Fan Fiction

“I love you and thats the beginning and end of everything”he said..”i love u too”she replied……{os }

Hi .. everyone..
this is riyasmiles here with my first ff on rikara..

A girl and a boy were sitting on a bench in the park..
“things have changed gauri.. she does not love me like earlier..” said om.
“what will i say om.. u r just ditched by ur gf.. but i …i was left in my mandap alone..”said gauri as a tear escaped from her eye.
“my father just want me to get in the business not because it would be good for me.. no because it would help him”said om.
“atleast u have a family with u.. but me..i am all alone here”said gauri.
“dont call urself alone.i am with u” said om.
“i know and i also know that u will.always be with me” said gauri.
“i have an idea.” said om.
“what”she asked.
“let us be gf and bf for a month and then we will.break.up”
om said.
“what would this do”asked gquri.
“this will help us to Move on in our lives”replied om.
“then fine”said gauri
“so let us meet tomorrow with our first day at theater..” said om.
“gr8”she answered.
they thought this would led them forget their past and move on but destiny had its own plans..

Day 1.
they both met at theaters..
they went in saw a romantic movie..and were touched with its essence..

Day 4.
they decided to go for a picnic..
they went to a beach.. enjoyed whole day together…indeed had quality time….
Day 12
they went to circus.. and then a horror show…
“its fun”said gauri..
“wait u will have.more”said om..
suddenly a ghost hangs down in front of her…
“mummmmmaaaaaa” she shouts..
the man next to gauri falls down..
om laughs
gauri hits him.
“i am sorry” she says to the man.
“ur scream was more scary than the ghost” the man said and left.
“how dare he” said gauri.
they both laughed…
Day 20.
they both were walking on the road.. when they saw a fortune teller.
“om lets go there.” said gauri.
“no he is fake” saie om.
“let us try pls” said gauri.
“ok” replied om.
“tell us what is going to take place in our life” said gauri.
the fortune teller saw their face..
“”My darling, Please don’t waste the
time of your life…Spend the rest of your time together
happily…” he said.. and a tears flew out from his eyes..
om and gauri were little confused about what he said..
“i dont believe all this” said om .
“lets go”he continued.
gauri agreed and they walked away..
but there was something which struck her mind..
Day 25.
they decided to go for hiking..
after climbing hours they reached to d top
“see shooting star” shouted gauri.
“wish”she continued.
they closed their eyes and wished…
gauri stood up but her leg slipped and she fell on om…
they shared an eyelock for minutes and then they stood up and prepared to return..
“i dont know what all is happening.. or m i falling from him.. no i cannot .its just game..”murmured gauri…
“i have fallen for her.. should i tell it to her.. no.. she will leave me..i have to keep this with me only.”.said om.

few days they enjoyed together..
Day 29.
they met in the same park where they decided to play..
“would u take something”said om.
“apple juice”she replied.
om went to bring it
“no worries whatever happens i will confess it today.”said gauri..

she sat there for around half an hour but he didn’t returned.
a man came running.
“was that boy whom u were sitting with .. was with u” asked man.
“ya.” she answered.
“come fast .. A reckless drunken driver ran over
boy and he is critical in the hospital …”
he said.
“dauri world moved for a second.. she dint knew what she should do..

11:57 pm in hospital.
The doctor went out of the emergency room
and he handed out an apple juice and a letter …

Doctor: We found this in boy’s pocket ..

Gauri reads the letter and it says:

This past few days, i realized …
you are really a cute girl and i am really falling for you..
Your cherish smile your everything when we
played this game….. Before this game would end…I
would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life….

I love you ….

Gauri crumples the paper and shouted:

“I don’t want you to die…I love you…
i realised it when we saw a meteor and
I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game.
Please don’t leave me…. I love you! You cannot do this to me”

Then the clock strikes 12

Om’s heart start pumping ….


thank u for reading..
do drop ur comments pls..


Its true that no one is happy.. but i believe everyone is born with ability to create hapinness..... be happy

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