Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 100

The episode starts with Sejal and Ragini going to Riddhima and Vansh’s room to check on them.

They knocked the door.

Then Vansh and Riddhima allowed them to enter.

Sejal: I’m sorry guys that we are disturbing you both, but we were just wanting to check on you both.

Ragini comes to Riddhima and she hugged her very tightly.

Ragini: Riddhima di are you okay? Do you need anything that I can do it to you?

Riddhima: I’m fine my lovely Ragini so you don’t have to worry at all.

Riddhima puts her hand above Ragini’s head to comfort her.

Riddhima: Just relax darling. Your sister is very strong and no one could harm her especially when her husband is with her as Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania would never leave me and he always rescue me from any danger.

Riddhima and Vansh have stared at each other when Riddhima has finished her words.

Then Sejal and Ragini looked at each other as if they are signing to each other that they have to leave so they could give the husband and the wife some quality of time together.

They were going to leave when Riddhima stopped them.

Riddhima: Girls just wait please as I want to tell something to Sejal.

Ragini: What you have done Sejal?

Sejal: I didn’t do anything.

Ragini: But I think that from Riddhima’s reaction that you have done a big mistake!

Sejal got worried as she wasn’t know what the thing that she has done that could make Riddhima be disturbed from her.

Sejal got more worried when Riddhima was coming near her.

She was feeling as Riddhima is coming to hit her!

Then Sejal got surprised when Riddhima hugged her.

Riddhima: Thank you so much Sejal. Thank you because you were always standing by my side and you are still doing that till now. Thank you because you are always thinking about me and about my happiness.

Sejal was surprised from the thankful words that Riddhima has said it to her.

Riddhima: You don’t have to be that surprised as Vansh has told me everything you have told it to him. You are the exact meaning of the true and the pure best friend. You were the first precious gift that God has gifted me with. I will always grateful for everything that you have done and you are still doing to me. Trust me Sejal you are really not just a best friend to me you are in the same place as my sister Ragini is on it. I always see that I have two sisters not just one. I love you so much Sejal.

Sejal got very emotional from Riddhima’s words.

She was very happy when she has heard Riddhima’s words.

Sejal: You don’t have to thank me at all Riddhima because I’m not doing any abnormal thing as I’m doing my responsibility towards you. I will always treat you as my sister Riddhima. I love you very much Riddhima.

They hugged each other.

Then Ragini has joined them in that hug.

Vansh was watching them and he was very happy seeing Riddhima’s happiness.

Afterwards, Ragini and Sejal have left Vansh and Riddhima to relax.

Riddhima was smiling and she was very happy.

So she runs very quickly to throw herself in Vansh’s arms so she could share with him her happiness.

Riddhima: I’m really feeling very happy Vansh. I’m happy that I’m surrounded with a lovely family, a caring husband, and a lovely daughter. You don’t know how much I was very afraid that I could lose these things if I was forced to leave the country, but thank God that my hero has came and saved me as usual.

He makes her more closer to him after she finished her words.

He was very happy when he has heard the word “hero” from Riddhima’s mouth.

He was happy that he is able to make his wife feeling very secured and saved when she is near him.

He was happy that she is seeing him as a hero.

Vansh: I wish that I always be that hero that you want always to see him.

She gets from his arms.

So she could be able to look at him while she is talking.

Riddhima: Of course you will always be a hero in my eyes.

She kissed him in his cheek.

Then they hugged each other a hug that make them just one not two on it.

At morning, Riddhima and Vansh have waked up and they took Rianshi with them to go downstairs.

When they went downstairs, they found everyone are gathered in the hale of the house as if there is an important announcement that it will be announced.

Vansh: What is going guys as from this gathering I can feel that there is something important will be announced, Am I right or am I right?

Kabir: Vansh bro you always have the ability to catch anything that is hidden from you.

Vansh: Of course Kabir. You know that this is one of my habits to catch things that are hidden.

Riddhima: So can anyone tell me why everyone is gathered like that?

Siya: There is an important thing that Ragini want to say it to you all.

Siya pushed Ragini to get out from her place.

So she could be able to tell everyone her announcement.

Ragini was shy.

So she wasn’t able to say a word.

Vansh and Riddhima were waiting for Ragini to start talking.

Riddhima: Come on Ragini. Tell us what you want to say.

Vansh has observed the reason behind Ragini’s shyness and how she isn’t able to say a word.

He smiles.

Riddhima has observed his smile and she wasn’t able to understand the reason behind his smile.

Riddhima: Can I also know the reason behind your smile Vansh?! As I can observe that there isn’t anything that could make you smile that much especially when Ragini isn’t wanting to say anything!

Vansh: Come on sweetheart you still didn’t know what Ragini want to say?! You are very smart so don’t tell me that you didn’t observed from Ragini’s behavior what is the thing that she wants to say. And about the reason of my smile, I’m smiling because I have known what Ragini wants to say and I’m really happy for her.

Riddhima was still confused and she wasn’t able to understand anything.

Riddhima: Guys can anyone please tell what is going on and stop this suspense?!

Kabir: Come on Ragini be brave and tell everyone what you want to say as this is your announcement and you must to be the one who says it.

Ragini got brave and she stands in the middle of the hale of the house so everyone could see her and listen to her words.

Ragini: I want to tell you all that I’m now in love with a guy called Mishra Puri which is the man who is working in the financial department along with me and dad. He also loves me so much and I have been sure of that and now he wants to get married to me and I’m really ready for that. So if you all have agreed about my marriage with Mishra, I could arrange an appointment with our family and Mishra’s family so you could all know each other and prepare for the marriage.

Everyone was very happy for Ragini.

They were really happy that she has found her true love.

Riddhima comes to Ragini and she hugged her.

Riddhima: Congratulations my dear sister. I’m really happy for you so much. I hope that you always be happy. I’m sure that you will look fabulous as a bride my lovely sister.

Rudra also comes to Ragini and he hugged her.

Rudra: I’m really happy that you have found your true love Ragini dear. I know Mishra since a lot and from the time that he was working with us on it, I didn’t saw any bad behavior he has done as he was always a hard worker and a man with morals. So I’m sure that he will take care about you and he will loves you a lot. God bless you dear.

Everyone in VR mansion was happy that finally the last single person in the family will not be single anymore as she finally has found her true love.

After everyone has left, Riddhima and Vansh were the only ones left in the hale of the house.

Riddhima: I’m super happy for Ragini that she has finally found her true love.

He comes close to her.

Then he puts his hands around her waist.

Vansh: I was the luckiest one in this family because I was the first one who has found my soulmate. Actually, I didn’t found a normal soulmate I have found a special and a unique soulmate.

She smiled from Vansh’s words.

Then they hugged each other very tightly.

4 years and 9 months have passed.

During those years, Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their time while raising their daughter Rianshi.

They were very happy seeing Rianshi growing up each and every day.

They were enjoying every single moment that they were spending it with each other and with their daughter.

During those years, Siya and Sejal have given the birth to their babies.

Sejal has given the birth to an handsome boy called Kajal.

While Siya has given the birth to a lovely girl called Asiya.

VR mansion was fulled with all the happiness when the whole children were arrived.

VR family was very happy when they were enjoying their time with the lovely children.

During those years, Ragini has got married to Mishra and she went to live with him in his family’s house.

Ragini was still very careful to always visit her family and contact with them.

At morning, Vansh and Riddhima have waked up very early to prepare for Rianshi’s birthday party.

Riddhima: I can’t believe that our lovely daughter Rianshi will turn today 5 years old.

Vansh: The 5 years have been passed very quickly.

Riddhima: Yes. I’m really happy to see Rianshi very cute and beautiful like that.

He grabs Riddhima towards him.

Then he kissed her.

Vansh: No one will be more beautiful than you sweetheart.

She hugged him very tightly.

Then she lefts him.

Riddhima: This isn’t the time for romancing as we have a lot of things to do for today’s party.

Vansh: Okay let’s go to finish everything very quickly so then we could be able to romance the way we want.

Vansh and Riddhima complete preparing the decorations for Rianshi’s birthday party.

Everyone was very busy in doing the preparations for Rianshi’s birthday party.

While Rianshi, Kajal, and Asiya were playing together and enjoying their time.

Rianshi was very excited for her birthday party.

She went to Anuprya and she sits on her lap.

Rianshi: Dadi I’m really excited for my birthday party.

Anuprya: I’m sure that your parents were do to you a lovely birthday party.

Rianshi: They are always make me very happy.

Anuprya: Because they love you so much dear. You must to go now to get ready for the party.

Rianshi: Okay dadi. See at the party.

Anuprya: See you too darling.

At night, everything was ready for the party.

Vansh and Riddhima were getting ready.

Riddhima was wearing her dress, but she wasn’t able to to zip the zipper.

So Vansh has came in that time and he helps her in zipping the zipper.

He zipped the zipper in a very romantic way.

He makes her closer to him and he kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: You look very adorable sweetheart.

She becomes shy and her cheeks turned red.

Vansh: You look more adorable when you became shy and your cheeks turned red.

She smiles.

Then she completes getting ready and Vansh starts helping her in getting ready.

Vansh: After the journey that we have passed through it, I could be now very blessed for every moment I have shared it with you sweetheart.

Riddhima: Our journey was a mixture of a lot of things.

Vansh: There was a huge love in our journey.

Riddhima: There was also a huge romance that we have spent together.

Vansh: We also can’t forget that in our journey there was a lot of people who were hating us and wanting to take revenge from us.

Riddhima: Still our love is the thing that has won and it will always win.

Vansh: We will always be together and nothing will separate us sweetheart.

They hugged each other a very long and warm hug.

Then Rianshi has entered to interfere in this romantic moment.

Rianshi: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that my parents are busy romancing with each other and leaving their daughter’s birthday party! I also have a right on you both by the way.

Vansh and Riddhima got surprised from Rianshi’s behavior and how she is saying the same words that Vansh is saying it in Riddhima’s brave way.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that our lovely daughter has taken a mixture from our both personalities!

Riddhima: Yes Vansh.

Riddhima and Vansh hold Rianshi and they kissed her cheek.

Vansh: We will always love you and care about you Rianshi.

Riddhima: We will always shower with the love that is found in the whole world.

Rianshi: I love you so much mom and dad.

Vansh and Riddhima at the same time: We love you too dear.

The 3 of them have a group hug and they were very happy that they are together.

Rianshi: So let’s got to blow the candles.

Vansh and Riddhima have taken Rianshi with them.

Vansh and Riddhima were looking at each other while they were celebrating Rianshi’s birthday.

Before they blow the candles with Rianshi, they kissed Rianshi.

Then Vansh and Riddhima hugged each other.

Riddhima: I love you Vansh.

Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.

The end of the last episode of Love, Romance, and Revenge. I hope that you like it and I hope that you have liked Love, Romance, and Revenge from the first episode to the last episode. I want to thank you all for the support and love that you have showered me with it. Just wait very soon for a new story with different events. Don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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