Fan Fiction

The love made together.. (Part 1)

Some love stories are started at first sight. Some are started after a long journey. But, however it is, the love starts from heart. The love from heart is truthful. It’s divine.

A car will be going on a highway.. A girl is driving the car. Other girl beside her says, “Swara, go slowly.” Then Swara laughs and says, ” Ragini didi, this is the time to enjoy. Otherwise, when could we enjoy?”

Suddenly a another car comes across them. They get shocked at once and stops the car. Both cars are stopped at an inch gap. Swara gets anger and gets out of car. Ragini tries to stop her. From another car a boy comes out from driver seat. Swara shouts on him, “Hey, can’t you see and drive? Sit in home if you don’t know driving!” That boy says, “Hey lady, same to you. Don’t try to teach lessons to this Laksh.”

Swara gets furious again and about to shout but Ragini stops her telling, “Swara, it’s much! Mistake is ours also!” Listening to her sweet voice Laksh looks at Ragini. She too looks him. They had their first eye lock. Don’t know why but, both felt affectionate with each other. Ragini couldn’t move away her eyes from him. He comes before her. Swara amazes with both behavior. Laksh tells to Ragini, “may be this is the love at first sight! Hey angel, who are you? This poor heart needs you.” A tear falls from Ragini’s eyes with his affectionate words. Swara pushes him back and shouts, “How dare you to talk like that! I don’t believe this love at first sight. Ragini, let’s go away.” She says and makes her to sit in car. Ragini and Laksh will be looking at each other, forgetting world. They are lost in dream. Swara starts the car, and they go away. Laksh looks on at the car.


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