Lady don “Ridhima” #Riansh (immj2)

Before reading this chapter I want to tell don’t take character’s action from your bottom of your heart and I want to write somethings thrilling and emotional, romance or should I should say a complete package…..

It was night when Ridhima came in the room with a food tray. ” vansh maa told me that you didn’t eat your diner”. Vansh who was sitting on the bed wearing a black night suit with a sad face Replied ” I am not hungry”

Ridhima: I know you are angry with me….you should not avoid your food for me who doesn’t matter to you.

Vansh: why are you doing this….(teary eyes) please Ridhima let me go….

Ridhima: vansh why are you not understanding that I love you!!!

Vansh: but I don’t and you can’t force me to love you….

Ridhima: even I am not forcing you vansh…have I ever said love me or do this or that for me…..I want you to stay with me…..

Vansh: Ridhima you are casing me just because you want…..what about me and my feeling that doesn’t matter to you….

Ridhima: vansh when did i disrespected your feelings. vansh you had chance to deny for the marriage but you didn’t .I married you when you said yes and I didn’t put gun on your head and married to you… your work is done and you don’t need my support so you want to leave me….you were saying I was selfish what you did was not your selfishness…..i didn’t married you for divorcing….so fit one thing in your mind you can’t go away from me and you want to go then you have to stop my breath.

Vansh: Ridhima!!! (With helpless eyes)

Ridhima: please eat this food…

Vansh: I don’t want…

Ridhima forwarded morsel to his mouth but he turned his face….”vansh!!! Are you eat or should I pull out my gun and…..”

Vansh: you know I hate you….

Ridhima: but I love you….. Open your mouth or should I open siya’s head by my gun.
He started eating food like scared kid…..

Vansh: Ridhima I already lost my father because of this mafia world and I don’t want to lose more……

Ridhima: your problem is this mafia world nah!!

Vansh: yes!!

Ridhima: if I leave this world then you will accept me and love me ( don’t know why I cried while writing this line…..)

Vansh: Ridhima!!!

Ridhima: you only said this dark world is your problem….so I am ready to leave this world if you are going to accept me…

Vansh: you only said you will not force me now what are you doing….

Ridhima: I am not forcing you vansh….leave I know you can’t do…..vansh from today you are not allowed to go out.

Vansh: Ridhima you can’t cage me like this….what about my job and all.

Ridhima: you don’t need to do job. your all necessities are going to fulfil by me.

Vansh: I don’t want this golden cage and your money….I want my free life and if it gives me poverty with that I am ready to accept poverty….

Ridhima smiled sadly and said ” these talks are easy for saying….think once if I didn’t helped you financially that day what would happened to your mother.., now you don’t need money so you are saying this….and you are refering my love and care as golden cage because you have your mother and sister to do care and love you….think about those people who lived alone in this world and want someone who can love them and do care for them….there are many unlucky people….”
Her eyes got teary because she is one of them and want someone beside her truly because she got many betrayal in her life. Sejal is there for her but she want a soulmate like sejal has kenul as her soulmate……

Ridhima continued ” I know you are not wrong at your point of views because it’s human tendency that they always desire what they don’t have and don’t respect that they have…..when they lost those things and then they cry for them want to seek them back…..And about freedom I know everyone has right to live their life as they want….I am not allowing you to go out because there are many enemies who want take revenge from me and will try to harm you if they got to know that you are important for me… if like to go with bodyguards then you can like ishani and siya….”

Vansh: you know I don’t like guards and all….

Ridhima: that is why I am saying this….

Vansh: but I can’t sit at home and eat your money….more important I don’t want to become a “joru ka gulam and follow you like lost puppy” as I am vansh Raisinghania.

Ridhima chuckled and said ” you are not joru ka gulam…( pulled his cheeks) you are my king vansh Raisinghania…king of this queen… can join me in my office”

Vansh: I don’t kill people like you…

Ridhima: I don’t go office for killing people….I do business there.

Vansh: but I am a simple chef and don’t know about your business.

Ridhima: I have a cafe on the ground floor of my office because we don’t prefer to go to another cafe and hotel for deals as it’s not safe….you can manage that cafe if you want the way you want.

Vansh: okay!!

Ridhima: vansh I am trusting you so please don’t break my trust or try to betray me….

Vansh: what you are doing with my family is not betrayal and what you have done with me is not betrayal.

Ridhima closed her eyes to compose her anger and said ” sometimes telling a lie and making people happy is better than telling them the truth and made them cry”

Vansh: according to you keeping people in dark and giving them false hope is right…..think about the consequences when they come to know about your lie then no can mend their broken heart….

Ridhima: I think you should sleep as we have go office…..good night ( kissed his forehead)
Next day vansh goes with Ridhima to her office and worked in cafe….Days were passing smothely and Vansh ignoring Ragini and she was hell irritated by his behavior. Vansh started talking smoothly to Ridhima as she was lovingly taking care of him and his family feelings.  Ridhima use to goes ground floor to do lunch with vansh and spend sometime with him. He also started liking her company and her care for him.

Ishani and siya called vansh to inform that Ridhima they are waiting for her in mall as she is not picking their calls. Vansh goes to Reception and asked about Ridhima’s cabin.

Receptionist: appointment sir?

Vansh: no!!!

Receptionist: then show me your visiting card.

Vansh: I don’t need visiting card to go my wife.

Receptionist: wait sir let me inform sejal ma’am about you….she dialed her number and asked about vansh andsejal told her not to stop him if she didn’t want to go to hell.

Receptionist: so you are then one who broke the heart of all male staff…

Vansh: what do you mean??

Receptionist: you don’t know sir all the male staff has crush on her but when she married to you so..,..

Vansh: so??

Receptionist: so everyone want to see you…..

Vansh: what will they do after seeing me….

Receptonist: they want to see why she married you….what is special in you that they don’t have.

Vansh: are they come here for work or they come to see my wife….(with little anger)

Receptionist: not all but many are coming just because of ma’am and in a hope that one day she will accept their proposal.

Vansh: what???

Receptionaist: I can tell name of three who are mad on ma’am….

Vansh with anger ” tell”

Receptionist: Aryaan, Kabeer and viyom……

Vansh: okay!!! Do one thing….

Receptionist: what sir….

Vansh: make three suspension latter….

Receptionist: for whom sir…

Vansh( with little jealousy): for these three idiots..

Receptionist: can click a photo with you?

Vansh: you know your ma’am…..she will kill you if got to know this…..

Receptionist: yeah!! I know sorry!!!

Vansh: can you take me to her cabin.

Receptionist: why not sir….

After sometime they Reached there and Ridhima asked them to come…..vansh came and saw her engrossed in her work.

Ridhima: okay kabeer we will discuss remaining things after sometime….

On hearing kabeer’s name vansh looked at him with anger and then he looked at Ridhima was sitting near him.

Vansh: sweetheart we have to go for shopping and you can do your work later on….

Ridhima, kabeer and sejal looked at him like they saw ghost. Ridhima came to him and checked his temperature ” vansh what happen….should I call doctor…”. Vansh hold her hand and said ” sweetheart we are getting late……”

Kabeer was burning because Ridhima was saying noting to him and he is calling her sweetheart even she is showing concern for him….

Kabeer: Ridhima who is he…

Before Ridhima can answer vansh said ” I am her husband and you should call her ma’am instead of Ridhima.”

Ridhima was happy as he was calling her as his wife and showing concern for her. She smiled to vansh and he also Reciprocated.

Kabeer with irritated face: but I always call her by her name only…

Vansh: sweetheart have I said anything wrong…

Ridhima: no!!! From now kabeer you are going call me ma’am….

Vansh smirked at him and said ” not only he everyone should call you ma’am if they are not in same position….

Kabeer: Ridhima but we are friends nah….it will awkward for me…

Vansh: are you come office for work or friendship….

Ridhima: kabeer why are you arguing with him….he is boss of this office… you are just employ and you have to follow his order. If you are talking about friendship then we are friends when we are outside the office so no more argument you will call me ma’am .

Vansh: now go and inform all about the same…..and you come with me we have to go mall as siya and ishani are waiting….
They enjoyed in mall. It was night vansh was waiting for Ridhima to come. She came after sometime. ” you didn’t sleep yet”

Vansh: wo I was waiting for you….

Ridhima was amused and said with happiness ” really ” she sat on bad ” what happen?”

Vansh: nothing!!!

Ridhima: tell me nah!!!

Vansh: wo I was thinking that in office I overreacted….sorry!!

Ridhima: you did nothing wrong and you have all the right to take any decision…. any other thing you want to say!!

Vansh: no!!! You look tired,,..,

Ridhima: yes it was tiring day…..Good night ( pecked his lips)

Vansh: where are you going???

Ridhima: I think I didn’t eat dinner yet so going to have…..

Vansh: you can eat in room…

Ridhima: I can but I have to check some files too….

Vansh: that you can do tomorrow…..

Ridhima asked sejal to send food in room. Soon she retired to bed. Ridhima came to him and rested her head on his chest and he frowned at her.

Ridhima: things should be equally done as you showed right on me when I was in office and now I am showing my right on you…..

Vansh: what if I deny to you….then

Ridhima: then my side door is containing gun and I was thinking to use it…..should I…

Vansh: sweetheart I was kidding…..why you always ready to play with your toy and you are boring too.

Ridhima looked at him and smiled ” we should do fun” saying this she trased finger on his face and moved to his lips. Vansh closed his eyes but she moved his ear said with husky voice ” I will not taste your lips until unless you initiate…..its enough of me and now turn is yours….” She bites his lob and vansh groaned at this….

Vansh looked at her and after sometime he said ” then your dreams will never come true….”

Ridhima: is it so….

Vansh: yes sweetheart !!!

She was on his chest and looking into his eyes with smirk. Vansh closed his eyes when he felt that she started tempting him. “why you closed your eyes….vansh”
Vansh didn’t said anything. She drawing patterns on his chest and started kissing there. She moved a little above and gave hickey. Now, this was too much for him and he took her beneath him and looked on her lips and then into her eyes. He closed his eyes and sighed “sleep sweetheart” kissed her forehead.

Ridhima: where are you going?

Vansh: bathroom…

Ridhima: why?

Vansh: what do mean by why…..I am free to use the bathroom.

Ridhima chuckled ” go…go…how will you going control others….”

Vansh: it’s none of your business….
In the morning, Ridhima getting ready for the office and vansh was in the bathroom. Soon vansh come out and Ridhima looked at him ” vansh from when you started tempting me…..I am already flat on you….no need to do all this…”

Vansh with embarrassment: I forgot my clothes here….so don’t use your brain too much.

Ridhima moved to him and trashed her finger on the chest.” Why are you staring at me “

Ridhima: I am not staring at you…I am staring your tone body…..(saying this she kissed on chest).

A shiver ran in his body and he was getting weak on his knees. He Rested his both arms on her shoulders” you can’t “

Ridhima: Tadana free of cost hai and you are my husband so I can do whatever I want….

This cute moment is spoiled by the entry of Ragini who started staring at vansh….when Ridhima noticed this she shouted “Ragini”. She came to her senses and gulped seeing Ridhima’s red eyes….Ridhima eyed vansh to wear his shirt….

Ridhima: don’t you have manners….I am married can’t you knock before entering my room.

Ragini: sorry! I am going.

Ridhima: you should….don’t come to my room if you need anything then wait for me in study room.

Ragini was hell angry on seeing the scenario.
Ragini went to the cafe to talk vansh. ” Vansh why are you avoiding me and enjoying with your so-called criminal wife.”

Vansh: shut up Ragini and move out from here…..if Ridhima comes to know about your arrival then you know what she will do with you.

Ragini: I know you are doing this because you are afraid of her….vansh I will help you getting rid of her…..I have many proofs against her that can prove her murderer and after sending her jail we will live peacefully.

Vansh: how can you do this to your friend…

Ragini: Because she deserve this and if I tell you her truth then you will also going to hate her.

Vansh: I know she belongs to underworld….forgot you only told me….

Ragini: but you don’t know that….that she is one who killed your father…

Vansh shouted “Ragini”

Ragini: I have proof and she showed some pictures….”She killed your father for money”

Vansh with red eyes marched to Ridhima’s cabin and ordered everyone to move out. Throws pictures on her face.”You killed my father” Ridhima picked up one photo and she started sweating and remembered how his father was died.

Ridhima: you… are son of AR

Vansh was pinned her to wall forcefully ” you killed my father…..because of you ,maa and my sisters suffered…..”

Ridhima: listen!!! It was an acci….

Vansh: you shut blo*dy murderer…..because of your greed I lost my father…..I never thought you can stoop this low… know what god made you orphan because you don’t deserve parents and their love… if anyone is not with you who can love you because you are not worthy of to be loved…..your are orphan because you killed many people’s parent and made them orphan like you.

Ridhima: vansh!!! I can’t give your father back to you but I am ready to do anything for that….

Vansh: kill yourself if can’t then never show me your this blo*dy face…and One more thing as soon as Ishani and Siya’s exams will over I leave this city because I don’t want to live murderer like you…i feel disgust of your presence.

After this incident, Vansh stopped talking to her and started ignoring her topic….. She tried manytime to sort out things but he was not ready to hear anything from her.
Today is vansh’s birthday party and Ridhima gave this party.  Party was arranged on terrace of her office. Ridhima was standing in one corner and looking at vansh, siya, ishani and Uma who were enjoying there group hug….Ridhima was remembering vansh words and tears formed in her eyes. She was not feeling good so she moved to the bathroom and she cried. She came back after some time. she received a call but she was not able to talk because of music so she came down one floor but her heart broke in millions of pieces on seeing the scenario….vansh and Ragini were kissing. She was broken she knew vansh don’t love her but she never thought he can cheat on her…. Soon she left the office and came to mansion….

She was alone in the mansion and crying and breaking things. She broke all the things of her room like vansh broke her heart by cheating on her…..
She spent her whole night in crying , screaming,  shouting and cursing her faith.

She didn’t realised when she slept and that to on the floor.

In the morning vansh returned to room.he saw her sleeping on the floor with dull and pale face. Due to noise her sleep got broken and she opened her eyes and saw vansh in the room….tears escaped from her eyes…

Vansh: what happened to you…and this mess.

Ridhima with cold voice ” leave me alone.” Vansh said ” even I am not interested in talking to you.I am here to use bathroom…..” And he moved to the bathroom. She started crying…she was biting her finger so that her sobs will not reach vansh’s ear…her one palm was injured and blooding was coming out.

When she heard the sound of the door’s letching she moved to the bed and covering herself with a blanket laid down.

Vansh came out and moved out of the room. After sometime he came with orange juice and when she saw orange juice in her hand she smiled sadly. Vansh came to her and placed juice on the table and she saw his face and closed her eyes to prevent tears but tears came out from her eyes.

When Ridhima saw them kissing then she was going to confront them….but she stopped hearing the conversation.

Ragini: I know vansh you still love me…

Vansh was about say but Ragini gave him a bottle…and he asked ” what is this”

Ragini: this is poisen and you have to give this to Ridhima….

Vansh: Ragini!!

Ragini: she killed your father and for you father , for our love you have to do this….you can give this in orange juice as it is her favourite and she will not deny to drink…

Flashback ends….

Ridhima opened her eyes and looked at vansh with painful eyes.erlier she believed that vansh hate her but can never he will ready to kill her but she is proved wrong in all mean.

Vansh was not able to see in her so he stand up and turned his face.

Vansh: Ridhima I want to say something…..first listen then take any decision…..i want to tell that I and Ragini know each other from our college time….not even know…(he closed his eyes) we were seeing each other and….

Vansh thought ” what happened to her why she is not angry….not saying anything earlier she use to get angry when I talked about other girls….what happen to her today!!!”

He turned to see and what he saw his breath stopped…..Ridhima was lying on bed and white foaming coming out from her mouth….he looked at juice glass….it was employ…she drank poisoned juice…Her breath was breaking…

Vansh: ” RIDHIMA”


Thank you for reading I know I hurt many of you but don’t take them seriously and enjoy story as fiction only….yes there is a two part more of it……so wait for turns and twist….and don’t forget to give views about the story line and my thoughts…

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