Fan Fiction

my life my wish – 3

hi guys amhappy with your comments … thanks for your comments ….. before that i saw a comment from Akankshanna| let me clear you ragini is not a play girl ..

my previous link : Part 2

so lets begin

ragini is walking in the road after college . she goes to her house . a small house is shown but very pretty . she opens her door with her keys and moves in . and she directly goes to her house and her room wall are covered with her pics . she goes to the supoard and takes a pic it is sanskar’s pic .
ragini:( in mind) dear sanskar the first time when i saw you my heart skipped from me . my heart beats for you only . i know i can never be your type but it is hard to change myself because am weird … weird but something like that .. i saw you in a highway
fb is shown
ragini is going in her scooty in the highways but the road is too crowded so she gets down and check and she shocked to see a school buss drowning in water . all are rushing here and there and that time sanskar comes out and jumps inside the water and some boys also jumps and saves all the children ….but sanskar was the first one to junp and many people thanked him and ragini was touched by this and that moment she decided that she will spend her life only with him

ragini hear the door knock and comes back to her senses fb ends
rahini:am coming
she opens the door and shouts “didi” and hugs her . her face is shown she kavya (the professor which i said in last part . Aakanksha Singh from Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha)
kavya:how was your day
ragini:good … infact very good
kavya come and pulls her cheeks and tells “my sweet sister”. your new hair color is good
ragini:where is ria ??
kavya bites her tongue
ragini:don’t tell me you forget about her due to your hectic work
kavya:wo wo
ragini gives her a angry look
and goes inside and takes her scooty key and takes kavya along with her…. kavya sits in the scooty and ragini drives

ragini stops her scooty a board is shown baby’s care . kavya goes inside and brings a cute little baby girl…they reach their house …

@living room
ragini is having ria(ria is one and half years old . kavya’s daughter) ria baby my cutie pie(she just playing with ragini
kavya:dinner is ready
ragini turns her face
kavya:still angry
kavya comes near ragini and sit near her .. kavya hug ragini
kavya:srry from tommorow i will not forget
ragini:from tommorow i will pick up ria
kavya:come lets eat

they finish their lunch and soon goes to sleep
next day morning

rudsanswa are shown
rudra:swara you did not sleep well right??
swara:well yes
sanskar:what happened swara baby (he asks like a child)
swara twists her mouth
swara:i did not sleep well rudra
sanskar:still angry on me
swara smiles and
swara:no am angry on ragini
rudra:sanskar i think even you did not sleep well yesterday because u too have dark circles around your eyes . is that ragini disturbed your sleep
sanskar:haan rudra actually yesterday full night i was thinking about the kiss (sanskar keeps his hands on his cheeks and remembers the moment and smile )
swara fumes in anger
that time a they cool breezes flows and their hair is flying in the air . ragini is shown coming . ragini is wearing a red and black crop top and a black palaso plants .. she as tied her her as pony tail high pony …… she wearing lots of bangles (stylish one) and a long earring with light make up . sanskar and rudra gets mesmerized seeing her . she comes towards them and walks as if she doesn’t know them . …swara walks behind her
swara:ragini …ragini
ragini turns
swara:hi ragini am swara
ragini:hi by the way you allready know me
swara:yup our first meeting was somewhat…
ragini:oh am srry actually you where scolding me . do make your your mouth close i did that am srry
swara:oh(imediatedly swara gets a smile on her face)
ragini:(in mind) to close your mouth i can do anything and i did that because i …. really don’t know … may be because am crazy … or i kissed him because of my unconditional love
her thought where disturbed by swara
swara:by the way ragini this is sanskar and this is rudra ……swara turns her side and sees they are not their. they are just standing still
swara:oie rudra … sanskar duffers
sanskar and rudra composes themselves and comes near them
swara:ragini he is sanskar
ragini and sanskar shakes their hands. ragini is feeling like she is on cloud nine
swara:he is (she points towards rudra
ragini:i know rudra hi sunbae
rudra:hi ragini
ragini bends her head
ragini:am srry whatever i did yesturday is just to make her close her mouth
sanskar:its ok
swara:ok guys its late for our classes so shall we moves
swara:ragini (she takes something from her bag ) have this invitation . there a party in my house as because the college as started i wanted you to come. even you are new to this college so you can get many friends
ragini:sure i will

precap: party time !!! fun time!!!! craziness!!!………and also
ragini gets to know that sanskar and swara loves each other .

kavya is ragini sister . she is a widow

plz do tell if you have any problem with this ff .
tc ………..stay blessed…………smile always


We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

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