Fan Fiction

Lurking in the Light of Love (KKB) (Chapter 5 – I Love him!)

Hello my dear friends, choti’s and Silent readers hope I am not taking a long break in between. 😀 So many ppl are missing again. I know everyone is busy that includes me too so no hard feelings. Just missing Moni’s FF. Surbhi you are back finally, I love the way you handled Dadi. I don’t know whether I am commenting or not nowadays but I am reading if I am not commenting let me know sweethearts! Ok, coming to story… Enjoy reading…

Tanu and Nikhil who were arguing about ordering food. She moved her gaze towards Aaliya and Bulbul seeing whom she felt like they would eat up the menu card. Her gaze, then met Abhi’s. He was staring at her without taking his eyes off her. She raised her left eyebrow as if asking him, ‘What?’ He shook his head, mouthing, ‘Nothing.’ Aaliya ordered Aloo Paratha, Tanu and Nikhil after a long fight ordered Schezwan fried rice together. Only Pragya was left to order. She said, “Pulav with Paneer butter masala.” Divi said, “That’s her favorite looking at Abhi.” He nodded his head making a mental note about it. After having lunch they decided to sit for some time and found benches scattered around. Aaliya,Bulbul, Divi went together, leaving behind the 2 pairs. But this time Tanu forcefully pulled Abhi towards one of the benches. Nikhil and Pragya sadly moved to another bench.

Abhi, he might have been away from her, but his eyes were always on her. Same happens with Nikhil. Now let’s see what’s cooking between these people.

Aaliya,Bulbul, Divi:

Three pairs of eyes were watching Abhi and Tanu (Actually, I should say 7 pair of eyes). Bulbul said, “ She is such a witch, she pulled away Jiju from my di. How dare she?” Aaliya rolled her eyes and said, “You are speaking about my friend Bulbul! Who cares, nowadays she is always speaking about either Bhai or Nikhil Bhai.” Divi, “Aiyo Rama! (Oh Lord Rama!) Why can’t she just choose one and leave the other? In this case, why can’t she just choose Nikhil and leave Abhi.?” Bulbul replies, “I told you right? She is such a witch why would she make things simple for us?” Aaliya said, “Hush ppl, Let me try to hear what Tanu is telling to bhai.”

Pragya and Nikhil:

These people are among those 4 pairs of eyes out of 7, remaining two? I will tell you calm down! Just calm down. Pragya asked, “Nikhil, What is actually going on in Tanu’s Head? Or Heart? Or Whatever! I am sorry if I am really being rude, but she wants to be with you and also with Abhi! What’s wrong with her?” Nikhil replies sadly, “Even I am not able to understand Pragya!” They both continued to talk about random things.

Ok, coming to the point 😀

Abhi and Tanu:

Abhi was staring at Pragya even he was with Tanu (We all know this 😉 ) Tanu was so furious seeing this. She held his chin and turned him to face her. Abhi was thinking, ‘If she wasn’t my sister’s friend I would have sliced her up for touching me, that’s only Pragya’s right.’ Tanu said, “Abhi, Look at me, I need to tell you something serious. Listen to me carefully.” Abhi nodded his head thinking, ‘Do I have a choice now? Go ahead, dumb head.’ Tanu continued, “I know that Aaliya has a hot brother, but I never knew it was you!” Abhi rolled his eyes. She continued, “I am serious Abhi, You remember the first time I saw you? When you called me Baby doll?” Abhi nodded reluctantly, then he remembered Pragya and his lips turned upwards forming a beautiful curve. Tanu thought, ‘Wow! He is imagining me!’ She shook him off his thoughts and continued, “I just fell for you at the moment itself Abhi. If it was not for that Orphan Pragya.” Abhi couldn’t take that word and he slapped Tanu across her face yet again (If you guys remember him slapping her in Chapter 2).

Tanu rose from her place and shouted, “ Abhi! I LOVE YOU! You are MINE and I am not going to let anyone steal you away from me. Definitely not that Or..” *stopped holding her hands to her cheeks* “Pragya!” Abhi moved away from her without saying anything and said, “Guys, we need to leave else I will lose my cool here, this woman is mad.” Hearing that Tanu screeched, “How dare you Abhi! How dare you?” (You all know how she screeches! Ouch! My poor ears felt like shutting themselves down after imagining that) Abhi shouted, “Shut up TANU! I don’t love you! I will never love you ever!” He pulled Nikhil and left the place leaving a shocked Tanu and smirking Pragya, Bulbul and Divi. Aaliya felt a bit sad for Tanu though.

Pragya, Bulbul and Divi left, leaving Tanu and Aaliya alone there, Aaliya tried her best to console Tanu but in vain. She was just repeating, “How can he say that he won’t love me ever?” *Holding her cheeks with her hand* Aaliya somehow managed to get her to the entrance of the Theme park and saw the other three girls waiting there for them. Tanu after seeing Pragya was about to pounce on her saying, “It’s because of you! It’s all because of you! The First time he slapped me and even now he did the same to me. I will not let you live I will kill you Pragya.” Aaliya pulled her away and told them to leave she will manage Tanu.

Divi receives a text message from an unknown number saying, “Meet me at the ‘Hard rock Café’ next to the theme park want to speak to you about Pragya – Abhi” Divi informs about this to Bulbul and tells Pragya that she have to leave her parents needs her now. Pragya really felt bad seeing Tanu like this. She thought, ‘I never expected Tanu will react in such a way! She is completely devastated and has lost her emotional and mental balance.’ Pragya saw that Aaliya was giving her a drink spiked with something 😉 so that she will be able to manage her. Now again she thought, ‘Oh Shoot! Now her Physical Balance too.’ Tanu falls unconscious and was about to fall both Aaliya and Pragya held her and moved her into the cab they had booked earlier.

Hard Rock Café 3:00 PM

Abhi was waiting for divi to arrive and was constantly checking the front door of the café. She arrived and spotted him immediately and slid into the chair opposite to him in a 2 seater coffee table. Abhi called the waiter and ordered, “Two coffee, please.” And looked at Divya for conformation. She nodded her head. Abhi said, “I just wanted to confirm whether your Astrologer let you to have something or not.” Divya replied, “Any type of liquid drink is fine.” Abhi shook his head in disbelief and continued, “Ok, leave that now, and coming to the point.” Divya looked at him intently and said, “Ask away.” He asked, “What happened to Pragya? Why is she not at all trying to understand the hints I drop for her?” Divi closed her eyes for few seconds opened them and said, “Because she almost died once when she fell in love.”

In Cab 3:05 PM

Pragya was sitting near the window and staring outside all she could think about was Abhi! She said to herself, ‘Will I be able to love him?’
pesugiren pesugiren un idhayam pesugiren
puyal adithal kalangathey naan pookal neetugiren
yethai nee tholaithalum
manathai tholaikathey
adangamalae alaipaivathen
manam allava

pesugiren pesugiren un idhayam pesugiren
puyal adithal kalangathey naan pookal neetugiren

kadal thaandum paravaikellam
elaipara marangal illai
kalangamalae kandam thaandumae
oh ho ho..
mutrupulli arugil neelum meendum chinna puligal vaithal
mudivenbathum aarambamae
valaivillamal malai kidaiyathu
vali illamal manam kidayathu
kalangathey vaa…
adangamalae alaipaivathen
manam allava

kaatil ulla chedigalukellam
thaneer ootra aalae illai
thanai kakavae thaanai valaruthey
oh ho ho
pengal nenjin baram ellam
pennai konja naeram thanae
unmai thoondrinal
inbam thondrumae
vidiyamal than oru iravethu
vadiyamal than vellam kidayathu
varunthathey vaa..
adangamalae alaipaivathen
manam allava

pesugiren pesugiren un idhayam pesugiren
puyal adithal kalangathey naan pookal neetugiren
yethai nee tholaithalum
manathai tholaikathey

(Your heart speaks:

Worry not when the storm lashes, but look instead
At these flowers I extend to you.
Whatever else you may lose,
Lose not your heart,
Though it may lurch and thrash eternally
Like the waves of the sea.

There are no trees to rest on
For the birds that fly across the seas.
Yet they do not worry
Even as they cross continents.

Two dots after a period proclaim a beginning
Though at the end of a sentence.
Paths on mountains are never straight,
Nor are there hearts that never pain.

Nobody waters the wild plants and trees:
They grow and live on their own.
So are the sorrows of a woman’s heart
Soothed by none other than herself.

The truth will come out, and bring joy too.
The night always ends in dawn
And the floods always recede.
Do not agonize…)
She smiled and said, ‘I love him!’

Hard Rock Café 3:10 PM

Divya and Abhi are seen talking to each other, Divya said, “Abhi,I don’t know whether she will be able to bear another heart break but I know that she loves you. Will you promise me something?” Abhi said, “Sure, tell me.” Divya replied, “Whatever may happen, never ever break her heart Abhi promise me that you will take care of her and be at her side all the time.” Abhi said, “ I promise, but tell me what happened to her?” Divi continued, “You just know her as an Orphan, but she had a family Abhi, a beautiful one if I am not wrong. She lost them in an accident , she was the lone survivor of that accident. She wasn’t this stubborn, rude all the time something changed her. She forgot everything about the accident till she was around 18 years, we were in our last days of our school days…”

FB Begins…

Pragya is seen with Divi walking in the corridor of the school building 3 rd floor to be precise, she saw a guy coming from the other direction he smiled at her she returned that smile. Pragya said, “Divi, what do you think about Aadi?” Divi said, “I don’t know what I am thinking about but I definitely know what you are thinking about him. You like him? Don’t you?” Pragya blushed hearing that. Some boys came running calling, “ Aadi… Aadi…” Pragya turned back without thinking and he wasn’t there she searched for him and found him hiding near the stairs and stealing glances of her. She blushed yet again. Divi shook her head and said, “Can’t you guys just express your feelings for each other?” Aadi came running to Pragya ,
Students started to gather around them covering them from the eyes of other teachers. He said, “I know today is not Valentines day and I know this is not a special place, but you are a special person making this place so special. So I think there will not be any problem if I propose you here.” He winked at her and kneeled down in front of her and said, “ I Love you Pragya! I have always loved you! Do you want to spend your life with me?” Pragya replied, “Yes Aadi! Yes! Why do you even question me about this?”

Boys and girls cheered for them, that’s when P.T Master came for rounds and asked them, “Why there is such a big commotion here? Disperse everyone!” Pragya and Aadi exchanged their phone numbers before leaving. That evening when few students were about to board their bus that bus burst into pieces swallowing students in the vicinity along with it. Pragya was thrown away from the bus, Divi rushed to her and held her hand helping her to get up. Suddenly she started to scream… Scream… scream…. No words came out of her mouth, she just screamed. Everyone thought it was because she witnessed that blast. If you ask me, Yes, It is, but not this one the other one. (Mentioned in Chapter 2). Aadi came running and said, “Nothing to worry, everything will be fine.” She was taken to a hospital and was there for 2 weeks. Divi visited her and came to know about her parents and her sister. Tears traced her cheeks, leaving a mark on her cheek. Even Aadi visited regularly and kept her emotional and mental health strong enough.

But that dint last long either! After she left the hospital, she had nightmares of her parents dying in that accident which never let her speak. And her vision became blurry, she started to wear spectacles. Both Divi and Aadi din’t know what to do. But speaking to Aadi daily before going to sleep kept her sane enough. This continued till the first year of college. Both Divi and Pragya joined the same college, Whereas Aadi joined another college. They both started to drift apart slowly, Pragya wasn’t able to take this anymore. She went to his college to confront him that is when she saw…

Precap : Abhi thinking, ‘Will she Love me?’

Di (Divya) – Thank you so much dear followed you back too 
Reshma – Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My way of showing emotions Thanks a lot dear <3

Lopez – Yes, she is a Hitler! *Evil Grin* I always try to keep up my promises 😉 Dhanyadh (Thank you!)

Maya – Mesemerized really?? That what about me? I have fallen for your’s long back. Stop wondering here is one of the part. Thank you CS and take care!

B.K.Maha – Thanks a lot dear <3

Saranya – My dear Baby doll that’s so sad! Why Pragya has to be punished like this  Thank you so much and love you too 

Priyanka – Thank you Priyanka! Yeah she is the one filling the Funny qouteint here.

B_Ani – Hey sweetheart! Don’t worry we love your stories so keep posting them we are here to read them but commenting nowadys kind of difficult for me 😀 Yeah exactly after a long time. I know you ppl will guess it wrong 😛 Don’t need to kill that guy poor guy leave alone 😀 😀 They both would have done that (Aaliya and Bulbul). Psst! Don’t sa this in front of Pragya that his embarrasing moment was funny for you. She will kick you 😛 Love you too <3

Akshaya – Thank you dear. Dint expect it to be her right?

Suhani – Choti! You read and comment every time so it doesn’t matter when you do it. Love you dear!


Crazy girl who cooks up stories.. ?? Craziest fan of Abhigaya???

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