Fan Fiction

KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 7

In the previous episodes we had an introduction to the characters of Sunny and Kiara and their dreadful PAST, in the coming episodes you will get to see more of them and their role in the story of LOVE and WAR between the siblings

At Mehra Mansion

Priyanka comes to Rhea’s room and asks her “What happened, you did not want go on with my plan earlier but why did you change your mind???” Rhea recalls how she saw Ranbir and Prachi together and Aliyah’s words of how her Mother being a “MIDDLE CLASS WOMAN” destroyed her booji’s life by bringing a third woman in their marriage. Rhea tells her that “Just that I can’t take any risks with Prachi, I don’t want her to come in between me and Ranbir”, Priyanka “Good you took the right decision, Rhea, Now tell me what was that guy’s name whom you told LOVES Prachi”. Rhea tells her “SANJU, He and his good for nothing brother keep hanging around our college to stalk Prachi, but till now they have not succeeded” Priyanka asks her “Can we meet them today???” Rhea tells her “Yeah, I will take you to them” Priyanka says “Great, Soon Prachi’s heart will be broken in such a way that she will be out of your way completely and Ranbir will be yours and yours only”. Rhea is not really relieved with the plan, but she gives out a fake smile to Priyanka.

At Abhi’s Office

Abhi goes inside his cabin and remembers Priyanka’s words about Rishi “I really need to do something about this guy Rishi otherwise he could pose a danger to any girl later!!!! His secretary knocks on the door and comes and informs him that one Mr. Sunil Sharma has come to meet him, He asks her to let him inside, Sunny comes inside and is overwhelmed to see him, his eyes fill with tears as he thinks “You have not changed at all Chachu”. Abhi asks him to get inside and have a seat, Abhi does not look up onto Sunny’s face, Abhi tells him “Well ours is such a REPUTED company that we never give any posts to FRESHERS, but I don’t understand for such an important project as “COSTUME DESIGNING FOR INTERNATIONAL CONCERT, Priyanka has recommended your name.” Sunny remembers Priyanka’s conditions for getting this post “He tells Abhi. Maybe Priyanka Ma’am understood that there can be none better than me who can do this job well”. Abhi is surprised at his answer and looks up onto Sunny’s face and remarks “I think you are OVER-CONFIDENT”, Sunny replies “Confidence is one of the most important elements to start something Sir, VICTORY or FAILURE, we need the CONFIDENCE to face it however it comes”; Abhi is left astounded, his memory takes him back where in the fb it is shown him saying the same words to KIARA and SUNNY, he becomes emotional. Fb ends. Abhi continues “Well I should say that you do have a good attitude to deal with PEOPLE, I owe the credit to your PARENTS, who have given you a good upbringing”. Sunny gives a sad smile and tells him “I made this attitude and personality on my OWN Sir, because I’m an ORPHAN, I didn’t have any one to teach me how to deal with LIFE”. Abhi is left speechless. He asks him to show some of the sample designs which he has and after seeing his designs he gets really impressed, I should say “No matter Priyanka recommended your name, Your designs are really unique” Sunny thanks him smilingly “Thank you Sir”. Abhi asks him “Go and meet Mr. Purab Khanna and Mr. Vikram Kohili, they will explain to you the other details of your JOB, I HOPE you will never disappoint me”. Sunny gets up and takes his leave saying, “Never Sir”. Abhi nods his head and calls Vikram on his phone informing him about Sunil.

When Sunny enters Vikram’s cabin, Vikram looks at him and is surprised “You look really YOUNG, about my son’s age, Impressive huh, it’s not easy to convince Mr. Mehra to recruit freshers for such important and sensitive PROJECTS, you must be really talented, I will ask my son to take his lessons from you”. Sunny smiles “Well thank you sir, Mr. Mehra asked me to get my job details from you and Mr. Khanna Sir” Vikram tells him “Well I’m the co-ordinator of the INTERNATIONAL CONCERT, I’m mostly dealing with the venue, event management and number of participants; I will inform you about the quantity and quality of clothes for the costumes of participants, since you are going to concentrate more on the designing of costumes of the PARTICIPANTS, you will have to talk to Mr. Khanna.” Sunny says “Fine Sir”, He turns back and is about to leave when something flashes in his mind “He turns to Vikram again and asks “Sir you told you are the one who is deciding the Venue, right, Did you finalize the venue Sir???” Vikram lets out a groan “Arrey, that is the problem no!!!This is the Diwali Season and  most of the best venues are already booked 4-5 months back, and since we signed this deal of International Concert just last month, it’s impossible to get a good venue for this event.” Sunny says “Sir. If you don’t mind, can I suggest something???” Vikram “Yeah, go ahead tell me” Sunny the major attractions of such concerts are today’s youngsters, So, this concert would be a great success if it is organised in the college where Mr. Mehra’s daughter and Mr.Khanna’s son studies. Vikram eyes grow big in wonder “Wow, that’s a great idea man, even before starting the job, you are impressing your boss, Not bad!!!” Sunny says “Thank you, Sir”, Vikram says “I will talk to Mr. Mehra about it immediately, I’m sure he too would love your idea, in fact the Fashion event and the concert can take place the same day, which is during DIWALI”, As Vikram finishes, Sunny makes his leave while grinning, “That’s makes my plan even more easier”.

At Mehra Mansion

Aryan comes downstairs and calls Ranbir “Come on, stop your make-up, we are going to the college not a ramp walk”, He walks forward addressing Ranbir without noticing Mishti in the front, he collides with her and she falls into his arms, he gets hurt and takes her up and scolds her “You and your brother are the same, just obsessed with FASHION, if you are not able to balance on HEELS, why do you use them??? To impress men???” Mishti is irritated and replies “Oh hello, I’m already good-looking that I don’t need to use extra get-up to impress boys, I was just practicing walking on heels for performing in the FASHION EVENT” Aryan is surprised “What??? When did you enrol for that???” Mishti replies “When Rhea did!! So, Bhabhi and Nanad are going to participate together for the Fashion Fiesta”, Aryan says “Okay then, All the Best!!”, Mishti thanks just when Ranbir arrives what are you doing with my sister Aryan??? Are you flirting with her??? Aryan replies “Dude, I’m not like you”, Ranbir stares at him and says “Keeping Prachi as your favourite has made you start talking like her, shall we move???” Aryan says “Yeah, but wait let me call Dad and ask him, he has become a little insecure after my accident”

At Pragya’s House

The telephone rings, Madhu picks the call, Abhi on the other side tells her that he wants to talk to Rishi, Rishi is seen having breakfast with everyone. Madhu informs him about his boss’s call. Rishi comes forward and takes the call, Pragya looks on, Abhi shouts at him “Listen I know you have been blackmailing Priyanka in order to get your job back, but let me inform you something, I’m not taking you back because I’m scared of you, but because I really love my niece, don’t you dare do anything wrong again!!! Come and join the office TODAY!!!” Abhi hungs the phone immediately, Rishi is rather disturbed at his words, Pragya notices that he is tensed.

To be continued


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