bye…
In Manik’s room.
Manik is going on thinking abt her and whatever happened last night. Cabir comes there.
Cabir : Hai manik still thinking abt Nandhini.
Manik : Ah yaar i cant get her out of my mind.
Cabir : Then y r u wasting ur time sitting her thinking abt her go man and talk to her.
Manik : What r u saying why should i try all the time let her come out this time.
Cabir : Oh like that, okay then she doesnt mean to u right, so forget her u r a rockstar yaar, lots of girls are waiting for u, so forget her, let her be with that boring Abimanyu, what say.
Manik : What? Seriously cabir, u saying this u know na what she did to me she helped me yaar how can i forget her.
Cabir : Ah she helped so what?
Manik : Arey i should adjust little bit for her na its worth it.
Cabir : Accha, so Manik Malhotra is going to adjust for a girl, good start bro. Chal ja juta, ah all the best.
Manik : Ok Cabir bye and runs to meet her.
Nandhini’s mind is occupied by all the stuffs like amms word, Abi’s words, she himself dont know what to do and roaming here and there in her balcony. She saw Manik’s car and panics, He saw her and signals her to come down, but nandhini refused so he said that if she will not come he will enter her room like last night. Now Nandhini got shocked and said that she will come out.
Nandhini : While crying, Nandhini dont get confused say him clearly what u want to say, dont listen whatever he says and say whatever u want to and leave dowm to meet him. She walks carefully and opens the door and gets out and again close the door. Nandhini moves towards him and stands to c him and they share a eye contact.

Nice dear
awesome next one plzzzzz
Hii…really nice..Iam just waiting for nandhu’s reply…
awesum nxt one plz
Yaaaar …..i was scrolling down thn commnts…haha…..bt i undrstand suspense…welll xcitd 2 know….plzz update sooonr…nd osom update…..lovd it..t c dear
Awesome.. lovngg it….