Fan Fiction

Love You Forever by Sonai : Episode 2

Hi guys this is Sonai, with next part. I’ve changed the story to a few shots from FF bcuz I really don’t get so much time to write. Anyways let’s start !!

It’s Morning
Shravan is driving to Tiwari Killa. While driving the only thing he can think of is Sumo. He’ll be meeting him after 10 yrs. Ten years of distance had made them fall for each other, realize the inner feelings for each other.
Shravan was thinking how Sumo will look like..after all he hasn’t seen her for so many yrs..however he had seen her in her facebook account. But still there’s far off difference of seeing someone in front and seeing them in picture.
At last he reaches Tiwari Killa. The same gate, the same, house, the same memories. But the time is different. He enters the hose and sees that everything is same. As it was ten yrs back. He enters the drawing room but founds no one there.
Suddenly he hears a voice….
“Mamiji I’m leaving for PCT”
It’s Suman, tall, slim and beautiful. What appearance she had in childhood had changed totally.
Shravan looks at her, mesmerized in thoughts, maybe realizing that this is her childhood love Sumo.

At first Sumo didn’t notice Shravan but when she noticed , she was left the same…just looking into his eyes.
Shravan called in a whispering voice, ”Sumo”.
This made Sumo come out of her thoughts and remember how much angry she was on Shravan. She walked pass him , not even looking at him and went straight out of the door. Shravan was confused. Why she behaved like that ? And then remembered what Pushkar told him last night.
“I see ! So Suman Madam is so much angry on me.”
He went outside the house and saw Sumo opening the door of her ambassador.
“Sumo wait !!”, called out Shravan.
But she didn’t pay any heed and was going to enter her car, just then Mamaji appeared. Suman’s Mama Sameer came there.
“Suman beta , where r u going ?”
“PCT”,replied Sumo.

Then he saw Shravan and told Suman, ”Who is this ?”
“I don’t know “ replied Sumo.
“What do u mean by u don’t know. Obviously u know me Sumo. Don’t act ok “
Shravan was hurt and obviously felt bad.
“Who r u , beta ? “
“I’m Shravan Mamaji, I hope u remember me, or u have also forgotten me like her “
“Shravan, u , after so many years. U have grown so tall my boy. Couldn’t recognize u at all. Come , come inside”
“At least u remember me Mamaji, thank u “ Saying so Shravan bent and touched his feet.
“Ramnath Bhaisab was telling that u r coming, I remember, and how will we forget u , u r a family member after all. “
Sumo was just watching these things until Mamaji called him inside. Unwillingly Sumo went inside.
Mamaji called everyone and told Sumo to make tea. Sumo was heading towards kitchen while Shravan told that he didn’t have time and only came here to meet Nanaji.
“Oh so he came to meet Nanu and not me. Khadoos kahika !! “ said Sumo in her mind.
Shravan went in Nanu’s room to meet him while everyone returned to their work. Sumo was so sure that Shravan came to meet her and deliberately told that she didn’t know him. She waited for some minutes and then went out of the house towards her car, and just then Shravan called out.

Sumo looked behind. Shravan came and stood in front of her with his sweet smiling face. They looked at each other for some time.
“So , u don’t know me right ? “
“No I don’t know u “ saying so she turned away making an adorable angry face.
“Aww..u still look so cute being angry as u used to look in childhood.”
Sumo looked at Shravan angrily, who was still in his usual smile.
“Where r u going “
“Where ever I go , it’s my business . “
“No I was just thinking to drop u , if u don’t mind. Shall I ?“
Sumo looked at his face in an angrier look. Shravan was still smiling.

Precap : Sumo sits in his car. She realizes that Shravan is taking her to some where else…not PCT !

So guys this is all for today . The next part maybe after Thursday as my exams r starting from tomorrow. So best of luck to me.
Share all ur views about this. My flaws and all mistakes. Criticism open !!

With lots of love to all !!!


❤ Kahi teri khaamoshiyan jeet na jaye pyaar se ❤ EDKV Fan ❤ Love making ShraMan Edits ❤ Namik Paul bhakt ❤ Nikita Dutta admirer

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