Love starts from care (YVR) episode 3

Hey friends,sorry for not updating on Thursday.i was very busy on both Friday and Saturday too.pls forgive me for that.Today,Karthik and survi are going to see for the first time.Hope you’ll enjoy the episode.
Episode 3 know everything na..
Taai:Ya I know and I also want you to forget everything and move on in your life
Karthik:you know very well that it is impossible for me to forget all those..
Taai:whatever you say..that girl will be your PA.
taai leaves from there.
Karthik angrily going to office.
Karthik,in his cabin doing some works.
Someone enters his is a girl.
Karthik:how dare you enter my cabin without my permission…get out
Girl:sorry sir..
Karthik:I said get out.
Girl went out of the cabin .
Girl:sir,may I get in.
Girl:Sir I got an appointment letter from your company.
Karthik reads the tetter angrily and said:So you are my new PA.
Karthik:whats your name..

(you all are right ,its our cutee survi itself).
Suddenly someone comes near the cabin’s door.
Boy:may i come in,sir..
Boy gives a letter to Karthik.
Karthik read it .
Karthik:whats your name
survi is very happy to see him.
Karthik:Ankit,your cabin is in left corner
and shyam ,the head manager will help you in doing works.You can go.
Ankit leaves.

Survi:sir, what about me…
Karthik:shut up.I will say..Today I have two meetings and you are coming with me.
Karthik:one,at 12pm and other at 8 pm.

Precap: at night, Survi and karthik traveling in Karthik’s car and suddenly the car got brake down.survi is shocked.

Hope you guys liked today’s episode.l
iam waiting for your feedbacks.


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