Categories: Krishna Mohini

Krishna Mohini 11th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Krishna learns Mohan’s truth

Krishna Mohini 11th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mohan getting decked up as a girl. He says I will do what I like for the last time. He dances and hears the bangles sound. He asks Maa to look at him, he looks like her daughter. He says Krishna doesn’t know what I want, how will she understand, she dreams a lot for me, if her dreams break, then her heart will break, I can’t see that. He sits crying. He says I can’t do this further, I m tired, my letter might have reached Krishna by now. Krishna cries and says it will be late till I take police’s help. Mohan says sorry, this will be good for us, you don’t need to hear anyone because of me. He prays for Krishna. Krishna prays for Mohan. She says you have to prove that you exist, save Mohan, if anything happens to Mohan, then I will not forgive you. She thinks of talking

to Mohan. She recalls his fav place and says is Mohan there. She runs to find him. Sid says I don’t know about Krishna.

Kundan says call that waiter. Sid says I don’t remember that waiter’s face. Kundan warns him. Sid says stop blaming me, I don’t know when Aryaman went after Krishna. Ananya says Sid didn’t go after Krishna, why did you go, Aryaman, say something, are you cheating on me, do you like Krishna. Aryaman asks what did you say, we know each other since childhood, you think so because of me, I can never cheat in relations, I was wrong, if you don’t trust me, then lets end it right away. Kundan asks what are you saying, you are angry. Aryaman says no, its not a small thing for me, Srijala blamed me, trust is imp, if Ananya doesn’t trust me, then this relation has no meaning. Ananya says lets talk about it, I get angry soon, you know me, I can’t lose you, I m sorry, forgive me. Mohan walks to the edge. Krishna comes running and stops him. She gets shocked seeing Mohan in girl’s clothes. She asks Mohan to come to her. She asks why did you deck up as a girl, come to me, don’t do this. Mohan says just go away. Krishna says you are wearing mum’s clothes and going to die to get mum, what about your sister, how will I live alone, I will fight the world for you, just come. Mohan says this thing doesn’t have a solution, I m tired living this dual life, this is my truth, I had hidden it from you. Krishna asks what truth, tell me. Mohan says you don’t know my truth, I m taking this step to end my pain. She hugs him and cries. Mohan says I want to become like you. Krishna asks what do you mean. Mohan says I want to become a girl like you. Krishna asks what, you are a guy, how will you become a girl. He says you won’t understand, mum understood me, she had let me wear a frock. Krishna says every mum does that in childhood. Mohan asks why do they think its wrong now, if I have a wish to get ready as girls, why isn’t it normal. Krishna worries.

She says you are a boy. Mohan says no, I m different, my heart is like a girl. Krishna says come home, everything will be fine, forget all this. She removes the earrings and bangles. She says its my mistake, you are very nice, you are my brother. Mohan says stop it, no one will understand this truth, so let me die. Krishna slaps him. She scolds him. She says promise me, you won’t do this again, else you will see my dead face.

The episode ends

Update Credit to: Amena


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