Fan Fiction

Manan-Is it destined to be? (Episode-19)

hello ppl,after long tym (a week)…may b u all r cursing me under ur breaths but kya karu…im a magnet for injuries..i actually frctured my hand so unable to type nd a late update..sorry fr this…nd ya i want to share another happy news …im engaged to the person whom i love…actually last week start v were engaged nd i was busy later it was the injury wch made me busy..this one is entirely said by me nd typed by dear fiance(nivaan)…so all thnk him fr dat in ur comments..not only me fr the story..luv u all.t.c…ignore typos..criticsm accepted…suggestions r welcum.
recap:alya calling manik nd nandu picked up the call..
abhi p.o.v(fr the frst tym..):
ever since nandu got married the house has been quite nd dull..i cant believe she got married so quick nd to manik..he was d last prson i’d evr thought our nandu wud get married to but here she was married to a man lyk him..
i thought when my baby wud marry it wud b a grnd celebration nd to sum1 dat she wud b in luv wth but i guess dat bastard was in in her destiny..
nandu isnt lyk other grls..she has always been shelterd nd treatd lyk a precious diamond nd d lst thng i wntd was her to marry dat heartless man.for sum1 of her age she has been thru lot nd d lst thng i wntd was her to get hurt in dis tug of war..
there r a lot of thngs abt dat man dat his family dont know..thngs dat cud shock dem to d core-if it was up to me my babydoll wudnt even b glncng in their direction.
but dat’s fate…it nevr promises anythng ..but i know 1 thng fr sure..if he ever hurts my nandu in any way well lets just say he will b payng a heavy price.
“bro u heard dis?”varun a gud frnd of mine came to my desk placing a white file infrnt of me as i lukd at him in questioning “wat’s it?”i spoke as i opened the white envelope nd pics of manik fell out…
“u may wanna luk at it “he spoke sitting infrnt of me as i sighed shakng my head b4 lukng at d pics as a certain 1 caught my attention makng me stiffen in my seat..
“whose she?”i mutterd darkly as varun stared at me his face emotionless than b4 nd said “its harshad’s sister-manik’s so called fiance”
.nandu p.o.v:
There r a lot thngs v hold onto in lyf…
v hold on to d prfct idea of lyf,v hold onto d prct idea of luv nd v hold on to d prfct idea of happily ever after’s…but sumtyms v dont get our happily ever after’s. sumtyms its others dat get our hapiness as v watch on unable to do anythng..
I Knew frm d day i got married to manik that our relationshp wont b nrml..sumtyms i wish i nevr married hin..sumtyms i wish i nevr met him but no matter many wishes i make none of dem can chnge the course of lyf..
as i stared at d back of his iphone in my hand ,millions of thoughts ran in my head.y cudnt i have a nrml married lyf..y did this have to happen to me?wat bad have i dne?i mentally whispered as large figure sat infrnt of me …his heated gaze on my hnds nd it was then i decided-no matter how much i tried he cudnt be mine so y try?.y frce sum1 to lyk u wen d heart belongs to sum1 else…And as much as it killed me i had to do dis..i cudnt dstroy his hapiness…..
“nandu?”he spoke puzzled as i lukd up at him,a painful xpression on my face as i slwly placed his mob on d table keeping my gaze avrted “who was it?” he askd strnly as i suckd in breath lukng at him b4 “it ‘s alya”i spoke as his head shot up his eyes gazing at me waitng fr sumthng..sum sort of reaction but none came as i stud abruptly makng him luk at me..
“i wanna go home”i spoke lukng up at him as a shockd luk tuk over his face b4 it hrdned”dnt b stupid..sit down”he shouted as sum1 came behind me nd a voice spoke making manik glare at me”is evrythng alright MR.Malhotra?”spoke d man as manik waved his hand dismissng d man makng me turn around nd luk at d thin man infrnt of me “i dnt wanna go…pls dnt take off..”i spoke clearly as d man lukd shckd b4 a hesitant xpreddion tuk over his face…
“nandu dont be stupid..sit sown”he spat as i glared at him walkng 2wrds d door of d private jet”lemme out now…im not gng wth u”i spoke as d man lukd at manik who now stud up walkng 2wrds me wth a deadly luk on his face..
“sit sown nandu dont play wth me”he spat stndng nxt to me as i shook my head lukng anywhere but at him”manik get off me…i dnt want to go…I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU,U SICK HEARTLESS MAN”i cried as his fists came slamming right nxt to board i was stndng nxt to board ,i was stndng nxt to me”wat the hell is wrng wth u?”he roared loudly as d man flinched in fear..
“LEAVE ME PLS..I DNT WANT TO GO WTH HIM..PLS”I cried lukng to d man as i cried sobbng pushng manik off me as he stud emotionless starng at me..
“PLS PLS LEMME GO..I DNT WANT TO GO WTH HIM PLS…”i cried raising my hands in a begging manner as i slid against d smooth board tears fallng down makng d man step frwrd as he lukd chocked up b4 “Mr.Manik Raj Malhotra under d law i must escort dis lady fr she doesnt want to travel against her will”he spoke as manik raised his hand kneelng down nxt to me ,as he softy cupped my cheeks making me turn my face to d other side as he stiffen”wat have i done?”he spoke in a whispher as i glared at him tears falling down..

“i hate u so mucch manik…go back to ur fiance nd marry her i cud care less but just remember my brthrs wont leave u nd i will nevr frgive u”i spat as d pilot opened d entrance door makng d cool breeze hit against my face as i slwly stud up wiping my tears grabbng my bag b4 walkng 2wrds d ntrance door my heart breakng as i gasped a sob feelng my heart heavy when suddenly i felt a strng hand grip my hand makng my hand makng my body hit against his as his ragged breath hit against my ear…
“dont go”he spoke defeatedly as i lukd at him my tears fallng down makng me sob lytly as he cupped my cheek makng me luk up at him nd shake my head”pls”i whispered as his mob strtd ringing continuously makng him tnsse as he slwly backed off reachng 2wrds it..
“Hello..wat?how is she?tell her ill b there..shit…harshad dont leave her side..shhhh dont worry..she will b o.k aunty..alya will b ok”he spoke raggedly as i froze turning around lukng up at d pilot who had a broken xpressionn on his face as he bowed his head slightly makng me take a deep breath ,tears running down on my face as i slwly walkd down d stairs feelng eyes on me..
This is it….such a delicate relationshp broke wth a mere stance of they say nthng is prmisd nd so as i got inside d blck mercedes i felt my heart shatterng as tears ran down onto my cheeks makng me clutch onto d seat as d driver drove away..
Oh ayappa y is dis happening?

cliffhanger again…coz i lovvveee them…..sorry fr less manan …nd pls dnt hate manik……i wntd to show relation nd bond between abhini…pardon me nd pls do cmnt and let me know ppl..silent readers pretty pls…..atleast now..


Joyful,chirpy nd a big chatter box...A big fan of Virat...

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