Fan Fiction

MAKING FAMILY TREE by anu di not a FF

Hello guys I am janvi with a proposal for you all me and anu di have decided to make a family tree on swaragini’s cast some of the people are the part of the tree but we need more so their are limited seats you can choose any character rather than raglak swasan and Kavita.
drop a small intro of you with the age and character
no basher please it is only for fun

Anu di has quitted the tellupdate for a month
she will be their so soon
The character which have been taken
swara as Anu di
Sanskaar as me janvi vyas
ragini as shagun
laksh as ansha
Kavita as himani
so we need more people and those who are interested can drop the comment below
With lots of love
janvi and anu di



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