Love of life!!Kumkum Bhagya Episode 51

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The episode starts with Peehu shouts n crosses the road.Alia n Ishaan see Peehu n shouts Peehu.Suddenly a truck hits Peehu n She thrown away with a heavy sound n falls hardly on the road with a force n lies in a pool of blood.Peehu n Ishaan rushes towards her.Peehu shows the burning house n says, a slight voice n falls unconscious.Alia cries..n says,Bhabi may inside the house n tries to go near the house but the house blasted n Alia falls with a flown.Ishaan n Alia took Peehu to hospital in a critical stage.As Alia was also admits Peehu in ICU.Ishaan remains shocked by seeing peehu’s condition n shattered down.Alia was crying tremendously by seeing Peehu n thinking abt Pragya.As soon the news reached MM n Arora house.Abhi n all rushed towards the hospital.Alia sees Abhi n hugs him n cries hard.Abhi sees Peehu from outside the ICU n shattered down n cries Dadi sees her n cries aloud.Alia was crying bad.Abhi shouts Dadi,See our Peehu..I can’t see her like this..She is my lil angel..I can’t see her like this..pls ask her to open her eyes n cries hard.Purab too cries by seeing him like this.Doctor comes out n says,She is n very critical position..It’s very hard to save her life.Abhi pleads doctor to save her.Doctor says,Thr s heavy loss of blood n v r preparing for operation but only less chances n leaves.All blurted out their tears.Alia shouts Peehu n cries hard.

Abhi sees Alia with injuries n asks,Wht happened thr..n Whr is Pragya..Alia again cries hard n says,I can’t save anyone..Even my bhabi or my sister n cries hard.Abhi with a scary face n asks wht?Sarla n Dadi had tears in their eyes n asks Alia to explain clearly.Alia says,When Peehu falls down she said me that bhabi was in the burning house I tries to go thr but the house fully blasted n cries.Sarla faints by hearing this n Bulbul rushed towards her.Abhi falls down with a shattered manner.Purab goes near him n says,Abhi..Come let’s go to the place n Shall v check thr.Abhi shouts n cries hard.Purab consoles him n says,Pls Abhi don’t lose the hope nothing ll happen to di come let’s go n takes him to the place.The fire service n police were thr in the place.Purab n Abhi goes thr.Abhi tries to go in.Police says,Sir..u r restricted to go inside..Abhi holds his shirt n says,U know my wife n my baby is inside I wanna rescue them.Police shouts no one is alive inside..Abhi says,U can’t say this..Purab u know na my fuggi ll never leave me alone…Purab says,Calm down Abhi..lemme handle n informed the incident to police.The police says, one in the home is alive..its completely burned n blasted..Only we could find these things n shows some toys n things.Abhi sees it n gets shocked n shouts this can’t be happen.Purab says,Abhi..Abhi says,Purab it’s Pragya’s chain..I gifted her..See in that pendant thr ll b written as Abhigya.This is my fuggi’s chain she is inside n goes inside.Purab tries to stop him..but he gets in shouts,Fuggi..Fuggi..pls come before me..Pls I won’t leave u..u promised me na u won’t leave me pls come infront of me..Fuggi I ll get U whatever u want pls come b4 me pls..Purab too searched for Pragya.Abhi sees a bit of cloth which is half burnt condition n takes the cloth in hand n says,Purab..its my fuggi’ could she leave me like this n falls down n cries.Police comes thr n says,Sir..we told u na no one is alive inside..pls go out..Purab says,Sry n takes him out of the place.Abhi remains speechless n sits in car.

As Abhi n Purab reached the hospital.Purab told all that,No one in the house remains alive..All had burned n becomes ash..Only we could save di’s chain n shows that n cries..Pragya di is no where she left us..Abhi goes near Dadi n hugs her n cries,Dadi all my happiness had could she leave me like this..Dadi says,b strong beta..God ll not do this to us.Abhi shouts thr is no God..If something is thr..then y I lost my parents in my childhood and now I lost my baby n my life n wife..n shouts hard.All were in very bad condition n can’t even pacify themselves.The screen splits to the Mumbai-Pune highways,Whr a car stopped near a hospital n an old lady n a man carrying unconscious Pragya in her arms n admitted in a hospital.She had injury in her leg n neck n some burned injuries in face.Doctor treated her n says,The old lady..she was in 4 months of pregnancy..but her baby is absolutely fine she is in unconscious bcoz of suffocation but she is extremely weak her leg is injured n neck injury cause some problem in her throat so she can’t speak well..n her face has burning injuries.The man said,Mikha ji..(name of old lady)I had seen this girl somewhere but I don’t know who she is Wht u gonna do..Mikha says,Beta..I ll take care of her I ll take her to my Delhi Home n I ll take care of her after she regained consciousness we shall enquire about her family.He said OK n asks doctor shall v take her to home.Doctor says,Ofcourse..Mikha took a Equpied ambulance n takes Pragya to her home in Delhi.

Pragya remains unconscious.Mikha n Pragya reached Delhi n Mikha makes her to sleep in bed n hired a nurse for her.Mikha asked nurse,Y she is still unconscious.Nurse said,Dadi..she is too weak n she is pregnant too so it need some days to recover conscious first v should give medicines Which is must for her n her baby..n asks,Who is she fr u..Mikha says,She is like my daughter..Nurse says,don’t wry Dadi..she ll b alryt..The screen splits to MM.Abhi holds Pragya’s photo n cries.Purab just enterd his room.Abhi rushed towards Purab n asks,How is Peehu.Purab remains silent.Abhi asks him to say something,Purab says,She gone to coma n doctor said that it’s unguaranteed that whether she ll come out of coma or not.Abhi asks,Why all complications r happening in our family n gets in to the room n shuts the door forcefully..Ishaan sees Peehu n cries hard..All in house were remains sad.As 3 days passed,Pragya slowly opened her eyes,She tries to speak but she couldn’t as she has pain.Mikha comes thr n sees Pragya opening her eyes n smiles.Tears r rolled out from Pragya’s eyes..Mikha says,Don’t wry beta..u r alryt ur baby is also fine..ur injuries ll b healed soon n holds her hand.Pragya too holds her hand tight n she thinks,I wanna see Abhi n Maa..I don’t know who u r but she is taking care of me like her child n smiles at Mikha.In MM,Abhi receive a call,Abhi attends the call the person says,I saw ur wife Pragya n tells the place.Abhi n Purab rushed towards the place n calls the man.But the man shouts behind from Abhi.Abhi goes near him n asks,Whr is Pragya..But the man n all crowd was insisting him for Selfie..Abhi gets anger n shouts,Wht the hell is this.Purab says,They r making fool out of us n yells at the crowd.Abhi broke down.Purab takes him to the home.As the days passed,Abhi didn’t came out of his room he didn’t even let anyone inside.Many prank calls like this reached Abhi’s home abt Pragya.On a day,Pragya wakes up n calls aunty with a very low tone Mikha comes thr n says,Haa..beta hw r u?Pragya says,I’m fine aunty..Screen splits to MM.Dadi tells sarla,Sarla ji..I can’t see Abhi like this.Sarla says,Even I can’t see him like this..y can’t v get Abhi remarried.Dadi says,How he ll accept for this..Alia says,Haa..bhai ll never accept as Peehu was in this condition in hospital.Dasi says,Let’s make arrangements I know this is stupidity but don’t know wht to do in this situation to make Abhi normal..If Abhi was like same then v ll lose him too.Dadi panics n says,Pls don’t say like this..I can’t lose anymore he is my life’s hope now.Sarla cries n says,Dasi saying the ryt..Shall v start preparations.Purab says,Surely Abhi won’t accept this n No one is having the courage to say this to him.

Precap: Pragya calls to MM.At the same time Mikha recognized Pragya as Abhi’s wife.


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