Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 21st February 2023 Written Episode Update: Prachi decides to adopt Khushi

Kumkum Bhagya 21st February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Doctor asking who is this cute girl, I never saw her before. Ranbir says she is Khushi. Khushi says my name is Khushi. Doctor says he made her understand. Ranbir says else your doctor’s degree would have failed. Doctor says acidity and heart attack symptoms are same, but it was acidity. Pallavi, Ranbir and Aryan tell that she shall not have any oily stuff etc. Dida says I just had tea in morning. Pallavi asks why you didn’t have breakfast, I had given you. Doctor asks her to have medicine, and asks if I shall go. Dida says there was no advantage to come here. Doctor says Khushi will take care of you. Pallavi asks Khushi to take care of her and goes. Ranbir goes to Pallavi and asks why you are smiling. Pallavi says you will not understand. Ranbir asks you tell that I am

an understanding person and asks her to tell the reason for her happiness. Pallavi says I am feeling as if a big sadness and pain is gone, it seems like everyone’s laugh got a life. Ranbir and Aryan ask her to make them understand. Pallavi tells that she feels that khushi’s arrival brought happiness in their life. Ranbir says even he feels that sadness was never in his life, she is a ball of happiness. Pallavi says when Mummy ji fell down, she was calm and perfect and asked me to call doctor and she didn’t get worried even once. She asks when did you meet her? Ranbir tells that once she saw him sad and dropped the flower on his lap, when he was in car. He says since then, they are meeting accidentally and she has brought happiness in his life. Khushi tells Dida that she is like small child, who wants everyone’s attention. Dida says you don’t know how it pains when heart attack comes? She says you don’t know acidity.

Khushi tells that she doesn’t drink tea, but Maayi drinks and tells that she was selling flower there when she had fallen down. She says she helps Maayi to sell flowers. Dida says I am not making excuses. Khushi says even I act, but Maayi asks me to get up and get back to work. She asks Dida to come out. Dida asks Priya where is Pallavi and others. Priya says Pallavi Maam is making soup and Ranbir and Aryan are with her. Khushi says shall we play? Priya says Dida is unwell. Dida says we will sit and play. Pallavi, Ranbir and Aryan come there. Pallavi asks why did you come here? Dida says Khushi has brought me here. Pallavi asks her to drink soup. Aryan says you are unwell and will get soup only. Khushi whispers you are trapped due to acting. Dida refuses to have soup, and asks Pallavi not to become her Saas. Khushi says you scold fakely. Dida says I didn’t get heart attack, but acidity and will not drink soup. Khushi asks her to have soup and says whoever loves me, agrees to my sayings. She says you will have soup as you love me. She asks her to open her mouth, and makes her have soup. Pallavi says thank god Mummy ji have soup.

Ranbir gets a call. Khushi makes Dida finish the soup. Dida tells Pallavi that Khushi works with her mother, she has a flower shop. Khushi asks do you need anything? Pallavi asks her to bring special flower. Khushi says ok fine. She misses Prachi and reminisces her. They ask what happened? Khushi says she didn’t tell her Maayi that she came here, and asks for phone. Aryan gives her phone. Khushi goes to side and calls Laali. Dida tells Ranbir that she is missing her great grand daughter. Ranbir tells that even he miss Panchi seeing Khushi. Dida says we shall adopt a girl to complete our lives and says infact we shall adopt Khushi. Ranbir says Khushi already has a mother, how can you say this. Khushi is worried calling Laali.

Prachi finds Khushi’s bangle and says Khushi…She smiles thinking of Dadi’s words. Naina song plays…..She thinks if this can happen, if I can become Khushi’s Mamma. She says if this happens then I will feel good, I will get my Panchi. Pallavi asks why this can’t happen. Ranbir says why Khushi’s mother will give her daughter for adoption. Dida says she can give, and tells that hearing her, I felt that she is not a good mother. Ranbir recalls Laali asking for money. He says Khushi’s mother had sent her with rich woman, to get clothes for her. Pallavi says which mother sends her daughter with someone. He gets a call and goes. Dida asks Pallavi to talk to Ranbir. Pallavi says I will talk to him and will ask him to bring Khushi home.

Pallavi sees Khushi crying and asks what happened? Khushi cries and hugs her. Pallavi says what happened? Khushi says Maayi is very angry. Pallavi says I will come with you and make her understand. Khushi says don’t do this, she will get very angry. She asks her to ask Shiv to drop her home. Pallavi asks who is Shiv? Khushi says your son Ranbir Kapoor. Pallavi says he is really Shiv and hides his pain.

She says you have come, everything will be fine, I will call your Shiv now. She goes. Prachi comes to Dida’s room. Dida asks her to come. Shahana asks her to tell whatever she wants to tell. Dida says we shall get her marriage done, and then only her childishness will go. Shahana says you have to come with me to stop the fight between me and my children, as we will fight when they steal my chocolate. Prachi says she came to talk about adoption. Shahana asks adoption. Prachi says I thought to make Khushi as my Khushi, and we can bring her in our life and home, to complete me. Shahana gets happy and says my sister will become mother.

Precap: Prachi tells Dadi that they will offer money to Khushi’s Maayi along with adoption. Ranbir gives 4000 Rs to Laali and asks her not to scold Khushi. Laali says it seems she is your daughter and not me. Dadi says if she agrees then khushi will be here, with us.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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