Fan Fiction

Lovable Love…Short Story…. Raglak….(shot 1)

Hii…guys this is Mahi…back with another story hope u will like this one too…this is specially for nikky who kept asking for more Raglak stories….. so let’s start….

Shot 1….

L?veble L?ve…??

ragini:-I can’t believe it! I mean I have called u about 20 times but u didn’t pick it up…i mean this is crazy…you don’t care about me….actually you don’t love me…I should hate u….?

For the hundredth or may be more….we were fighting….he is lucky by the way….

Lucky:-“just try to listen…I have my reasons….”

Rags:-“shut up….u always have ur reasons…u and ur perfect little world….I can’t believe u can’t spend 2 hours for me… it’s SHAHID’S movieeeee…..! Do you get that….??

Lucky:-“i know… i know…but let me tell u….”

She cutted him….in between…

Rags:-“I m not talking to u…u don’t love me…GOOD BYE…”

I cut my phone…have thrown on it on the bed…

I made my way refrigerator….i took out the bottle…and started drinking….stop….stop….stop…..don’t think anything else its water…….pure water…..nothing else…।।i m tired yrr after this much long argument….i need water….huh!!! Wese what u thought….?

There are only 3 men in my life….

No.1 and the best….my dad….I love him so much he is my hero…my dad is the BEST….?

No.2 My love…My life…My crush…everything….SHAHID….don’t tell me…u don’t know…. him THE SHAHID KAPOOR…. i love him so much…i love him very much…but not more than my dad….hmmm

And No.3 Laksh Maheshwari…. i don’t know even why i love him…but I love him…..but why..why..?? Don’t know…let it be…not any more….

Let’s continue now….. where i was….mmmm….ha yes i was drinking…………WATER….then…………

I drank half-a-bottle……I was shouting alot that day…..

I looked up from the bottle….to see my sister staring at me…. (oh forget to tell u about her…my sister “swara gadodia”, my friend…my soulmate….,knows everything about me….younger to me…)

Swara:-“fighting again…”she enquired….

Rags:-“this time….its final…I mean FINAL…” i quoted with my hands at the last word…

Swara:-“let me guess…!!! This would last for an hour…or….may be a minute more…”

Rags:-“not this time……,I m going to bed…”
I was going away when she said…

Swara:-“just remember that u r going to marry this guy in a month…and also that he has been doing everything….he can to make u happy for about…..what is you age???? Twenty one years….”

Butterflies filled my stomach…at the mention of marriage……
Other than that she was true…

He has been a very good friend since my birth…I mean from the time we had known each other….

But I wasn’t going to give in..this time…

I have grown tired of fighting with him….I was angry again….

Rags:-“that also means he had been irritating me to death for twenty years…

My sister didn’t react to that…so probably thought of talking to me in the morning….
I was packed up for the day…
So I sealed my thoughts….and made my way to bed….

To be continued…

A/N:-so guys how was the chappy????….do tell me…..hope u will like and support this one too…as u support “The Last Love” …sorry for mistakes… thanks for giving ur precious time and reading…. and tell shall i continue this or not….nxt update will be day after tomorrow….that is on 14th…tomorrow i will post “The Last Love”

I have already posted the last love chappy 3 but it is showing Swasan shot 4…but it is shot 3 of the last love…Raglak….those want to read here is the link:-

Thanks for giving ur precious time and reading it…keep reading…. be happy…stay blessed…bye…?

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