Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 15th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Preeta challanges Prithvi and Sherlin

Kundali Bhagya 15th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta reveals she had to convince Rishab jee to marry Sherlin, it was a big mistake because she is not a good girl, Prithvi replies it is nothing to be worried about because since Sherlin got married to Rishab, he got to live in this house with her, Prithvi threatens Preeta that he will make sure to end any love which even a single member of the family has for her, after which he will make sure that she leaves this house like she did two years ago, and not come back to the Luthra Mansion. Preeta advises him to see all the dreams which he wants to see as they will surely end in the morning but she promises to make sure that she will be thrown out of the house but this time she will also throw Sherlin along with Prithvi.

Sameer stops the car, he rushes to open the door for Bi jee who steps out,

she explains that she really likes him but cannot leave her boyfriend so has a suggestion that he should search for some other girlfriend when Sameer replies he does not know what to do since he cannot find anyone else when Bi jee advises him to keep looking since this is the only way because of which he would not lose, she leaves as it is getting late for her medicine, he takes her blessing.

Sameer opens the door, Shristhi apologizes that she kept sitting in the car after which she runs away thanking him for dropping them back to their house, he thinks she will not come back but Shristhi calls him from behind, she standing in front of him reveals how she liked the video which he sent seeking apology. She rushes away when he thinks this means she has forgiven him, he in excitement leaves.

Preeta is entering the room when she sees Karan leaving so questions where is he going, he replies he is going outside to sleep and knows that she does not need him here but has what she desires, Preeta questions what is he saying, he informs she has the money which she longs for so must stay with it, Preeta rushes to lie down on the bed exclaiming that she only wants his support, he does not even know how much it means for her but this fight is really hard when she is alone, she sits up thinking if this war has started then she will fight, Prithvi is wrong to think she came back for the love of this family as she only wants them to understand his true nature, she stands thinking that until she is in this house then would not let him win, he would not be able to do anything, she vows to do anything she has to do in order to save her family from him, she will not let him win in any case.

Prithvi while pouring the drink is singing, Sherlin in anger asks him to stop questioning how can he celebrate like this, she reveals Preeta left after threatening them as they had convinced her that both of them were not together anymore but now she saw them both with her own eyes, Prithvi question what is her problem since they have won today and it is her defeat, Prithvi questions if she heard what it is said as the mothers tend to warn their children that Gabbar is coming. Sherlin questions why is he enjoying because he just took something small from Preeta because she has everything, Sherlin explains that he is not like the old Prithvi who had all he power, she warns him to recall the first time when he sent Mahesh to the basement even then no one was able to say anything since he had the power, Sherlin advises him to take back what is rightly his, she advises that he cannot lose from Preeta since they are so close to their destination and she doesn’t want to lose from her, Prithvi throws the glass mentioning she is right as he got excited because of winning but he will make sure they also win in the bight fight, he will do something because of which Preeta will lose, Sherlin leaves assuring she trusts him, Prithvi throwing the bottle exclaims the power which she has belonged to him but he will do something that he once again gets the power, he thinks what can he do to get the power which was his in the past, he is constantly thinking.

In the morning Mahesh suddenly wakes up, he hides warning them all to not come close to him, Preeta reveals that she is his daughter but will not come close to him, Preeta explains she knows that some people are wrong as they give him wrong medicine because of which he is not recognizing his own daughter but the medicines cannot cause them to be away from each other, she is his daughter and he loves her a lot, she also loves him and can even give her life for him, she asks if he remembers that yesterday he ate his favorite sweet, he liked Firni a lot so today she thought of bringing his second favorite sweet, which is the Laddo she asks him to see that she brought the box of his favorite laddo, she will eat them all with him.

Preeta sits on the other side of the bed assuring she will not say anything and he can eat the laddo which he likes the most, Mahesh tries to reach them but he steps back, she says he is thinking if something is mixed in them but he must be relieved since she hands not mixed anything, she eats one in front of him, he also starts taking them one by one, Preeta starts crying when she apologizes to him, she knows she promised that she will take him to his family, and he will get healthy really soon but it is taking her a lot of time, she is living with the family members even then they do not support her, and since he is not healthy so she doesn’t have his support. Preeta assures him that she would surely win since he knows that she does not accept defeat, she will take him back to his former and true life, after which she will get back the strength since he is her strength, he must wait for some time. Preeta replies she even has to complain to him because she does not care if anyone else supports her, but Karan is really difficult to understand, he sometimes says that he loves and cares for her but the other times he does not even listen to her, Preeta asks Mahesh to give her the box but he insists on eating them all, she is forced to snatch the box from him.

Karan is walking when Natasha reveals that her old phone has the Mantar which will make Mahesh feel nice, Preeta is snatching the laddo, he questions why is she doing but Preeta thinks if she tells him that he is diabetic, Karan would realize she cares for him, Preeta leaves revealing she also wants to eat them. Natasha tries to instigate karan informing she knows Mahesh is not well but Preeta has no feelings anymore since what was wrong in letting Mahesh eat some more ladoo, yet she had to snatch it from his hand, and if he was her father then she would have broken Preeta’s hand, karan leaves in anger while Natasha smiles that her plan is working.

Preeta is in her room, Karan questions what was the reason to do what she did in the basement, Preeta replies because he was going to eat all of them and even she wanted to have a few, Karan questions what is wrong with her, she knows how much he likes the laddo, so what was wrong in letting him eat them, Preeta tries to explain with an example stating they would not give fire to a child if he insists on playing with it, Karan does not understand, Preeta replies she is trying to explain with an example that Mahesh papa is diabetic and if she had allowed him to eat all of those laddo then his sugar levels would have spiked, they need to take care of him. Karan warns her to stop giving such examples advising that she should stop doing all this if she does not know how to do it, he questions how is she managing such a large business empire when she cannot even do these chores, Preeta gets shocked.

Precap: Preeta hears Sherlin telling Prithvi about changing Preeta’s name to his on the property papers and they will do such a way that no one will have a clue that Preeta’s name was written there before.

Update Credit to: Sona

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