LOVE, LIFE, SECRETS: Answers lie within – CHAPTER 52

CHAPTER 52: You complete me

(Day when Tej and Shakti were arrested while Arjun and Anika bailed them out)

Shivaay was standing leaning against his car…. Some part of him was still not over the fact that Arjun and Anika had been lying to him…. Although he had agreed to what Om had said that he was assuming without knowing the entire matter but then he trusted the two so much that even a small lie was making him think a lot…. At this point all he needed was some alone time to get his mind cleared and focus on the things that were happening simultaneously in his life…. Tia’s murder…. Mrs. Kapoor…. Past of the Oberois…. Arjun’s lie…. And his love for Anika…. Why of all the time had he fallen in love in all this chaos he wondered…. Wish he had met her in some other circumstances…. But what if he had met her after his supposed marriage with Tia…. No…. That would have been worse…. Should he be thankful that all of this happened…. Shivaay was surprised by his own thoughts…. What was he even thinking…. He was surely going to lose his sanity with how things were proceeding…. He closed his eyes to calm down his mind from thinking unnecessary things…. He opened his eyes when he felt someone holding his hand and was surprised seeing Anika standing in front of him…. He looked at her and then at their hands and back to her again….

Shivaay: Anika….

Anika: I want to talk to you and you’ll not say anything.

He was surprised hearing her words and her way of talking…. She tightened her grip on his hand and started walking…. Shivaay did now where she was taking him…. As he followed her he saw his brother and friend smiling at them while his Dad and Bade Papa were also in the same state as him seeing him being taken away by Anika…. He could not hear them but then he saw Om and Arjun tell something to them and they smiled and nodded at them…. The last thing he could see was them saying something to him that looked like “All the best”…. Why did he need these best wishes…. And what did Om and Arjun tell them…. As he was following her confused with what was happening he could see people around them looking at two of them in amusement…. Why wouldn’t they after all a girl was dragging the Shivaay Singh Oberoi…. The one whose orders were always followed was following someone else’s command…. Command…. Yes, she had literally commanded him and he did not even say a word in protest…. This was so not him…. His thoughts came to a halt as he realized that she had stopped walking…. He looked at the place around…. Maybe they were in the backside of the police station…. But why here…. If she had to talk why not find a better place…. Like a beach or something…. What is wrong with him, he thought and pushed away the other thoughts and concentrated on the person standing in front of him…. But she was not saying anything…. A few minutes passed and she did not say anything…. She said she wanted to talk but she was not saying anything…. He decided to break the silence….

Shivaay: Anika….

And a tear escaped her eye…. He looked at her shocked as soon another followed and then another…. Tears flowed down from her eyes as she fell down on her knees…. Shivaay was taken aback…. This was not something he was prepared for…. He thought she would lash at him for his stupid behavior with her or ask him what was bothering him that he was behaving rudely with her…. But tears in her eyes were something he was not ready to counter argue upon…. The only times he had seen tears in her eyes when she was scared…. Once scared of the darkness and once when she was scared of losing him…. Was she scared of losing him…. Was she also in…. He could think of all this later…. At this moment he had to look after her…. He bent down in front of her and with his index finger made her look at him…. He felt a pain in his heart seeing the pain in her warm eyes…. He was going to say something when she spoke….

Anika: Why are you doing this Shivaay? What wrong have I done, tell me? You told me never to walk away from you and you are only walking away from me. Why? Why Shivaay tell me, why are you doing this with me?

Anika spoke with difficulty as tears flowed from her eyes…. Shivaay did not know what to say…. Shall he ask her directly about the conversation he had heard in Raichand Mansion…. Should he clear everything out…. He took a deep breath before speaking and then looked at her….

Anika: Tell me Shivaay….

Shivaay: Anika, I had come to meet you at your house the other day when I…. I heard you talking to Arjun…. You both were talking about something about lying to me and….

Shivaay could not say further as Anika jerked out of his hold and moved away…. He looked at her surprised by her sudden movement…. Shock would have been an understatement for what Anika felt…. No…. Shivaay should not have heard any of it…. He should not know anything about it…. No…. Tears stopped flowing from her eyes and she stood up…. If she stayed things could get out of her control…. Shivaay was looking at her still sitting down…. When he saw her trying to walk away he held her wrist and stood up…. Anika did not turn to look at him…. Shivaay made his mind today he was not going to let her go without getting his answers….


Ranveer was sitting in his cabin thinking about what he was supposed to do ahead…. The interrogation of Tej and Shakti did not help much…. The proofs he had only proved that Tej and Shakti were involved in illegal businesses years ago…. And the file of Mr. Kapoor’s accident stated that it was not an accident but someone had deliberately failed the breaks…. But again there was no proof to state clearly who had planned it…. Mrs. Kapoor may believe it to be Tej because of their personal issues but he was an officer and he had to be completely sure before taking a step…. One wrong move and the real culprit could be free and some innocent would be trapped…. There was a knock on his cabin door and he looked up expecting it to be Abir or Mishti…. He was surprised seeing Priyanka there…. He got up from his chair and walked to her….

Ranveer: Priyanka….

Priyanka had been waiting outside the police station hiding away from the eyes of her family…. When she saw them leaving she immediately entered the police station and walked to Ranveer’s cabin…. By now people at the police station were familiar with her so no one stopped her…. Some because she was Priyanka Singh Oberoi and some because they knew she had some connection with Ranveer and who would want to upset him by stopping her….

Priyanka: I am sorry Ranveer….

And she hugged him tightly…. He who was not expecting any of this took a few moments to process everything before hugging her back…. He covered her with his arms not wanting her to ever go away from him…. He wanted time to stop at that moment and that he could stay like this forever…. Minutes passed by and they did not move…. Only when he felt her tears and heard her little sobs he pulled himself out of the hug…. She was looking down not able to meet his eyes…. He made her look at him and his heart panged with a hurt as he saw tears in those beautiful eyes…. He gently wiped her tears and moved his head in a negative asking her not to cry….

Ranveer: Even I am sorry Priyanka…. I should have not argued with you that day….

Priyanka: No Ranveer, it was not your fault, I should have understood your point of view. I don’t know how I said all that to you….

Ranveer: No Priyanka, rishta hum dono ka hai toh galti bhi hum dono ki hai. I should not have asked you to leave like that….

Priyanka: And I should not have doubted your love….

Ranveer: Our love….

Priyanka: I love you….

Ranveer: I love you more….

He kissed her forehead and she smiled…. She hugged him tightly and he tightened his hold on her…. Love and relations are all about holding onto each other not only during the happy sunshine but more tightly during the rainy storms…. This was the first time they had an argument with each other and they had learnt their lessons in keeping their relation intact…. She had to listen and he had to understand…. They had to trust each other…. Love was not always going to a bed of roses…. Thorns would also be there and they had to save each other from these thorns…. I love you does not complete the journey of love…. It starts the journey of love…. This was their beginning…. Priyanka snuggled more into him….

Priyanka: Ranveer, you complete me….

Ranveer: And you complete me….


Anika tried to free her hand from his hold but she did not even turn a little to look at him…. He did not move a bit seeing her struggling to get out of his hold…. He instead tightened his hold on her…. Anika was trying more but she knew she had very less chances when it was Shivaay in front of her…. However she composed herself and tired harder this time and got out of his hold…. Shivaay jerked a little due to her movement and looked at her…. The force she used was unexpected to him and he had to let go of her hand…. Anika did not turn to look at him and started walking towards the exit…. She had to get away before Shivaay stopped her again…. She knew if he stopped her the second time there were high chances that things would mess up even more…. Shivaay came out of his trance and started walking behind her….

Anika was walking fast and did not notice the stone on the ground…. She hit the stone and stumbled a little bending forward…. And at the same time a bullet whizzed pass her…. If Anika had not bent down the bullet would have hit her for sure but fortunately she was saved and it hit the wall…. Both Shivaay and Anika froze for a moment as they felt the bullet…. Shivaay was the first one to come out of his trance and he looked in the direction of the bullet…. He could see a figure on the roof top of the building across the road…. He then looked at Anika…. He knew that something was going to happen and he ran to Anika…. In the few moments all events occurred…. Shivaay pushed Anika down and they fell on the ground and Anika was saved from the second bullet also…. The other bullet also hit the wall behind them….

None of them moved for a few minutes…. Shivaay had covered Anika well…. Even if there was a third bullet it would hit him and not her…. Shivaay slightly glanced towards the roof top and saw the figure missing…. He quickly got up and also made Anika stand up…. He held her hand tightly as he was scared if he let go of her he would lose her…. And for the first time Shivaay Singh Oberoi was scared…. He looked at her, she was too shocked to react and he pulled her towards him…. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead…. Anika closed her eyes as she felt his warm lips on her skin…. Shivaay also closed his eyes as he felt her soft skin…. He poured all his love, care and affection in that one kiss…. He could not lose her…. Never….

Anika’s phone vibrated and broke their trance…. Anika opened her eyes and moved away from him…. Shivaay also opened his eyes but did not let go of her hand…. Anika read the message and was shocked…. Seeing her reaction Shivaay took the phone from her and read the message…..

“Leave this case Ms. Anika Raichand.
Don’t try to find the culprit.
You were lucky this time but you won’t be lucky always.
– Your well-wisher sweetheart”

Shivaay’s blood boiled reading the message…. She was still in shock when Shivaay pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly….

Shivaay: I’ll not let anything happen to you Anika.


Ranveer and Priyanka broke their hug as they heard the sounds of bullet being fired…. They looked at each other shocked and immediately walked towards the place from where the sound came…. Abir and Mishti also left their work and ran towards the sound…. Hearing the sounds many people gathered near the place…. Hearing people coming towards them Anika moved away from Shivaay…. Ranveer was shocked seeing Shivaay and Anika there, he immediately signed Priyanka and she looked at her brother…. Priyanka stayed behind and hid behind the wall…. This was not the best time to come in front of him….

Abir: Mr. Oberoi, we heard sounds of bullet being fired? Are you both fine?

Shivaay: We are fine, fortunately the bullet did not hit Anika.

Ranveer: Ms. Raichand?

Anika: Yes, the attack was meant for me.

Abir: For you?

Anika showed them the message she received…. Ranveer, Abir and Mishti looked at each other after reading the message….


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well.
Here is the next chapter of the story, do share your views.

An attack on Anika, who wants to harm Anika, the one who killed Tia doesn’t want Anika to find the truth, what will Shivaay and Arjun do now? How will they protect their Anika? Ranveer and Prinku are back together, but will this happiness sustain when Oberois will find the truth? Tia’s killer has still jobs left unfinished, so he/she is all set to finish the work.

From here on important revelations will take place as the story is nearing towards the end, and I am telling you, Tia’s killer will be out soon, in the coming chapters, you’ll get the hints, let us see who guesses the right answer.

Keep reading and smiling!!!
Take care and stay safe!!!


Writing is like dreaming with words. We all have many stories hidden inside us, all we need is someone to listen, and someone to read through them.

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