Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 23rd November 2019 Written Episode Update: Prithvi celebrates as Preeta agrees to marry him

Kundali Bhagya 23rd November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Maira was booking bridal makeup salon, she wished to look pretty as Mrs. Luthra. Her mother says she hasn’t yet spoken to his father, she wonders how he would react. Maira tells her not to speak to him yet, he is already in London. Her mother says some day he would find out about Karan’s past marriage. Maira convinces her not to share it with him now.

Prithvi sat in the temple corner of his house and complains to God for the silence. Sarla promised him, but Preeta still didn’t call him. He wonders what if Preeta had said a no to marriage. He gets a call from Sarla and was excited. Sarla says Preeta has agreed for the marriage. Prithvi’s hands tremble, he requests Sarla to wait for a moment while he showers flowers over the Gods for answering his prayers. He shows his elation towards

Sarla. Sarla was worried about his mother. Prithvi assures Sarla he made her up for marriage, she is now ready. Sarla was happy. Prithvi was in a state of disbelief, then victory over Karan. He dances around the house in celebrations. His mother comes to the hall and inquires the reason. Prithvi asks his mother to go and shop new dresses, her son is soon marrying. Her mother asks whom? Prithvi replies its Preeta. His mother reminds him of all the insult he had to bear last time. Prithvi convince his mother that Sarla herself brought the proposal. His mother complains she didn’t come to his mother, as she is the elder. Prithvi was assertive that he is the most eligible bachelor; would she accept Sherlin as her daughter in law then. His mother says Sherlin is already married. Prithvi says Sherlin is still in love with him, and would love everything on a single phone call. His mom says alright, she wants Preeta as her daughter in law. Prithvi tells her to go and celebrate, their wedding is after two days.

Shrishti comes to Preeta and asks why she is marrying Prithvi. She notices Preeta had been crying. She convince Preeta to say a no, there Karina is ruining their marriage and here she agreed to marry Prithvi. There are differences between them, but still Preeta is married to Karan. Preeta cries helplessly, as Sarla’s health is deteriorating because of her. Her marriage brought pain and tension for Sarla. Shrishti inquires if Preeta realizes what will happen to her. Is she Mrs. Karan Luthra or not? Preeta replies yes, she is married; but tells her to leave her alone. Shrishti asks why Preeta said yes to remarry. Janki was standing at the door and hears this. Preeta replies to Shrishti she won’t marry Prithvi; she only said a yes to Sarla because she was in ill health. She will go and speak to Prithvi and convince him to back out. Shrishti nods approvingly. Preeta was hopeful that Prithvi would agree, and Sarla would heal in time. Janki was relieved at Preeta’s decision. Shrishti asks if Prithvi would really back out. Preeta says Prithvi is a nice guy, he would understand that she is already married. Everything will be fine.

The next morning, Prithvi gets a call from Sherlin. She was leaving for Pune and had to say a bye. Prithvi asks if Luthra’s didn’t inquire her about her visit. Sherlin says Luthras are extremely tensed because of Preeta and Karan’s remarriage. She only told Rishab and he agreed at once. Prithvi tells her to keep safe and have a good journey. Prithvi thinks it’s fantastic, Sherlin isn’t here till tomorrow evening. He decides to go to Luthra house now and give them the news of his marriage with Preeta; this will burn the hearts of Karan and Rishab. He makes a call to order an immediate wedding invitation call.

Prithvi comes to Luthra house. Karan asks why he came to his room. Prithvi tells Karan to forget about the past, he wants to hug him today. He got a good news for Karan. Karan shouts at Prithvi to leave and drags him outside. In the hall, Prithvi convince Karan to let bygone be bygone. Rishab also comes to inquires why Prithvi came here. Prithvi says he came here for Gandhi-giri. He has decided to forget everything that happened in the past. Rishab asks what Prithvi needs now. Prithvi says he needs nothing. Rakhi passes by. Prithvi goes to touch her feet and demands her to bless him, he is about to start a new chapter of his life.

Update Credit to: Sona

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