Mahira and Azad (unique love story) episode 4

The episode starts with Mahira cleaning the dinning table after everyone leaves.
Kb: sanam…get me coffee
Mahira is shocked: khan begum! I’m Mahira not Sanam.
Kb: ohh..I…thought..uhhh.. I’m the boss of this house so I can call anyone by whatever name I want.
Mahira leaves to make coffee
Kb to herself: how can this happen? How can this Mahira and Sanam have same face? There is definitely something. I’ll have to find out.

Khan begum’s room
Kb takes out a big painting from the wall and gets in the secret room. There was a picture of Ahil and Sanam all over the room.
Kb: sanam! 20 years ago, you had took away everything from me. Till this day, I’m still waiting to get back all my powers and for that, I have to find a girl that has a sign/mark (8) on her. Ahil and you ruined my life and had took away my power from me but I won’t accept my defeat that easily. I will get all my powers back and my son Azad will help me. The sacrifice of his child will once again make me powerful. She smirks.

No precap


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