Lady don “Ridhima” #Riansh (immj2)

Here Ridhima is mafia just like vansh as he was in the show. Here too she is an orphan and this cruel world made her enter in mafia world and now she is underworld queen….people know her as “lady don”
She lives with Ragini and Ragini’s sister Ahana in a big mansion as they both lived together in an orphanage.

Here vansh is a normal and even poor man who living with his mother and two sisters ishani and siya . His father was killed by a mafia and he hates even word of the mafia. vansh work as a chef to earn their shelter.

Ridhima has a best friend sejal who is like a shadow to her….she is very close and helps her like Angre was doing in the show.

Sejal: Ridhu we need to convert our black money into a legal one otherwise we are in danger….what is someone informed CBI…..

Ridhima: no!! Find someone who didn’t have connection to our world and we can trust them….

Sejal: today we have to go orphanage and distribute things to children…

Ridhima went to the orphanage and spent time with them felt peace in her heart. When Ridhima was about to come out of the orphanage she notices a tall man who is distributing sweets to children and all children were clinging to him…..Ridhima was lost in him, in his eyes as they were very deep., …his face was like a magnet that attracting her…she unknowingly moved to him. Ridhima was not able to take his eyes off from him….when she heard his voice that was also deep and intensive like his eyes. Now Ridhima was standing near him.

Vanish looked at Ridhima and frowned as she was staring at him like she will eat him raw. He snapped his finger in front of her then she came to her senses. ” are you new to this place” asked Ridhima.

Vansh: yes miss!!

Ridhima with bossy tone: call me Ridhima….

Vansh: vansh!!

Ridhima: okay, you are staying here permanently or occasionally…

Vansh: occasionally and you!!

Ridhima: I don’t do the job here…..I use to come to spend time with them….

Vansh: can be talk while walking…

Ridhima with a rough voice” why not” they started walking…” So you always talk like this” asked vansh. Ridhima frowned at his question.” I mean you always talking this much roughly to people or I am special to you”

Ridhima murmured” very special”

Vansh: what??

Ridhima: I am like this only….I don’t change myself for people….

Vansh: okay! Who else is in your family?

Ridhima: my friend cum sister Sajal and one more friend and her sister.

Vansh: I asked about your family, not friends.

Ridhima: they are only my chosen family….I never saw my parent and I lived in this orphanage only…

Vansh: sorry!! I didn’t know about that…
Vansh looked at her but she was plane and even she smiled when she looked at him.

Ridhima: it’s okay!!! I am habitual of it…..who else is in your family…

Vansh: maa, two sisters siya and ishani.

Ridhima: nice family….are they younger or elder.

Vansh: younger…

Before They can talk more, Ridhima received a call from seal and she left but she gave her card to vansh and said ” he can call her if he needs any help”
Days passed and one day Ridhima called vansh and asked him to she want to marry him but he refused….even from that he even didn’t receive her call and avoid meeting her….

Ridhima being Zindhima was use to stalk him and block his way. He use to fight with her and call her with colourful names but she use to smile at his cute antics. It became her routine to find his location and irritate him. Vansh also started enjoying her presence.

One day vansh’s mother fainted and she was taken to the hospital….Doctor told him that she is suffering from the breathing problem and her bronchi are infected.They have to operate her and he have to deposit money soon so that they can start their work….when vansh asked money and on hearing the amount he was blank…..

Ridhima was not feeling good and an urge of meeting vansh took birth into her….she trashed his location when she found it hospital she became worried and without wasting a second she ran to the hospital.

When she was vansh fit and fine she gave him tight hug and vansh too reciprocated the hug….Ridhima was very happy. soon vansh broke the hug and she asked ” what happen vansh why are you here”

Vansh: wo maa is admitted….

Ridhima: what happened to her and why you didn’t inform me….

Vansh narrated the whole matter. She looked at him and said ” I am ready to take all her expenses”

Vansh: thank you!!!! I will never forget…

Ridhima interrupted him and said ” but in return I want you…you have to marry me”

Vansh was shocked and looked at her with disgust.
” don’t look at me like this….not only maa….I will take responsibility of siya and ishani from their study, small necessities like clothes to their marriage expenses….I am ready to bear all these if you are ready to marry”

Vansh: I can’t believe ridhima….you in this situation doing business with me….

Ridhima: I am not forcing you…..last decision is yours…but before taking any decision think wisely…maa will become fit and fine…ishani and siya will also be able to live good life and will able to achieve their dreams….”

Vansh: I have never thought that you are this much cheap and selfish woman….what you think by marrying you will be able to receive my love then you are highly mistaken…

Ridhima: sorry jaan my love is selfish and I will take what I want either by hook or crook. So tell me what is your decision…..

Vansh closed his eyes and remember his mother and how she took care of him, his family now it’s his chance to do things for his family….

Vansh agreed for the marriage….”okay let’s go and complete formalities of marriage then you will give money so that I give them…”

Ridhima: okay!!

The doctor came there and said ” congratulations operation is successful in an hour you can meet her”

Vansh: but you said first I have to deposit money then you will start operation….

The doctor looked at Ridhima and said ” she deposited all money the very next money you told her”

Vansh: what??

Ridhima: let’s go we have to do formalities of our marriage….vansh can we do marriage in the temple…

Vansh: I am not interested in this marriage I am doing this because of my family….so don’t expect anything from me….

Ridhima: okay!!
After a week Uma was discharged and Ridhima brought her to the mansion with vansh, siya and ishani….all were looking at the mansion with wide eyes as they were going to live in it.

Siya: wow Bhabhi this is your mansion….this is so beautiful and huge mansion.

Ishani: haa Bhabhi!!

Ridhima smiled both of them said ” the day I married your brother my everything intently became his….so this mansion his and yours too…

Vansh: but why are standing on the gate….you don’t want us to enter in…

Ridhima: vansh!!! (He rolled his eyes) you all are coming to our mansion for the first time so sejal is arranging things for you….

Soon seal came with “pooja thali” and warmly welcomed them. When they Reached the hall vansh became a statue seeing the person present there and his eyes get teary…..

Ridhima looked at him and jerked ” what happen vansh”

On hearing vansh’s name person looked at him and vansh at her…” Ragini”

Ragini: vansh!!

Ridhima: Ragini meet my husband vansh Raisinghania…and vansh she is my friend Ragini.

Ridhima became angry as both were lost in each other. She was very jealous as things that she always tried to find in his eyes for her now all these things he is showing all those things for Ragini….. She was not able to control so she ordered sejal to show siya, ishani and uma’s room and she dragged vansh to her room.

Vansh was not in his sense so he just went with her to her room. She locked room and splashed a bucket of cold water on his and vansh shouted ” what the hell”

Ridhima with red eyes, the fire was visible in her eyes ” what wrong with you….how can you eye another girl in front of your wife….fit this thing in your mind you belongs to me….you vansh Rishinghania belongs to Ridhima only….. Don’t even dare to look at another girl with love”

Vansh: I told you early that I will never accept this marriage….

Ridhima: then you will going to cheat on me….listen I hate betrayal and don’t even try to betray me….otherwise…

Vansh: otherwise!!!

Ridhima cooled herself and said otherwise consequences will not be good because you don’t know who I am…( she said coldly )

Vansh: how much you going to stoop low…I will do whatever I like it and you are not going to stop me….

Ridhima smirked “is it so”

Vansh: yes!!!

Ridhima: then I will also do whatever I like…

Vansh: do Nah…who is stopping you…

Ridhima came forward and grabbing his collar to bring her lever, she slammed her lips with his cold lips. Vansh was shocked at her stunt and Ridhima was nibbling and chewing lips….soon vansh pushed her and shouted ” are made….how can you kiss me like”

Ridhima casually ” you only said nah I should do whatever I like it…” Coming close to him ” I like your lips wanted to taste them since when we met.”
She encircled her arms around his neck” and what is wrong in kissing you….you are my husband I have all the right on you and same goes with you….if you want to want to kiss then you are warmly welcomed…..and even you can do even more” saying this she winked at him….

Listening to all her blabbering a shiver ran to his body….when she treshed her finger from his face to his chest….he was lost in her touch and closed his eyes as his body experiencing different sensation….soon reality hits vansh and he jerked her, and ran to the bathroom to control his desire.

Ridhima smiled seeing her effect on him….day was passed and it was night. Vansh was in the room and looking at the magazine. Ridhima arrived and fell on the bed….

Vansh was about to say something but she stopped him ” not now vansh, … I am hell tired.” Vansh looked at her exhausted face and decided to remain silent. After some time ” vansh are you done with your dinner”

Vansh: Ridhima look at your watch it’s 1 am and you are asking for dinner.

Ridhima: okay!! Koi problem to nhi as your first day in this mansion….

Vansh: my first and last problem is you and your presence around me….

Ridhima heart pained listening to him but she remained broken smile on her face ” then your problem can’t be solved…..if is there anything problem then tell me….”

Vansh: why are you like this?

Ridhima: okay!!! I am going to fresh….now you should sleep as it is late…”

Ridhima dialled seal no. ” seju is food ready or has I need a head massage as my head is painting like hell….”

Vansh: your head will pain if you not take food on time….see the time you still not ate your food….

Ridhima get up from the bed and goes to vansh with a broad smile ” awww my caring husband ” she kissed his cheek ” good night you…I love you….I will eat food and then sleep”

Vansh with an irritated face ” why always reading to print your lips on me….I don’t like it…..don’t touch me….”
In the morning every was sitting and having breakfast then Ahana came from her trip. She looked at siya and ishani with an irritating face….

Ahana: Didi when servants started eating with us and who brought these middle-class trash here.

Ragini showed her eyes to stop her but she continued her blabbering ” hey you (to Ishani) cheapo what are you doing here…..go and bring coff….”

She received a slap from Ridhima and Ahana looked at her she gulped as she know how dangerous Ridhima is….

Ridhima: what were you saying…

Ahana bowed her head and Ridhima looked at sisters whose eyes were teary and vansh’s we’re also filled…

Ridhima: apologies to them…

Ahana: but…

Ridhima shouted ” Ahana!!!”
Everyone got scared after hearing her roar…” Sorry!!”

Ridhima: go and sejal block ahana’s cards for one month…

Ahana: Didi

Ridhima: two months…

Ahana ran from there…..” Ragini make your sister understand that they are my family and dare not insult them otherwise she is not allowed to live here….because insulting them is indirectly insulting me….you very well know what I do who insult me…”

Ragini nodded and moved from there….Ridhima moved to siya and ishani…and wiped their tears and hugged them…..”why you two didn’t slap her when she was insulting you…” Said Ridhima…

Ishani: Bhabhi how can I…

Ridhima: didn’t I told you that all the things that are mine belongs to you all….so you have all right…you get that….

Siya: Thank you Bhabhi!!!

Ridhima gave ishani and siya cards so that they don’t have to come to her for money because she knew they will feel awkward in asking for money…

Siya: these cards we don’t need them…

Ishani: yes Bhabhi!!!

Ridhima: keep them with you….I am not saying use all money today only….as I can’t stay always with you…whenever you need money then you use it…

Siya: but…

Ridhima: no ifs and buts

Siya and ishani: thank you!!!

Ridhima: from today you both will go to college in the car….not only college wherever you want to go you will use as I lotted that only for you only….

Vansh: why are you spoiling my sisters…

Ridhima: now they are not only your sisters…mine too….

Siya and ishani: yes Bhabhi!!!
Both hugged her….” Bhabhi ki bachhi you both forgot your brother too soon”

Ridhima: someone is jealous.(chuckled).
Vansh was walking in the corridor and someone pulled to a room…

Vansh: you….why you pulled me here…

Person: what happen you vansh….I am your love Ragini….your m girlfriend.

Vansh: you were my girlfriend and now I am married to Ridhima…

Ragini: I know she forced you…..she is in the habit of snatching things either someone’s love or life…

Vansh: what do you mean…

Ragini: you hate nah mafia world…

Vansh: yes!!!

Ragini: do you know your so-called wife is the queen of the underworld.

Vansh: what???

Ragini: yes!!! She is a criminal. She killed many people.

Vansh: stop it Ragini…

Ragini: I am not lying vansh….she is the only ” lady don”

Vansh: this can’t be the truth….she can’t lie to me…

Ragini: she lied to you and If you are not trusting me then you go and confront her….vansh don’t forget I still love that I why I am telling you truth…

Vansh: if you loved me this much then why you broke my heart.

Ragini: sorry!!!!! I was a fool and a jerk….but now I want to mend all the things…

Vansh without reply to her moved to Ridhima…..she was in the library….

Vansh: I wanna talk to you..

Ridhima: say!!

Vansh: privately!!

Ridhima signed seal to move….” Ridhima did you lied to me about you”

Ridhima: no!!

Vansh grabbed her should ” you didn’t lie to me that you do not belong to the underworld”
Ridhima was shocked to hear this but composed herself and said ” tell me when I said I didn’t belong to Mafia”

Vansh: but you didn’t tell me too

Ridhima: I know you hate even the word mafia so I didn’t tell you…..I was scared of your reaction….if I would have told you the truth then you wild have refused to marry me…”

Vansh: by hiding such a big thing you broke my Ridhima…

Ridhima: sorry vansh!!! I was afraid to face your hatred….you know how much I love you…

Vansh: by hiding your truth you increased hatred in my heart….first you took advantage of the vulnerability and I got to know that you lied to me….

Ridhima: vansh I just hide a fact that I belong to the underworld…..

Vansh with anger and tighten his grip on her shoulder ” just….seriously Ridhima just a fact….you are criminal and cold-blooded murderer is just a fact to you Ridhima”

Ridhima again broke to the core and said ” to become a murderer is not my choice vansh…’s this cruel world made me like this…”

Vansh: why only Ridhima….there are many girls why can’t become murderer like….because they don’t want and you chose this….

Ridhima closed her to prevent her tears but they came out.” Ridhima you know girls are known unknown for the soft and kind heart but look at you who can who is killing people without mercy and criminal too. You are the devil and black spot in the name of the girl.”

Ridhima: stop it vansh….if you don’t know my whole truth then you don’t have any right to say anything…..”

Vansh: I am not dying to talk to you…and I am leaving this house with my family and I want divorce.

Ridhima’s temperature rose when she heard that he is leaving….she took out his gun and pointed at him ” I am a murderer nah then let me show how I murder people…”

Vansh got scared and said ” Ridhima are mad….how can’t do this to me…”

Ridhima: yes I can’t do this to you because I love but I can do this to your family…

Vansh: what???

Ridhima: yes!!! I will kill your sisters as you know killing a person is very easy for me as I am a cold-hearted murderer….

Vansh: no!!!

Ridhima: then go to our room and dare you tried to say anything to your family about this and tried to flee….you know you can’t run from me as my goons are everywhere……

Vansh Ran to the room like a bullet….




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