Fan Fiction

Love Withstands All (Episode 21)

Hi guys!!!!!!!! I JUST COULDN’T WAIT FOR TWO WEEKS AND I HAD SOME FREE TIME SO I THOUGHT OF POSTING A PROMO… PLEASE do not get mad about what will happen.. Because if I learned anything from MATSH.. It is that true love will fight through anything.. I hope you guys will be interested by this track.. Anyway.. I ACTUALLY ONLY HAVE ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT SO IT’S NOT 2 WEEKS… BUT INSTEAD ONE!!!!
The Season of Love is finally spreading to all the couples..

Rishi: I love you Tanu.. Ever since I saw you.. Since I was a little boy..
Tanu is surprised.
Tanu: What?
Rishi: I am that Rishi from our childhood.. I am the guy you are engaged with.. And I am madly in love with you..
Rishi gets on his knees and opens his arms.
Rishi: Do you accept my love?
Tanu has tears of happiness and runs into his arms.
Tanu: I had a feeling that it was you.. I love you too Rishi..
Rishi gets super happy and hugs Tanu.

Shikar: Shivanya.. You are the sweetest person I have ever gotten to know.. You are compassionate, caring, and beautiful.. Thank you for showering me with your love.. I love you..
Shivanya: Shikar Mehra.. You are the cutest guy I have ever known.. You and your family are amazing and help me feel welcome and as a part of the family.. I believe I am one of the luckiest girls in the world to meet you. I love you..
Shikar and Shivanya both hug, while Shikar kisses Shivanya’s forehead.

Ishani is on her knees.
Ishani: Ranveer Vaghela.. I am in love with you.. You have made my life amazing ever since I met you.. I feel safe and loved whenever I am with you.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.. IN love with you.. Will you marry me?
Ranveer laughs and gets onto his knees.
Ranveer: Ishani Parekh.. I am MADLY in love with you.. You make everyone’s lives better with your presence.. You are the reason everyone around you is happy.. And I would be honored to be your life partner.. Of course I will marry you… Will you marry me?
Ranveer pulls out the beautiful dove ring..
Ishani smiles.
Ishani: I would be the happiest girl in the world to get married to the best guy in the world..
Ranveer smiles and puts the ring on Ishani’s hand. They both hug and Ranveer twirls Ishani in the air.

Life for the couples is amazing.. Or is it?

A car is shown crashed with another car.
A girl is shown.
There is a big wound on her head.
Suddenly, the car explodes.
People rush to the scene.
Rishi runs up to the car and is shocked seeing whose car it is.

Ranveer storms out of the room, with a emotionless face.
He goes to the living room and sits with another girl.
He holds her hand.
I hope you guys think that this plot is interesting and like the twist that I am thinking of.. Pls comment below on what you guys think it is.. Pls don’t be mad at me for this.. I swear our lovebirds will be togther..
Or will they?????

Love you guys!!!
Btw!! My email is and my insta account is bhavsidhu29..


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