Categories: Fan Fiction Original



Manik and Ahana were going back to the old couple’s place. Ahana didn’t even want to look in his eyes. Almost the whole journey was in awkward silence.
Manik thinks Ahana is so Adamant. Just wait n watch now..
He tells her he has called a press conference.
Ahana replies Regarding what?
Surprise Shock Anything you say. Just wait n watch…says he.
Ahana looks at him and taunts You are impossible.
You too. Manik replies her with a smirk.
Both reach the place. The old couple asks Ahana about her health.
I m totally good. Don’t worry… And she rushes to her room.
Manik asks them Did you have lunch??
No.. We were waiting .. They reply.
Okay I ll just get something.
Ahana comes back and asks them about their lunch.
No.. We didn’t have. This time is a cold reply as they were tired of answering to the same question twice.

I ll make some thing for you Guyys. She tells them
She enters the kitchen and sees Manik there.
He taunts her You can’t stay without me even for a moment. I admire it.
Stop day dreaming Mr Manik Malhotra. And they start arguing. After sometime the argument gets heated up and they start throwing veggies and water on each other.
The old couple arrive but instead of stopping them they have a good laugh.
After realising the mess around Ahana and Manik realise it had gone a bit too far. They decide to make a superb lunch. And they give a high five ?.
They start helping each other and prepare an awesome lunch. They go to the hall but couldn’t find the old couple.
Ahana calls them..
We are in the suburban restaurant. Sorry for coming here without informing you. Don’t mind… Okay I ll call you layer replies the old man.
In the restaurant they giggle.
Ahana tells Manik..
Now what about this food. I m in no mood to throw this away. Its my hard work.
Our hard work interrupts Ahana.
Yeah whatever. Now what. Asks Manik.
I m very hungry.. So I m going to eat.says Ahana.
Well .. U cant eat it all alone miss Ahana.
You can join if you want.
I don’t need your permission shrieks Manik.
Alright… Now lets go.. They take the lunch and keep it and have the lunch.
Ahana was eating the rice in bits.

You have bot changed an iota of yourself. Except..
Except ??? Asks Ahana
Hmm.. You have a little weight and he starts laughing wildly.
Ahana takes the fork in her hand and acts as if she was really gonna hit him. Manik twists her waist in defence and they both fall dropping the jug of water on the floor.
See this is what you always do Mr. Clumsy Malhotra. Oh no not clumsy. Mr Bad Malhotra.
Sometimes its good to bad.
Ahana stares at him with a puzzled look. Manik gets up and helps him to stand up. They both have their lunch and head off to their rooms.
The old couple return and are shocked to see the mess spread like a virus all around from kitchen to hall. They scold them and asks them how they will manage their hotel if they cant keep a house clean.
They apologise and start blaming each other for the mess.
The old couple ask them to clean all the mess by themselves.
They take a broom and cloth and start cleaning. Ahana intentionally places her broom on Manik and he gets irritated.

What are you trying to do?? Asks he.
She replies Tring to be bad coz someone told me Its good to be bad..
Manik gets lost in his thoughts.
Manik is definitely upto something. Maybe playing some games?? Well you don’t have to wait much as

Next chapter : The Revelation

Plz comment guyys and sorry for such a late update. Exams were there. From now on I ll try to be regular.
Ignore the typoss


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