Categories: Luv Kush

Luv Kush 4th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Lav and Kush get insulted

Luv Kush 4th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ram saying it seems I was also waiting for you since years. Hanuman sys now Raavan shall wait, we are with you now. They chant Jai Shri Ram. FB ends. The man asks how did they help Ram. Lav says we want to end the story here, we are tired, we want to rest, we will tell the story tomorrow, come here to hear the next story. Seth ji says its happening for the first time that the men want to know Sita’s story, I won’t let the men support women. Lav and Kush do the puja. They see the man commanding his wife to wash his clothes. Kush asks when will the men stop treating their wives as their property. Lav says the change is very far. He goes to the people and says we won’t be able to tell you anything now. The people ask for the story. Lav says I will tell you later in detail. He

sends the people. Kush asks why didn’t you tell them Ramayana story. Lav says the people have asked just about Ram’s journey, their thinking is same, they want to know about Ram, not Sita, they didn’t ask about Sita’s journey, Ramayana will complete but our motives won’t get fulfilled, we have to explain them about Sita. Kush agrees.

He says we will go and take Bhiksha from the lady. They see the man accusing his wife for being characterless. She cries and begs him not to blame her. Kush asks the man not to insult his wife. The man insults Lav and Kush also. The lady stops him and says I have to repent for my mistake. The man says it will be right. Lav asks what do you mean to say. She says I went across the river to meet my parents, there was a storm during return, I had to stay at the boat rider’s house to take shelter, my husband lost faith on me, this started with my mistake. The man says yes, I m proud to raise question on Sita first, I have challenged Ram’s decision to accept her. Lav and Kush get angry. The man scolds them. They look for the lady. The man says its good she left, let her die, mind your own work and stop staring at me, you don’t know your house and family, you came to give us knowledge. The lady runs to the end of the cliff to commit suicide.

She jumps down. Lav pulls her up by the rope. The man says I will celebrate today, I got rid of her. Kush cries. Lav feeds water to the lady. He says its not easy to end life, you can use your energy and strength in proving yourself right. She says its not so easy, some people’s fate have just problems. He says we can take our life and fate in our hands, my mum used to say this. She says Sita used to say this. He says if you believe her, then support us in making her image clear, we will always support you. Kush says Dhoban kaki will come back, nothing will happen to her, you will apologize to her. The man laughs. Kush says beware, its my last warning. The man doesn’t care and laughs. Kush prays and gets his bow. He gets angry. The people look on.

The man asks who are you. Kush says we are Lav Kush, we have stopped the Ashwamedhya yagya. He asks the man to change his thinking.

Update Credit to: Amena


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