Episodic Analysis

Mahi to return and save Twinkle.

The upcoming episode will show that Yuvi has evil intention to kill Mahi.

As Mahi has found Yuvi’s truth and knows her true face.

Mahi is not ready to forgive Yuvi for what all he did with her and Twinkle.

Mahi apologizes to Twinkle and Kunj for not trusting them.

Twinkle and Mahi’s sisterly love is reborn and reunites back.

Yuvi threatens Mahi to kill Twinkle and that he kidnapped Twinkle.

Mahi goes to save her sister but got trapped in Yuvi’s plan.

Yuvi’s plan fails
Twinkle comes to save Mahi but fails to police arrests Twinkle in Mahi’s murder charges.

Twinkle and Kunj are upset and has no clues against Yuvi.

Twinkle and Kunj are stuck amid all this and prays for Mahi.

While Mahi returns back alive and exposes Yuvi before all.

And saves her sister Twinkle from murder charges.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates of the upcoming episodes.


Status Update

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