Fan Fiction

“I Love You” – A Twinj journey (Chapter 25) (Silver Jubilee Celebrations)

“I Love You” – A Twinj journey
Silver Jubilee Celebration

Hey all! So, are you people excited for the surprise? Even I’m. As I promised it’s going to be something new so, I’ve come up with something new. Now, I know your question is “what”! I’ll let you know, have some patience. Okay, so now you all must be wondering why I’ve invited you all here. It’s for the celebrations. My best friends will be here to attend you and don’t worry that you’ll get bored. They’re also like me or rather more crazy. By the way, I’m dumb how will you all know me! I’ve never opened up to any of you except for Sidmin as she was the person who wanted to talk to me and now we’re chatting on WhatsApp. Okay, now the reason is I take time to open up that’s why. But, now don’t worry I’ll surely open up. I have to go to Amritsar to see what’s happening there so, Prashanti and Sneha, my best friends will be here with you all.
So bye guys. I’ll meet you all after the party.

Suddenly the lights went off and the spotlight fell on a girl. She switched on the mike and said, “Hey all! This is Prashanti. I’m Debosmita’s sorry, Ria’s best no, no, bestest friend.” “And I’m her friend cum sister”, said a girl coming from backstage. She added, “I’m Sneha.” “I don’t know how you find this Ria so good? Actually, she no.. let it be.. actually she’s like me only. Yes, you guessed it right I was going to talk bad about her but, only I sorry we have that licence so.. Anyways, forget it”, said Prashanti. “I know you all are eagerly waiting for the surprise but, just a few more minutes”, said Sneha. Suddenly, Prashanti’s phone rang. (Don’t worry I’m only calling) “Ya, okay fine. I told na okay. Buddhu, idiot. Just shut up. Bye”, said Prashanti. (That’s the way we talk)

“Okay, so guys here we’ve a game for you. But, it’s regarding Ria’s fan fic”, said Prashanti. “We’ll be giving you some sheets and with some questions. You all have to write the answers and give us the sheets. Ria will announce the winner and tell you all the answers later on the TU page”, said Sneha. “Are you all ready?”, asked Prashanti. “Yes”, shouted the entire TU group. “So, it’s called MEMORY REFRESHER”, said Prashanti.
“Let’s refresh our memory no, sorry your memory regarding her fan fic. Come, let’s start now”, said Sneha. They handed over the sheets and the game begun.
Memory refresher

Q1) What excuse did Kunj give to take Twinkle for the first coffee date?

Q2) When did Twinkle for the first time kiss Kunj?

Q3) How did Twinkle realise her love for Kunj?

Q4) When did Kunj get to know that Twinkle too loves her? (Mention the situation)

Q5) How did Kunj get his kiss after their love confession?

Q6) Where did Rahul and Kritika meet for the first time and what was the reason for which they fought?

Q7) What relation does Rahul have with the Sarna’s?

Q8) How did Rahul and Kritika come to know that they were childhood best friends?

Q9) What was the reason for which Kunj and Twinkle went to Delhi?

Q10) Why did Twinkle become angry as soon as they entered the hotel in Delhi?
The TU group handed over the sheets and went to the food and beverage section. The group enjoyed themselves and went back.
Let me know whether you all enjoyed this or not. Though I guess it wasn’t that good. I’ll tell you all the winner tomorrow and publish the answers too. Stay tuned to know who’s the winner.

So, now the most crucial part.

Thank you so much for supporting me up till now and I hope you all will support me like this further too. Thank you to all those who have commented on my fan fic up till now. I’m sorry for not mentioning each one’s names but, to be frank all your comments enlighten up my mood. Please don’t be sad as I didn’t mention your name but, I love you all a lot and am really grateful to you all.

Sayeeda, thank you so much you’ve always commented on my fan fic and it’s always been a pleasure to read your comments. Thank you for the constant support and all the love you’ve given me.???

Rashi, thank you dear for always managing to comment on my fan fic. Love you loads.??

Arundhati, your comments always make me happy. You know why? Because how much ever late you are you’ll never forget to comment and I’m really grateful for that.?

Shatakshi, you’ve always managed to bring a big smile on my face. ALWAYS. Thank you for such beautiful comments. I still remember the day we were chatting and you told me sorry for not reading my chapters. I was so happy and then after that day you’ve never missed out to comment. Love you loads.??

RiaA, you’ve always encouraged me. Your comments are always so encouraging and full of love. You’ve always managed to comment on my fan fic except for 3-4 chapter but, that’s alright.?

Shamz, thank you so much for always commenting on my fan fic. I guess you’ve missed to comment only 4 times but, I don’t care about it as whenever you’ve missed you always tell me the next day that how both the chapters were. Love you loads.??

Shreya, you’ve not commented on all my chapters but, whenever you did it always brought a broad smile on my face. Especially, when you said that my fan fic is one of your favourites I was really happy. Love you a lot.??

Love you all loads and I hope you all will like the upcoming plots. Please keep supporting me as only your support will help me to continue my fan fic further. I hope you’ll keep supporting me and do tell me whether you enjoyed the surprise or not.
After reading the thanking ceremony please don’t forget about the surprise. I would really like my silent readers to comment too but, there’s no pressure. And, and, your sheets are below, the comment boxes so, please do answer. Also, please tell me whether you liked the idea. I feel it wasn’t that good but, still let me know.

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