Categories: Mahek

Mahek 30th July 2018 Written Episode Update: Shaurya gets angry on Svetlana

Mahek 30th July 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

(first Part in Piya Albela section)

Scene 1
Svetlana grabs Shaurya who is going to Mahek. CEO pulls Mahek closer and asks if she enjoys parties? Shaurya says to Svetlana that CEO is a cheap man, why are you sending Mahek to him? Svetlana says you are jealous of her success, you cant bear that she won, till you were getting the contract, it was right but now Mahek is getting it so its wrong? if you worry about Mahek then leave the party. Shaurya says I am going to her, you cant stop me. He goes to CEO and Mahek and pushes CEO away from her. All look on.

Naren wakes up, he sees Kiran in his wardroom, he asks if she will not come closer? she nods. He says you love me so much that you fought with your father to save me? She blushes.. he says till when you will keep running from your love?..

it all turns out to be her dream. Naren coughs, she gives him water and thinks that wish I could be yours but now my heart cant be of anyone.

Angraj is leaving, he takes Surbhi with him. Rahul is confused.

Pooja says to herself that Angraj loves my beautiful face and now he will hate it.

Rahul says to Angraj that she got hurt, no big deal. Angraj says I cant live with ugly face. He brings Rahul and Surbhi to Pooja. They are shocked to see her scarred face, broken arm. He says I want my pooja fine. He asks how she got hurt? She says you raised hand on me. Rahul says what did you do with her? what if anyone sees her? Angraj asks Surbhi to do her makeup. Surbhi tries to do her makeup but she screams in pain. Surbhi says makeup can destroy her face more. Angraj says I will brin Kiran for surgery, he leaves. Pooja stops Surbhi and says take your things with you, she gives her makeup kit, Surbhi and Rahul leaves. Pooja smirks.

Angraj says what did I do? I destroyed Pooja’s face. Svetlana calls him and says I need your help. Angraj says ask someone else, I dont have time. Svetlana says remember when you wanted to go to Vyas house, I helped you and I can prove that you are not Naren. He says I cant against you, tell me whats the order? Svetlana says I want to send Mahek and Shaurya to their real place, I will tell you later.

Angraj cries and says how I could raise hand on Pooja so badly? He is in car and sees drugs in compartment, he controls himself and says I need something, he tries to drive the car but cant. He shakes and cant stop himself, he takes the drugs, he takes pills after pills and faints.

Surbhi brings mom to a den. She says we cant hide Naren somewhere else too. Sardar comes there and says I deal with men only, what are you doing here? Surbhi says if you want money and house then listen to us, he asks what do you need? She says mold has come from Delhi, call Kiran so we can give her this. Sardar thinks that Kiran have taken Naren to hospital, if Rahul knows it then he will not spare me.

Scene 2
Rahul comes to Angraj’s car and sees him fainted. He says I told you to not take drugs, what if something happens with you due to overdose?
Rahul brings Angraj to wardroom. On the otherside of the wardroom, Naren is lying there. Rahul calls Surbhi and says Angraj overdosed on drugs, if anyone asks what happened to Pooja then dont let anyone know that Angraj beat Pooja so badly. Naren hears it and says Angraj raised hand on Pooja? Nurse sends Rahul out of the room.

Pooja looks at Naren’s photo and says my heart have only you, no Angraj can take place there, where are you Naren? comeback. She cries but feels his presence. She runs and sees door opening and Angraj coming there. She gets tensed. He moves towards her, she is about to fall but he holds her in his arms, she feels him and realizes he is Naren, she says Naren? they emotionally look at each other. She hugs him tightly. He cries in her arms, abhi mujh mein kahin plays. Pooja gets angry and says go away, you left me, you didnt think about me and how I would fight with Angraj. Naren sits with her and holds his ears, he says thats why I have come to you, to say sorry for every pain you got, she tells him everything, Flashback shows how she tried to stop him saying his life is in danger and he pushed her away and said to not test his love, she took out gun and said if you go out then I will kill myself, he tried to take gun from her, he pushed her away and said that you have gone mad, what new game are you playing? voice message on Pooja’s phone played and its Angraj. Naren says this is my voice who is he? she told him its Angraj, flashback ends. Naren says to Pooja that that Angraj can change his identity, can come here and plan against us so he can do anything, we have to make him believe that I am gone.

PRECAP- CEO brings Mahek to his hotel suite, he tries to go near her. Some goons attack Shaurya.
Kiran comes to Naren in hospital and sees that there is no injury on head and gets shocked.
Naren is leaving pooja. She strikes with Rahul. Rahul is stunned to see him.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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