LOVE WINS THE FATE… (character sketch)

helloo ,this is susmi, i am just thinking of to write a story which is full of love. Okay i will come to the story,first of all character sketch.
Amshir Sharma- he was a doctor and a good human being,a good son to his parents,and soo good to his patients.He was working in Global hospitals,Mumbai. He is a north indian but he knows tamil,malayalam nd english too.
Venpa- she was a computer science student studying in RRR college,Mumbai. she was studying 1st year,. Actually Venpa was a south indian.

And finally i will come to the story………..

Shaila: Venpa come on just wake up dear,its been a one month but u have not changed,as u r in first day.
Venpa: Shaila darling,i see every day as a new day with a new life and yet there is 1 hour to college,so please allow me to sleep atleast for 5 minutes.
Shaila: Venpa no come or warden will come.
Venpa:ohh that Rakshasi(devil)… i am waking.

Venpa go and fres up.she gets ready for college.Venpa and Shaila are best friend even though they talked only one month but their friendsip becomes thicker and thicker.they enter the college,
Sherlin: Venpaaaaaa
VEnpa:Y this idiot shouts,
I am comin sherlin,
Sherlin:Venpa,the seniors started again..
Venpa:Watt we have warned them before,wait where is Anya?
Sherlin: Anya is with them,she……
VEnpa nd Shaila runs.
Venpa:guys cant u stop this nonsense,thi is a college.
Anuj:VEnpa u r not leader for us nd we cant hear ur words,come on Anya dance come on all are waiting to seee.Anya cries,
Venpa calls Anya and catches her hand nd says come lets go,Anuj catches Venpa hand,she slaps him hard,Whole college sees it,



I am carefree, lovable, caring, njoys the life, love to fight with my frnds and sister , and love to write stories. .....

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